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mantrastic | 13.05.2003 21:42

fight the blood suckers

Today I'll be taking you inside another National Alliance
meeting, the Leadership Conference which we held two weekends ago
at the Alliance's National Office in the rolling hills of West
Virginia. A few months ago, I featured a speech from our previous
Leadership Conference by Mrs. Jan Cartwright on raising White
children. Today's broadcast will be based on the speech I gave at
this conference, entitled Loyalty. While I was at the conference
with nearly 100 Alliance families, I saw real community-building
and real physical progress taking place. There were more women
and children at the conference than ever before, and more young
people. And we were all treated to the sight of the new William
Luther Pierce Memorial Hall, which is almost completed. With a
capacity of about 400, this two-story hall will have all the
facilities needed for our even bigger conferences and conventions
in the future.

The National Alliance is the largest, longest-lived, and most
successful of any pro-White organization since World War II. In
my speech, I talk about loyalty as the key to the Alliance's
success over the years and its triumph in the future.


What is loyalty?

Loyalty is a natural quality, and it is a necessary quality.

Man is not a solitary creature. Though our race has a strong
streak of independence and a need for space and freedom, we are
still social beings, like it or not. The Jewish establishment
knows that we have an individualist tendency, and, like our other
tendencies and weaknesses, they exploit that: their promotion of
radical individualism is one way to atomize us and make us
weaker. Ironically, it is only by virtue of organized society
that the individual is able to exist.

In simpler times the isolated individual was unlikely to survive
even one severe winter or an attack by an enemy tribe. He would
have no one to assist him when he was sick or injured or
otherwise threatened. He would be unable to implement even the
simplest kind of division of labor, so his life would not only be
short but also brutish.

At a recent Alliance meeting in the Washington area, Martin Kerr
spoke about concentric rings of loyalty that must be intact for
us to live full lives and for us as a people to achieve our
destiny. He inspired me to think on the concept.

The first ring of loyalty is loyalty to oneself. Without this,
there is nothing to give.

The second ring is loyalty to one's family. Our families are the
cells of our people's body. Without them, there is no future, no
people, nothing. Even when our families do not understand the
nature of our struggle, we mustn't give up on them. Be patient,
be loving, be kind, be willing to do what it takes to show them
by your words and by your actions and by your course through life
that our Cause is a just cause, the thing that matters most.

The third ring of loyalty is loyalty to our people, our nation.
To us, this doesn't mean the false patriotism of the wavers of
plastic flags. This means loyalty, not to economic or political
abstractions or to the criminals and aliens who now rule us, but
to the people themselves, to the true descendants of those who
pledged their lives to each other in the 18th and 19th centuries
in a wild new land called America. We are their
great-grandchildren; we are all that they left behind. We should
stand together and do what is right for the next generation, and
correct the serious mistakes committed by the preceding
generation. As modern America has ceased being a nation, instead
turning into a economic zone of the Jews' New World Order, a
feeding and breeding ground for whatever cheap labor is needed at
the moment, this loyalty assumes an ever-greater importance. We
mustn't confuse non-descendants of our people with descendants,
even though they reside in America and mistakenly call themselves
Americans. The Founding Fathers explicitly said this land was for
their "sacred posterity." Their posterity means their
descendants; their children and their close kin's children. When
a Nigerian athlete enters the Olympics on the American team and
is competing against a Frenchman, which athlete represents "us"?
Which one do we cheer for? When an all-White Russian team defeats
a largely-Negro team of so-called Americans, have "we" been
defeated? These are questions of loyalty.

The fourth ring of loyalty I see is loyalty to our race as a
whole. This means that we recognize a greater loyalty than our
narrow individual and family interests, greater even than our
loyalty to the extended family of White Americans. It means we
recognize our kinship with all the Whites of Europe from the
Urals to Mediterranean to the North Sea, and with the Europeans
who colonized South Africa, parts of South America, Australia,
New Zealand, Canada, and other areas of the world where our
people have settled. These men and women are our kin and their
destiny is our destiny.

