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PL Booth | 05.09.2002 14:56

The Myths of Homosexuality

The Myths of Homosexuality

Not long ago, I read a Dearest Abby column perpetuating several myths about the androgynous sexually dysfunctional groups known erroneously as the "Gay" or homosexuals. How, why, and when our nation began accepting homosexual propaganda seems lost in the depths of time. We now see the results of our acceptance in APPAC, SIECUS, legal proposals of minority protection and marital status for dysfunctionals, homosexual adoption proposals, soaring teen pregnancies, public acceptance of promiscuity and abortion, epidemic AIDS among all age groups, colors, creeds, and nations and constant positive depictions of dysfunctionals in the Media. We need to fight back. Exploding some of the more popular myths is how I want to begin.
Homosexuality promotes disease, child molestation, teen pregnancy and broken marriages by promoting the idea that ‘any form of sex or physical stimulation is okay, just clean fun’, and normal. Acceptance helps destroy the moral fiber of the Nation by making divorce, abortion, and pedophilia more easily acceptable. The message is, "If your partner doesn’t satisfy your present physical desires, find another one who will." And remember, abortion pre-supposes that sex is more convenient and less threatening for women by removing THE major consequence, child rearing.
A proper purpose of government is protection of the weak from the strong. However, abortion is murder of society’s very weakest and most innocent; and it eases public acceptance of any murder, as well as the loss of any rights thought to interfere with someones personal fun. Abortion leads to accepting euthanasia. After all, if they can no longer enjoy sex, what quality of life could they be enjoying? Euthanasia thus further eases acceptance of killing by government and doctors.
How many epicenes (homosexuals) do you know personally ? How many are you actually acquainted with, male or female? Most people know none. The only ones they know or hear anything about are those so often seen or heard in the news and T.V. Did you know exposure in the news and TV is often purposefully planned? Homosexual organizations seek publicity. The more often they're seen and heard, the less unusual they seem and the better accepted they become by society. Even Rosie O’Donnell recently “came out of the closet” to admit she is a Lesbian in support of Homosexual adoptions. You can bet that she didn’t tell the Judge of her psychosis when she adopted her children.
The idea that even 10% of the population shares this particular sexual dysfunction came from the badly flawed sex studies of Alfred Kinsey (circa 1950). It's not surprising, as he was studying dysfunctionals, prostitutes, prison inmates, pederasts, sexual deviants, etc. Recent studies have revealed Dr. Kinsey himself was a bi-sexual, child molesting pedophile who should have been incarcerated for his crimes with children, and most likely would have been had not certain political supporters suppressed public examination of his methods. Instead, they claimed he was engaged in “scientific” research that protected him from the reach of such arcane laws. We can only hope these same child molestation activities will not be labeled ‘acceptable’ today though such organizations as NAMBLA (Man/Boy Love Asso.) are working toward this goal.
In 1990, the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center released an extensive study which estimated homosexuals and bisexuals combined were, at most, no more than 1½% of the total US population. Both the British Medical Journal and the US Census Bureau have published studies confirming this fact. Of course, the androgynous want you to think of them as more nearly normal and more numerous than their actual numbers. They perpetuate this myth by considerable overstatement. The more that are thought to exist, the more normal the appearance of any. Public acceptance is their greatest desire. It gives them access to our children. And that allows them to expand their deviancy and the numbers of available partners. They are forcing acceptance in our schools so they may have open access to our children.
There have been several so-called scientific, biological, and statistical studies done on possible causes (either genetic or other) of homosexuality. One of the latest, a widely advertised though badly flawed study, was by one Simon Le Vay, a neurologist or neuro-biologist, who claims to have found a tiny difference in a particular gland within homosexual brains.
Mr. LeVay is a homosexual. All 43 cadavers he studied had died of AIDS. Note that AIDS has been proven to alter normal brain structure. LeVay could not verify any of his study material as being from normal heterosexual non-HIV infected people; nor that any control group was studied. Even the very liberal California State Medical Assoc. rejected his study, considered blatant self-justification, and nothing else.
Another fraudulent study by another admitted homosexual, Dean Hamer, a National Cancer Institute researcher, claimed to have found a genetic marker. His study also lacked a non-dysfunctional control group. Not surprisingly, the study results weren't, despite attempts, repeatable by other researchers. There are no legitimate studies that have found ANY genetic predisposition what-so-ever.
Homosexuality isn't a gender problem. Studies show most dysfunctionals are really bi-sexual. Their motto appears to be "Never tell the truth and always insist the truth is a lie." It works for Marxism/Socialism. Why shouldn't homosexuals adopt this effective political strategy ?
Extensive psychological and counseling studies have uncovered the most probable causes of homosexual behavior. Homosexuality is really a psychosis in one form or another:
1. Homosexual experiences as a child and/or with an authority figure such as a teacher, counselor, or relative. Leads to acceptance of the life-style as “normal”, the purpose of so much homosexuality represented in the media.
2. Pornography, particularly of children having intercourse with adults or like gender partners. Leads to further pedophilia and becomes a self-perpetuating myth such as the propaganda supported by NAMBLA.
3. Children who have had particularly distant and/or emotionally abusive parents or who have developed irrational resentments toward the same gender parent. Leads to dysfunctional same gender relationships such as homosexuality.
4. Seduction as teens by older or adult homosexuals constitutes a large percentage. The Catholic Church has suffered enormously from priests being abused as a teen then abusing teens when adults. Leads to further abuse and pedophilia.

