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Statement from anarchists about the attack on US

w@ | 12.09.2001 16:17

Innocent people never deserve to die for their country or because of their country

see an excellent analysist on the situation in the US following the attack by an anarchist group.

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whose to blame

12.09.2001 21:33

i think wats happened over in the usa, is innocent people have died, directly becos of their governments callous disregard for their safety, u cud say the american government hav killed their own people due to their active support and nuturin of the crazed right wing neonazi maniacs taliban and also bin laden. i think we can lay the blame for this atrocity at the door of the intelligence agencies and black ops who thought it were a good idea to finance and encourage neonazi muslim fanatics in their fight against the russians.

mrs Thatchur

was it really unexpected?

13.09.2001 04:14

When I saw the news a chill went down my spine. It was the same as with the kosovo war and the bombing of Irak.
After listening, reading and searching for the news an idea struck me. It may or may not be. But it is possible and not without reason.
Could the US have had something to do with it? I´m not saying that they perpretrated the terrorism act themselves but maybe, and only maybethey aloud this to happen. What could be better than this to impose their world policy? No country is going to critisize it now if it takes action against arab countries. Except the arabs themselves. Increased policing over the world to defend its interests will also be possible and it won´t have to defend the "Son of Star Wars" program that the killer they´ve got as a leader wants to develop to further increase their power.
By allowing low security in US air travel they were almost telling them, no, asking them to do it. The low security levels were noted by a comission, with Al Gore leading it, set up during the Clinton administration to investigate this issue.
They knew the threat was there and they didn´t take the steps necessary to prevent it. They stoped something like this happening a few years ago so they knew it was possible.
I don´t know. Maybe I´m just being too critic with the US and it trully took them completely by suprise.
Im sorry for the victims of this tragedy, but also for the victims of Palestine and other countries which now seem to be less important.
I hope I´m completely wrong. That it hasn´t been in this way and that US politics instead of worsening will improve. Am I asking too much?

Daniel Boyden
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13.09.2001 08:41

While countless hundreds of thousands of innocent people are dying in poor countries as a result of wars, famine, floods, earthquakes, lack of access to sanitation or medicine, all I can do is make jokes:

They've renamed the Pentagon - now it's called the Square....

I visited New York the other day - found the architecture quite plain...


us involvement in disaster

13.09.2001 11:01

re the idea that the US may have had involvement in the recent disasters.
yes that may well have some truth in it. they certainly seem to have been really lax in allowing it to happen.
but, let's not delude ourselves. with or without these horrible events, they always have had 'carte blanche' to do whatever they want to anyone they choose to label 'arab' or 'terrorist', or for the ones they really hate: the double hit of 'arab terrorist'. those two words together are all they have ever needed to attach to anyone they want to be able to slaughter.
no-one with any real power ever has defended the people of the middle-east or anywhere else when america has carried out atrocities upon them. or when agents acting on their behalf have done so (eg 'state of Israel').
similar goes for star wars, in that if bush really wanted it to happen it would have happened regardless. regardless not only of international opinion, but also of the opinion of 'ordinary' americans. i'm sure it still will happen, also regardless of the plain fact that star wars would not have in any way prevented these airplane attacks at all.
however, back to the arab question. all i can say is please be aware, wherever you are, of the real fear going on in the heads and hearts of all muslims & arabs around the world. when shit like this happens, 'ordinary' people get attacked on the streets and in their homes. other 'ordinary' people take it upon themselves to act on their inherent racism/anti-arab-ism/islamaphobia. it won't be confined to governments. it won't be confined to america. british muslims, for example, that i know are really really scared already at the effect this will have on the atmosphere around where they live.
let's do all we can to show that we do understand the complexities of this, we are all humans sharing a planet, and muslim people are people with individual & unique thoughts and feelings. it is not enough now to be an armchair anti-racist, we're gonna need to demonstrate through our talk and our actions what we know to be right, and help our friends to feel safe from personal attack. no-one feels truly safe, obviously, this could be a world-war, but safe from personal attack i mean.
thanks for reading this lil rant.... see you at the demonstrations for peace....

ms demenor
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13.09.2001 12:30

America needs enemies to justify it's warmongering, so it invents them.


re: Simple - aptly named

13.09.2001 13:03

America invents enemies to justify its warmongering? You silly, soft-minded, lame-brained, vacuous, slack-jawed cunt. Whatever the rights and wrongs - frequently the wrongs - of American foreign policy, "invented" enemies don't successfully butcher several thousand people.