There is still yet another, outer ring of loyalty. The Alliance
alone of all organizations recognizes this outermost ring, which
goes beyond -- far beyond -- loyalty to the White race as it is
presently incarnated. This loyalty can be expressed in several
different ways. Dr. Pierce would have called it loyalty to the
Life Force. The ecologically-minded might try to explain it to
the layman as loyalty to the planet, or, more correctly, as
loyalty to life itself. I call it loyalty to the future. This
means that we recognize that our race is part of larger, evolving
whole. And it means that we recognize that our race isn't just a
biological entity taking up space on the planet and isn't it
wonderful. We recognize that we exist not only in the dimensions
of space but in the dimension of time as well, and that it is the
future of our race -- what our race has the potential to become
-- that holds promise beyond imagining. It means that we
recognize that, led by the Jews, present-day society will kill
the future of our race and lead us into the dead end of death and
extinction via wars, catastrophes, and genetic decline. It means
we recognize that the future of this planet -- and life itself --
depend on our victory and the radical transformation of society
which the Alliance embodies. This is loyalty to Life, and loyalty
to our race not so much as an end in itself but as an agent, the
only possible agent, of the future.

Of these five concentric rings of loyalty, only the first two are
even partially intact today.

One hundred years ago the third ring, the ring of national
loyalty, was mainly secure, and the fourth, racial loyalty, was
partially secure. The Jews were working hard even then at gaining
control of our society, but the advocates of racial progress were
putting up a fight, implementing eugenics laws in the United
States well before those of Germany, and putting in place by the
1920s an immigration policy which explicitly sought to maintain
and increase the nearly-all-White character of the United States
-- a policy that was so successful that by the postwar period of
1945 to 1965, America was Whiter than she had ever been.

The fifth ring of loyalty has always been the province of a small
elite who understood the monumental implications of genetics and

And so I come to the National Alliance. With the widespread
destruction of true loyalty to nation and race by our enemies,
the men and women of the National Alliance do not stand idly by.
We step into the breach. In this new Dark Age, the last three
rings of loyalty appear to be gone. But, as the scribes of the
old Dark Age preserved the writings of Classical times, so the
third, fourth, and fifth rings of loyalty are kept alive for
future generations by the Alliance.

Only the National Alliance is based on a full understanding of
our position as a people and as a race; only the National
Alliance promotes a full understanding of who we are and who is
trying to destroy us; only the National Alliance embodies the
future. That is why I gave my loyalty to William Pierce, and that
is why I give my loyalty to the National Alliance.

There are isolated individuals who are fighting on roughly the
same side as we. But isolated individuals cannot make the new
community, the new society which will arise from the
disintegration of the old. Isolated individuals must join
together in a new ring of loyalty which embodies the old in an
even stronger form: a new steel ring of loyalty to our race, to
our race's future, to the National Alliance.

These are dark days for freedom. These are days of increasing
repression. But these are also days of greatly increased
opportunities for us. Hundreds of thousands, even millions, of
people on all sides of the political spectrum are coming to an
understanding of the Jewish question. Many of these, even
leftists and members of other races, will eventually come to see
the wisdom of granting each people -- including White people --
its due and necessary self-determination and freedom.

We're handling the repression just fine. We don't fear the
modern-day Cheka: the fact that you are here listening to my
words today proves that. But we need to do more, become more
active, and give financially to the utmost of our abilities.
Let's not blow the tremendous opportunities of the present by
being niggardly with our financial support.

What do we face if we lose, or if we take the coward's path of
imagined "safety" and do nothing to stop the destruction of our
race. Let me read to you just one small example of what happens
when a people must live under total Jewish rule:

In one small area alone, four people were killed including a
child, 22 were wounded (among them eight children), three
critically. Thirty-four people were seized and taken from their
families; 29,000 square meters of homes and other buildings were
destroyed, including 36 houses, 16 vehicles, among them two
ambulances, six businesses, one school, five greenhouses, one
police station, and three other public buildings. This one small
area was shelled fourteen times and attacked by machine
gun-wielding attackers 29 times.

And those, ladies and gentlemen, were the state terrorist attacks
that occurred in this one small area in just one day. Most days
are quite similar there.
[ ]

Where is this small area which is under such intense state
terrorist fire every day? It's Palestine, ladies and gentlemen,
Palestine. And the terrorist attackers? They're the U.S.-funded
Israeli "Defense" Forces, whose behavior has become even more
savage and brutal as the attention of the TV-watching public has
been diverted to the slaughter in Iraq.

We warned you on this program on several occasions that whenever
the eyes of the world were focused elsewhere, the Israeli
government takes the opportunity to step up their killing and
dispossession of the Palestinians.

Almost every Palestinian city, town, and village on the West Bank
is now occupied by Israeli military forces. Palestinians can
hardly walk from place to place without showing their "papers" to
heavily-armed goons in uniform. When the Jewish terrorists
attack, it is tanks and missiles against an almost-starving,
nearly completely unarmed and defenseless population.
Palestinians are prevented by curfews and "emergency"
restrictions from even leaving their homes to go to work or to
shop for extended periods of time. Even transportation of relief
supplies and food has been made nearly impossible, and more than
a million and a half hapless people face serious malnutrition.