5. Unrequited cravings for emotional bonding with mother/father figures never known through normal family relations. Leads to dysfunctioanal sexual relationships with both genders, bisexuality, homosexuality, and pedophilia.

Acceptance is a primary desire of the dysfunctional sex lobby. In fact the media barrage of Gay themed TV shows appears to be having an affect by encouraging same-sex activities. University of Iowa researcher, Amy Butler, analyzed years of data from the General Society Survey poll taken by the Census Bureau every two years. She discovered the percentages of women claiming lesbian interludes has increased 15 fold from 1988 to 1998 - from 2/10 % to 3% of the population. For men the percentages doubled from 2% to 4%, still far below the Kinsey report but apparently increasing. John Paulk of Focus on the Family says, "This study reinforces what has been within the psychological literature for decades - that homosexual behaivior is the result of environmental factors such as social conditioning. If homosexuality were purely genetic, the rates of behaivior would remain fairly constant."

Homosexuals can change ! Despite their claims, many are really bisexuals seeking normal gratification or loving relationships. John Smol, director of Love in Action, an organization helping men and women leave the dysfunctional lifestyle, is a former epicene and now a happily married heterosexual. Thousands have left the androgynous lifestyle through the ministries of Exodus International, or counseling by psychologists such as Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Dr. Elizabeth Moberly, or Joe Dallas. Homosexuality is a learned behavior that can be unlearned. It is not normal, natural, nor built into our genetic structure nor is it rampant amongst all mammals, nor is it common amongst all societies.
Dr. Robert L. Spitzer a brave man, is a member of the American Psychiatric Association. He recently reported the results of a new study of 200 "ex-gays": "Some people can change from gay to straight, and we ought to acknowledge that," as he told the Associated Press. Sixty-six percent of the men and 44 percent of the women studied achieved what he terms "good heterosexual functioning," a sustained loving and sexually satisfying relationship with a partner of the opposite sex, as well as never or rarely fantasizing about somebody of the same sex. Dr. Spitzer's sample was not random. He cannot tell us what proportion of motivated homosexuals could achieve normal sexual relationships with members of the opposite sex. Were society focused upon restoration instead of perpetuation, this psychosis would be considered normally treatable and would largely disappear.
Gay activists have staked their political claims to normalization of unisex marriage and relationships on the analogy their dysfunctionalism is genetically equal to race; that sexual orientation is not a "lifestyle choice" but a fixed, unchangeable, probably biological characteristic. To anyone with even a cursory knowledge of sexual orientation research, this position is not scientifically tenable. Research on identical twins, for example, reveals varying rates of "concordance," but usually well under 50 percent. Though there may be some biological influences yet undiscovered, disregard the idea of a gay gene.
A leading researcher on lesbian parenting, Charlotte Patterson, pointed out in the November 2000 Journal of Marriage and the Family: "... mounting evidence suggests that, particularly for women, sexual identities may shift over time." A 1997 poll of readers of The Advocate (a major gay publication) found that 54 percent maintained either that "Sexual orientation can change" or that "We are all bisexuals." In the April ‘00 issue of American Sociological Review, Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz acknowledge that "Some lesbians relinquish lesbian identities to marry; some relinquish marriage for a lesbian identity. ... Sexual desires, acts, meanings and identities are not expressed in fixed or predictable packages." Recall the actress Anna Hecht, a former lesbian partner, now happily heterosexually married.
Homosexuals often cite studies showing most child molesters are normal heterosexuals. That's not surprising, since 98% of the population is of normal heterosexual orientation. However, epicenes molest at a tremendously higher per capita rate. This means your children are at a much higher statistical risk when under the supervision or influence of a homosexual. More than 1/3 of all molestation's are committed by homosexuals or bisexual pedophiles. Recent headlines have exposed this terrible fact. Remember the death of 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising raped to death by a Homosexual?
According to the Family Research Institute of Washington, D.C., homosexuals are at least 12 times more likely to molest children. Studies show dysfunctional teachers have committed at least 25% of all pupil molestation's and are at least seven times more likely to molest than are heterosexual teachers. Homosexuality and pedophilia differ only in the age of victims.