You idiotic fuckwit.

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"Such a perfect democracy..."

13.09.2001 13:17

"Such a perfect democracy constructs its own inconceivable foe, terrorism. Its wish is to be judged by its enemies rather than by its results. The story of terrorism is written by the state and it is therefore highly instructive. The spectators must certainly never know everything about terrorism, but they must always know enough to convince them that, compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable, or in any case more rational and democratic." Guy Debord in 'Comments on the Society of the Spectacle' (1988)

Harry Roberts
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For Aidan

13.09.2001 13:34

Hey, Aidan

Nothing like (self) rightous anger, is there? Now try and imagine how peolpe have felt/feel in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Central America, Lybia, Palestine, Iraq, Sudan...the list goes on and on and on. I just wonder how many Americans would behave had they been subjected to anything like the violence and terror that the American state has dished out over the past few decades. It's pointless to say more...


e-simple is as e-simple does

13.09.2001 13:59

Perhaps simple was referring to the fact that Bin Laden and other terrorist 'organisers' purposfully lose touch with each trained cell they send out. These groups are trained to act by themselves and organise themselves so that taking out one group will not lead to the destruction of similar cells. This is also why taking out Bin Laden will not stop the violence. Perhaps this Simple should try qualifying his statements but much of todays e-youth have never been trained in the art.

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Anon - read my lips

13.09.2001 14:24

Dear Anon (c'mere and show yourself),

Read the message again - I'm well aware of the horrors wrought by American imperialism, and I abhor them. But the chap who wrote Simple is, regardless, a gobshite.

Love n' hugs,


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Media Hypocracy

13.09.2001 16:31

Have you noticed how the media is full of condemnation for the terrorists who did this outrage because it occured on American soil. Yet when NATO war planes were bombing Iraq and later Serbia where was the condemnation for those acts of violence. The Gulf war of 1991 was far worse than what happpened on Tuesday 200,000 Iraqis were killed in that war and Iraqi cities carpet bombed and reduced to rubble, yet instead of being full of condemnation the worlds press was praising the armed forces involved in these atrocities as heroes. The same goes for the bombing of Serbia in 1999 and countless other acts of terrorism carried out by NATO forces.


re: Simple, Aptly named

13.09.2001 23:39

Ok, Ok, I see your point... but the US may have (if we follow the current trend of blame without evidence, mind...)created this paticular enemy in a very real way- By training 'terrorists' when they were useful in US foreign policy and then turning on them when they are no longer useful. e.g bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight Russia during their ocupation of Afghanistan... for more info

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who's the real monster...

14.09.2001 08:02

the american government has his hands dirty and
there is no doubt about it , what infuriates me is that
the people here don't seem to have the smallest
clue about it and they are just running around screaming vendetta and pulling out all their flags
to show their patriotism.The ignorance here is
incredible! Nobody even knows about the recent
bombing on Iraq.
What Americans must realize now, is that they are
no longer safe and cushioned from the reality that
the rest of the world has been living for a long time
already....go ask the south-americans....

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to Daniel Bodyn

14.09.2001 08:23

No,my friend,you are not asking for much.....
you are simply on your way to wisdom.....
many hugs !!

mail e-mail: zebland@hotmail

joke anyone?

14.09.2001 10:14


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To Aiden---with pity

14.09.2001 10:50

The US and the UK have armed Iraq, trained Bin Laden, saturated Africa in weaponry, ‘leaked’ nuclear weapons to Russia, China, Pakistan, India and gave it freely to Israel. They created Mengistu, Pinochet, Suharto and Pol Pot and have instigated every civil war, bar none!

You are clearly unaware of how the CIA, MI6, KGB and MOSSAD (all allies) operate.

As conflict escalates as a result of such calculated "retaliation" the pressure for centralisation of military power and the willingness to concede that power by the populations of America and elsewhere will gather until the world army is in place, a world army with the power to attack and take over any country that their propaganda machine can demonise.