This brutal military dictatorship and reign of terror over a
brutalized subject population makes anything Saddam Hussein did
to the Iraqis pale into insignificance. Yet the Jewish-controlled
media say nary a word about it. Such is the fate of any people
who allow the Jews to rule them. Such will be the fate of America
and Europe if we do not throw off the Jewish yoke.

It will a Palestinian future for America if we fail in our task.
Those are the stakes.

Do not let divisive egotists or disinformation agents who pretend
to be on our side, and who spread anti-Alliance rumors disguised
as news stories, divert you from our path. The National Alliance
was here, fighting for our people and for the truth, when these
people were still in diapers or at schul. We are progressing
along the path of victory and nothing they say can change that.
Be loyal. As Elbert Hubbard said, "An ounce of loyalty is worth a
pound of cleverness." The National Alliance abounds in both.

As National Alliance chairman Erich Gliebe said in a speech a few
weeks ago, we also need to be persistent. This is a task for
people who will stay the course for decades, not months. Those
who jump from project to project, from organization to
organization, will have little permanent impact.

It's easy to be discouraged. Our enemies have so much power. But
remember the words of the Roman poet Ovid:

"What is there harder than stone? And what is softer than water?
Yet hard stones are hollowed out by soft and flowing water. Only
persist, and you will overcome...."

When I think of William Pierce's devotion, persistence, and
loyalty to our Cause, and what he bequeathed to us who came
after, I think of what John Wesley Crockett, the son of Davey
Crockett, said after his father died at the Alamo:

"He is gone from among us, and is no more to be seen in the walks
of men, but in his death... he slew more of his enemies than in
all of life."

Let's make Dr. Pierce's revolution come true in the hearts and
minds of our people. And then we will remake the State. It will a
revolution of which Washington and Pierce would both be proud, a
revolution worthy of the words of Francis Scott Key.

Stick to the task at hand, whatever comes. It is dark now, but
the Jews cannot stop the sun from rising.


Please subscribe to our full-color high-quality magazine,
National Vanguard.

National Vanguard has a long history of achievement and is, we
believe, the finest magazine speaking for people of European
descent today. Unlike some publications, we do not evade or hedge
on the issues of race or Jewish power. We do not apologize for
telling the truth and we do not compromise when it comes to our
people's future self-determination. National Vanguard magazine is
read by thinking people on every inhabited continent.

Let me tell you some of things we're planning for the next few

* A continuation of the brilliant and witty Postscripts essays
from the unpublished papers of Revilo P. Oliver (for whose estate
I am the archivist), one of the most learned and eminent
partisans of our race who ever lived;

* A White nationalist's odyssey to the Islamic Republic of Iran,
and what he learned there, "Inside the Axis of Evil" by Eric

* A ground-breaking report which exposes how American education
policy deliberately shortchanges White students by Anne Lawford,
a no-nonsense investigator who specializes in education issues;

* An in-depth study of violent crime in the United States and its
close correlation to the African percentage of a region's
population by indefatigable researcher Jerry Abbott;

* A report by biological scientist Michael Rienzi on the new and
revolutionary genetic test which will allow us to determine, at a
reasonable cost and with remarkable accuracy, the racial
background of anyone submitting a DNA sample;

* A moving essay on the life and work of racialist, writer, and
eugenics advocate David Starr Jordan, the first President of
Stanford University, written for us by Professor Robert S.
Griffin, author of Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds;

* And, of course, book and film reviews, the wit and wisdom of
our regular columnists Ben Parker and Bob Whitaker, along with
Victor Wolzek's continuing series of exposés of the lies of the
Jewish media bosses, "Eye on the Media"; the best letters column
in any magazine -- and much more as well.

You can get a sample copy for $5 postpaid in the US and Canada or
$8 elsewhere in the world. Write to National Vanguard Books, Box
330, Hillsboro WV 24946. Or you may subscribe and receive six
issues for $18 in the U.S., $26 in Canada, and $36 elsewhere.
National Alliance members receive double the number of issues for
the same price. Write to National Vanguard Books, Box 330,
Hillsboro WV 24946 or subscribe online at .

We hope you'll subscribe to National Vanguard magazine today, or
become a distributor by buying copies in bulk. Spread the word:
we're back and better than ever before.

Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to stay
active -- stay legal -- and keep on thinking free.



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  1. uh oh! I surfaced — dh
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