Naturally, pederasts wish you to hire them to care for the young and highly impressionable. What better access to create or seduce new partners than our schools? They wish to end legal discrimination based on sexual dysfunction, or immorality, which might limit their influence on your children. Why else would NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) be such a staunch and strong supporter of sexual education courses promoting homosexuality ? This is the hidden agenda of SIECUS and APPAC.
SIECUS and APPAC protect and promote dysfunctional school teachers and sex education classes that not only teach and promote dysfunctionalism but also promote homosexuality and pedophilia as normal expressions of love. Read their statements yourself.
The National Education Association, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and People For the American Way openly support SEICUS, APPAC, and sexual education courses for our school aged children starting at Kindergarten. The ACLU and PFAW are Communist organizations bent on destruction of the USA. Other similar anti-Religious groups are assisting in the fight to institute special minority status rules and laws to protect these sexual predators of our children. Make no mistake, they are predators who want sex with our children to become LEGAL.
Bill Clinton advocates protecting sexual deviants and giving them legal minority status under the law. He said he'd sign a "Gay Rights Protection Law" introduced by a Homosexual Democratic Congressman if it made it to his desk. In fact, Clinton has already given a group of dysfunctional Federal employees known as GLOBE (Gay-Lesbian-or Bisexual Employees) the same status as Federal Employee Unions. No other non-union employee group enjoys such protection.
All today’s popular media, (TV, cinema, videos, the Internet) help put forth the message that the "GAY" lifestyle is loving, caring, and monogamous. Reality is starkly in contrast. In the '92 film, The Gay Agenda, John Paulk, a reformed homosexual, states "The majority of homosexuality, especially male homosexuality, is created around anonymous sexual encounters. Long-term partners are rare - very rare. Most people don't even know where these activities are taking place and if they knew they'd be shocked, because they're going on right underneath your nose." Public restrooms and gyms (YMCA’s) are normal tryst areas.
Statistics back-up that statement. The New England Journal of Medicine reported a study of a representative group having, on the average, 106 partners per year. Best estimates of average partners per lifetime run between 300 and 500. Not even the death threat of AIDS has affected or slowed encounters very much. Homosexuals are eight times more likely to have hepatitis, 14 times more likely to have syphilis, and 5,000 times more likely to contract AIDS. Why ? Rampant promiscuity ! AIDS has killed hundreds of thousands Americans, some innocent victims of infected homosexuals.
Epicenes are hardly discriminated against in any way, much less legally. Most of them are better educated, have higher incomes, and enjoy higher professional status than normal "straights." For any Governmental or Corporate authority to discriminate in any way is the kiss of death for their careers and an opening for expensive law suits. This partially explains how dysfunctionals can mount such a high-powered, high dollar, political and cultural campaign. Large numbers are found within the ranks of our popular liberal Hollywood moneymaking media such as TV, films, and videos, even at DisneyLand. Homos are prevalent in nearly every TV sitcom.
The Bible condemns homosexuality in both the Old and New Testaments as sin, yet there are now false churches that supposedly frock gay pastors. Sex is condoned in the Bible only within heterosexual marriage. Many instances of infidelity and extramarital sex are related by the bible but those acts are uniformly condemned. Sodom and Gomorrah were utterly destroyed because of their total depravity and homosexual acts. The Bible teaches homosexuality was an executable offense and that no such “abusers” will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Beware of any church preaching acceptance. See Romans 2:21-32 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Judaism, Christianity, and Homosexuality are not compatible.
Some so-called educational material being distributed to our kids within the school systems promotes homosexuality. Titles such as Daddy's Roommate, Gloria goes to Gay Pride, and Heather has Two Mommies are just a few of the books, booklets, and brochures distributed and promoted by APPAC and such thinly veiled homo organizations as SIECUS. There is even a new record being promoted as Children songs called “Two Daddies” which is all about the homosexual theme.
From Daddy's Roommate: "Being gay is just one more kind of love."
From Heather has Two Mommies: "Heather also has two mommies: Momma Jane and Momma Kate."
Also being distributed under SEICUS is " The Teenager's Bill of Rights: I Have the Right to Decide Whether to Have Sex and Who to Have it With. I Have the Right to Use Protection When I have Sex. I have the Right to Buy and Use Condoms."