The idea that Bin Laden from the mountains of Afghanistan with far more mouth than substance could be the "Mr. Big" of this enormous operation is utterly insulting to anyone of even basic intelligence (see the article by journalist Robert Fisk, who has met him). We are not talking a parcel bomb here, nor even some mind-controlled fanatic driving a car bomb into a restaurant in Jerusalem. Four commercial airliners had to be simultaneously hi-jacked in American air space via American airports and flown into highly specific targets within 45 minutes of each other. How was this possible? Because it was an inside job, that's how, orchestrated by forces WITHIN the United States and planned by the highest levels of U.S. "Intelligence" in co-ordination with other strands of the Illuminati spider's web worldwide.

With an army now of mind-controlled assets at their disposal, it is possible to get them to do anything they require once the mind is programmed and the trigger given to activate them. Those responsible for hi-jacking those planes and flying them into buildings will, in their conscious mind, have believed in the "cause" they were programmed to believe in. But in truth they were not hi-jacking and flying those planes, their programming was. Mind control is now so sophisticated that such programming is almost child's play.

So if I may return your criticism, you fuck-wit, dick-head, arse-hole, tosser, wanker, bastard, brainwashed, idiot cunt!

Simply HAD!

re: Simple - again

14.09.2001 11:11

All together now - I know what the States, Mossad, MI6, etc. are capable of - look at my messages for more than an instant, and you'll see that. What I dislike is the kind of attitude that's being displayed here, a suggestion that they brought it on themselves. That justification is no justification at all, and smugness at America brought low is one step along the path that led to this atrocity - and, before anyone else jumps down my throat, the countless atrocities and barbarisms perpetrated by Western powers. So, there we go, a condemnation of all violence rather than the sneaking approval which I detect in some of the messages here.

And anyone who can't spell my name when it's printed clearly on the screen isn't fit to suck the shite from my arsehole, you gibbering clown, you scum-faced fucknut, you Tory.



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what goes around comes around

14.09.2001 12:52

Ive seen reports comparing what happened in new york to pearl harbour. There is no comparison, when pearl harbour was attacked the rest of the world was at war, if pearl harbour was never attacked, america would not have gotton involved. The end of the war came with what has to be one of the worst atrocities to happen to the world, 210,000 innocent civilians wiped off the face of the planet in two fell swoops! Japan were waving the white flag of surrender, the bombs were dropped for one reason only, to show the rest of the world, dont fuck with us american's.
Britain has been suffering from terrorist activity for 30 years, but as soon as the states is attacked, its a different matter altogether isnt it?
One final thing which i must say is this, launch all the nukes now, that is the only way this planet will survive, yeh thats right, wipe the only true menace from the earth, us homo spaiens(HUMANS). We are like a deadly plague sweeping over the planet, devouring everything in our path, we only know how to destroy. I am not a religous person, but in the bible it clearly states, the meek shall inherit the earth. THINK ABOUT IT!
What happened on tuesday morning was a tradgedy, but we have no one to blame but ourselves it is the human condition, evil begats evil.

simo out.....

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what goes around comes around

14.09.2001 12:52

Ive seen reports comparing what happened in new york to pearl harbour. There is no comparison, when pearl harbour was attacked the rest of the world was at war, if pearl harbour was never attacked, america would not have gotton involved. The end of the war came with what has to be one of the worst atrocities to happen to the world, 210,000 innocent civilians wiped off the face of the planet in two fell swoops! Japan were waving the white flag of surrender, the bombs were dropped for one reason only, to show the rest of the world, dont fuck with us american's.
Britain has been suffering from terrorist activity for 30 years, but as soon as the states is attacked, its a different matter altogether isnt it?
One final thing which i must say is this, launch all the nukes now, that is the only way this planet will survive, yeh thats right, wipe the only true menace from the earth, us homo spaiens(HUMANS). We are like a deadly plague sweeping over the planet, devouring everything in our path, we only know how to destroy. I am not a religous person, but in the bible it clearly states, the meek shall inherit the earth. THINK ABOUT IT!
What happened on tuesday morning was a tradgedy, but we have no one to blame but ourselves it is the human condition, evil begats evil.

simo out.....

