NEWSFLASH: Noborder Protests Declared Illegal In Strasbourg
IMC UK Travelling Circus | 25.07.2002 01:25
The legal teams confirms 30 arretsts and 12 people missing as of 10pm strasbourg time.
As people returned from the protest they were met by the others from the camp with water and medical treatment, as others took vehicles into the centre of town to look for injured people.
Initial reports tell of confusion and much tear gas, there are also reports of one or more banks having their windows broken and also some other businesses - although the timing of this unclear it seems the first clashes occured around people spraypainting of slogans on buildings, just as yesterdays small scuffle with police when they used pepper spray was triggered by someone using pink chalk to write on a statue in the main square.
For reports on the demo see :

The atmosphere in the camp was quickly one of concern both for those inured and arrested, and for the overall security of the camp, where there are children on site. There has been concern since yesterdays papers ran with stories depicting the Nonorder camp participants as violent extreemists. As we write meetings in the camp are still going on to decide what should now happen. A press release is being prepared, which should assert peoples rights to communicate, move freely and demonstrate.
The camp is now calm, it seems all police liasion has been cut off, and as stated we have heard the news that all protests regarding the Noborder campaign is now illegal. What will happen we do not know, but the irony is unavoidable - that an action camp around the freedom of movement and communication is now forbidden from communicating with the rest of the city where it has been based.
Previously today a theatrical action was held outside of the militarised bunker which holds the SIS database (schengen information systaem database) that logs details of immigrants and now even only suspected political protestors in europe. A hole was dug in the ground next to the security fence and fake cables attached to a laptop - the cops really thought a security breach had occured and at first tried to smash the computer...

For freedom of movement and freedom of communication,
Strasbourg Noborder Action Camp
24th July 2002
For updates keep checking the newswire, the uk world page (

For info on the SIS and other repressive systems, legislation and policies see

IMC UK Travelling Circus
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chaos and frustration at strasbourg
28.07.2002 14:25
The people who were doing this were not discussing their actions with other groups who were going to be in the same demo. So then other activists were involved (against their will) in something they had not agreed to do, and in many cases, did not support. One consequence of this was that in some situations, a few people would have a confrontation with the police, then run away, leaving the samba bands (for example) trapped in a police charge while carrying heavy drums. A lot of people got injured in this way, and also shot by rubber bullets during the heavy-handed response of the police.
The people doing this should also remember that the police use agents provocateurs for a reason, and stupid actions like this are playing straight into their hands. Instead of having to pay a policeman to start a fight, they get a bunch of so-called-activists to do it for free. Mindless vandalism gives them all the excuse they need to brutalise and oppress people, whereas a better-thought-out action could be justified politically, and that could be used as a much more robust defence against police brutality. Instead, this kind of action makes it possible for them to dehumanise us and obscure our message. Not only that, but the people who were doing these stupid actions weren't even staying around to face the consequences of their actions, they were just running away and leaving others to take the shit/rubber bullets. This kind of action will never bring us forward in our struggle. Our actions need to be intelligent and should not alienate people. Property damage must only be used when it is carefully considered and the message is clear. Otherwise it works against us, not for us.
Many many people I spoke to, who came to the camp felt angry about the behaviour of this small group of people, and many felt that they had been used as cover for this kind of vandalism in the demos and actions. A lot of people left early from the camp for this reason.
Also, I'd just like to mention that I think the indymedia coverage about strasbourg has been pretty one-sided, conveniently glossing over the negative aspect of the camp, the demos and the actions. For example the articles talk about the action on the bridge on Monday as if it was some kind of success, when really it was total chaos and again conveyed no message to the many angry drivers who were stuck on the bridge. Repeated searches for french speakers who were willing to explain the point of the whole exercise to the drivers were fruitless. Also the action was right on the doorstep of the camp, which was strategically not very wise, as far as managing the police presence at the camp went.
Indymedia contributors have to be unbiased in their coverage. Its simply dishonest to only tell the good things that were achieved at strasbourg (and elsewhere) without the other side of the story. We need to get the whole story about these events and actions, otherwise how will we ever learn from our mistakes and get better at what we do?
31.07.2002 08:41
In the mainstream media they seemed to be reporting about "violent anti-globalisation protesters" though I didn't see any violence or anti-globalisation on the part of the protesters. So this seemed to be just another case of extreme inaccuracy, misunderstanding or even a full-blown smear campaign on the part of the media. On the other hand i think that the mediaphobia on the camp was somewhat senseless, since it becomes more difficult for journalists to write anything positive about the movement if the movement doesn't properly communicate with them.
In my mind the border-blocking action on monday was utter nonsense. You have to think what kind of actions are suitable for your political goals and how to get the message across. When a camp called "No Borders" blocks the border i think it's a case of utter mindlessness.
We need to think about strategy and tactics more carefully, folks.