Have you seen this yet ? APPAC will see to it that your children will through their school "Sex Education" classes. It's just another method used to persuade children that condoning sex in any form is O.K., even homosexuality. Missing is the abstinence message that they also have the right to not have sex, to be virginal and chaste. Recent studies show teens who publicly promise to delay sex until marriage have greatly lower pregnancy rates and much less venereal disease but 40% of unmarried teens still become pregnant before the age of 20.
The Teen Bill of Rights is part of the "Rainbow curriculum" being pushed throughout the Nation by the NEA, the Gay and Lesbian Teacher's Association, and various other so-called Education Associations (many of which have the backing and support of the National Education Association.) Does the NEA run your schools curriculum? Is abstinence taught? Or promiscuity?
The Dysfunctional Lobbies teach acceptance so they can have access to your children. After all, the best time to recruit youngsters into these abominable lifestyles is while they are in their emotional and sexual developmental years - from 7 to 17. Never the less, the homosexual lobby is widely active on college campuses as well where such courses as “Lesbian History” is often taught as legitimate subjects.
Do 5-6-7-8 year old children really need to be taught about any sort of sexual practices? They neither know nor care anything about sex that they haven't been taught by an adult. They have NO hormones causing development or sexual awareness. Certainly they are far too young to consider sexual morality. Why aren't they being taught the values of abstinence?
Abstinence doesn't promote homosexual values, immorality, or undermine parental authority and those are the actual goals of such premature sexual instruction programs. Fornication, oral and anal sex, diaphragms, foams, creams, and condom use are all being taught to third, fourth, and fifth graders under the pretext of preventing the spread of AIDS and sexually contracted diseases. Look into APPAC, SEICUS, and your own schools' programs. Does your school's programs promote sex or abstinence ?
Many celebrities, actors, rock, folk and western singers, such as Barbara Streisand, Garth Brooks, and Candace Bergen are promoting these programs and ideas through their songs, shows, and public statements. Understandably people like "Magic" Johnson, who have found themselves condemned with AIDS, have reason to promote research into a cure but, unfortunately, their friends and fellows are promoting dysfunctional lifestyles in the name of support for the dying. Most AIDS victims are still promiscuous condemning others for mere fun!
The core issue is not and never has been homosexual ‘rights’, but whether homosexuality and promiscuity are moral, right, and good, legitimate, alternative lifestyles to be taught to our sons and daughters. The dysfunctionals may have fooled the fools of Hollywood, easily done to those who live imaginary lives, but they have not yet won the hearts of all the ordinary people.
Fight back! Get involved! Refuse to read papers and periodicals that promote androgynous lifestyles. Don't buy their records. Don't watch such TV programs and movies. Turn them off and write the Networks. Write your elected officials and, especially, monitor your school system and your children's curriculum. The homosexual agenda can and should suffer defeat.
SIECUS - The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US affirms all sexuality as healthy teaching sexual education is required from the cradle through all ages and associates civil-rights with the Gay-Lesbian movement. They have more than 50 publications available.
Their stated purpose : “Sexual orientation is an essential human quality. Individuals have the right to accept, acknowledge, and live in accordance with their sexual orientation, be they bisexual, heterosexual, gay or lesbian. The legal system should guarantee the civil rights and protection of all people, regardless of sexual orientation. Prejudice and discrimination based on sexual orientation is unconscionable.”
Their Sexuality Education Curricula
“Sexuality education is a lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about identity, relationships, and intimacy. Sexuality education is more than teaching young people about anatomy and the physiology of reproduction. It encompasses sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image, and gender roles. Parents, peers, schools, religion, the media, friends, and partners all influence the way people learn about sexuality.
SIECUS believes that young people need a broad base of knowledge about sexuality to help them establish healthy, positive behaviors. Such education should provide them with the information and the skills to take care of their sexual health now and in the future. These programs should address the biological, sociocultural, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of sexuality from the cognitive, affective, and behavioral domain.”

For additional resources, see the American Family Association web site:
Also: Focus on the Family,
P.L. Booth

PL Booth
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  1. hidden (homophobic bullshit) — andi
  2. Trash 'em — Dan
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