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less insults and schoolyard name

14.09.2001 13:03

whilst blair positions himself even closer into US and further away from mainland european policy, whilst pakistan, libya and iran are forced to make at least symapthetic noises to support a US phoney war against "international terrorism" and whilst we see the attack on the pentagon sidelined for the more newsworthy media-exploitative wtc bombing, here on anarchist comment people are playing schoolyard name-calling games.
please grow up! the next anti-IMF demo was due to be in DC. If the IMF goes ahead meeting in DC, which it might do to for publicity purposes, how likely does anyone think there will either be a strong US opposition demonstration, and how sympathetic will the US be to anti-capitalists arriving by plane to dsemonstrate? The movement gained considrabl strength from the seattle demonstrations but liberal/socialist feeling in the USA will be quietened by this bombing, that is on reason why it is important o talk up this as WAR in the western states, it helps to silence critics. In one sense it makes no difference who did tis attack, or who the USA blame, what is important is what effect it will have on govt policy both with regard to foreign policy and internal tolerance of criticism.

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Re Anon - read my lips

14.09.2001 13:14

Dear Aiden,

The feeling i get from your intro line (Dear Anon (c'mere and show yourself),) is that you would like to instigate violence against 'Anon'. If that feeling is incorrect, i apologise, but if that feeling is correct then you are a part of the problem not the solution.

We all realise sooner or later that the civilisation (sic) that we live in is based on violence and it cannot be changed for the better by using violence against it - that only gives the politicians' masters more excuses to restrict us further.


hi, Paul

14.09.2001 13:36

to clarify - "c'mere and show yourself" was light-hearted banter, meant entirely in jest. I see how it could be misconstrued, however.

And Paul, I'm with you all the way, my friend (see, I haven't even sworn in this one. Yet).

Back to the last "Simple" message - aren't the Illuminati those lizards that David Icke claims rule the world? I mean, come on, people, the world's a scary enough place without coming up with such mind-bendingly laughable crap...

love to all,


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Mist the point

14.09.2001 13:39

The comment about the US needing enemies, I believe to be perfectly valid. The US has always squeezed money out of Congress in order to protect its citizens. Although not so much 'inventing' enemies as using the middle east or eastern europe as an excuse to increase defense spending. And as we all know this is not to purely protect themselves or the lives of others. It is to create allies and make sure that the US has its fingers in all the pies. Just take for example Israel. Huge (and we're talking massive)amounts of money were thrown at the Israelli government to ensure that the US had an important and influencial ally in an area where anti-US feeling and fundementalism is rife. This has been the case for many years and as with Iraq most of the time it has blown up in their faces and then they fly in to save the day (as with the Gulf war) when in fact they started most of the trouble.

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Shock Horror: Some people died this week!

14.09.2001 14:25

I think that the deaths are shit - however the fuss over them is out of proportion compared to the fact that something like 17,000 babies die EVERY DAY on this planet due to poverty - poverty caused by a system perpetrated by many of the companies who worked in those buildings. The outrage of these deaths (of mainly white, middle-class americans) is basically rascist - it also bears a disturbing resembalence to the death of Diana - a single person. It seems death is more important the richer the person is (and the whiter and more western).

No-one who was in those buildings can be considered wholly innocent - they could all have done more improve the world and themselves than spend their lives working in a 100 floor skyscraper for rich financial instituions who were busy raping the third world. They probably weren't guilty enough to deserve what happened to them though. All of us who live in the west and participate in any form in the capitalist system are in one way or another guilty of perpetrating its continuation - this guilt must be taken in context though and there is no need to go round flagellating ourselves over it - the system is currently a fact but it doesn't mean we can't strive to sort it out.

Unfortuneately the description of TV stations, chemical works and power stations in Serbia as "legitimate targets" by NATO has in effect meant that (for anyone opposed to Western neo-liberal capitalist hegemony) buildings such as the "World Trade Centre" immediately hit the top of a list of "legitimate targets" - what else was J18 about - admittedly tactics are slightly different and so is the amount of "collateral damage" but compared to fears of nuclear/chemical/biological weapons this was a pretty good "surgical strike".

I also wish Bush and Blair would shut the fuck up about "democracy" - we all remember the farce of their elections.....

mail e-mail: hcldhvlweheh@efhoewoeh

Shock Horror: Some people died this week!

14.09.2001 14:25

I think that the deaths are shit - however the fuss over them is out of proportion compared to the fact that something like 17,000 babies die EVERY DAY on this planet due to poverty - poverty caused by a system perpetrated by many of the companies who worked in those buildings. The outrage of these deaths (of mainly white, middle-class americans) is basically rascist - it also bears a disturbing resembalence to the death of Diana - a single person. It seems death is more important the richer the person is (and the whiter and more western).

No-one who was in those buildings can be considered wholly innocent - they could all have done more improve the world and themselves than spend their lives working in a 100 floor skyscraper for rich financial instituions who were busy raping the third world. They probably weren't guilty enough to deserve what happened to them though. All of us who live in the west and participate in any form in the capitalist system are in one way or another guilty of perpetrating its continuation - this guilt must be taken in context though and there is no need to go round flagellating ourselves over it - the system is currently a fact but it doesn't mean we can't strive to sort it out.

Unfortuneately the description of TV stations, chemical works and power stations in Serbia as "legitimate targets" by NATO has in effect meant that (for anyone opposed to Western neo-liberal capitalist hegemony) buildings such as the "World Trade Centre" immediately hit the top of a list of "legitimate targets" - what else was J18 about - admittedly tactics are slightly different and so is the amount of "collateral damage" but compared to fears of nuclear/chemical/biological weapons this was a pretty good "surgical strike".

I also wish Bush and Blair would shut the fuck up about "democracy" - we all remember the farce of their elections.....

mail e-mail: hcldhvlweheh@efhoewoeh

Shock Horror: Some people died this week!

14.09.2001 14:35

I think that the deaths are shit - however the fuss over them is out of proportion compared to the fact that something like 17,000 babies die EVERY DAY on this planet due to poverty - poverty caused by a system perpetrated by many of the companies who worked in those buildings. The outrage of these deaths (of mainly white, middle-class americans) is basically rascist - it also bears a disturbing resembalence to the death of Diana - a single person. It seems death is more important the richer the person is (and the whiter and more western).

No-one who was in those buildings can be considered wholly innocent - they could all have done more improve the world and themselves than spend their lives working in a 100 floor skyscraper for rich financial instituions who were busy raping the third world. They probably weren't guilty enough to deserve what happened to them though. All of us who live in the west and participate in any form in the capitalist system are in one way or another guilty of perpetrating its continuation - this guilt must be taken in context though and there is no need to go round flagellating ourselves over it - the system is currently a fact but it doesn't mean we can't strive to sort it out.

Unfortuneately the description of TV stations, chemical works and power stations in Serbia as "legitimate targets" by NATO has in effect meant that (for anyone opposed to Western neo-liberal capitalist hegemony) buildings such as the "World Trade Centre" immediately hit the top of a list of "legitimate targets" - what else was J18 about - admittedly tactics are slightly different and so is the amount of "collateral damage" but compared to fears of nuclear/chemical/biological weapons this was a pretty good "surgical strike".

I also wish Bush and Blair would shut the fuck up about "democracy" - we all remember the farce of their elections.....

mail e-mail: hcldhvlweheh@efhoewoeh

nice one, dubious

14.09.2001 14:55

I agree, more or less. Perhaps your description of the dead as inevitably not innocent was a bit much, but I see your point (and hell, I work for a massive international publishing company, so I'm probably guilty as sin). As for the furore over the massive number of deaths, you're right that the deaths of people due to poverty, anti-Iraq sanctions, depleted uranium, etc. don't get the coverage that they should, but I think that the US attacks hit home because it could so easily have been you or I on the plane or in the buildings. That was the sense I got walking home on Tuesday (I work in London) - it could have been all of us. And I think that scares people, and produces instant empathy and, in lots of cases, anger based on fear. I'm not justifying it - I never would - but I feel it's human nature. I have a friend who works in New York, and if he'd been lost, I don't know if I could feel as rational about the situation as I do (that's assuming that I'm ever rational, which is a fucking big jump).

Is anyone else having difficulty sleeping at the thought of Dubya with his neanderthal finger on the nuclear trigger?


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in reply

14.09.2001 15:34

since when have the Taliban been 'neonazis'? muppet.



14.09.2001 15:48

just to point out that I'm a different aidan to the writer of previous messages above.


Aidan mk. II

14.09.2001 15:55

you are obviously not me, as you don't swear enough. Nice to know there's more than one concerned Aidan out there...

Aidan McCarthy (the original and best, etc., etc.),

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