Videoactivist training for Indymedia Scotland
Imc Scotland | 09.03.2003 23:00 | Education | Indymedia | Technology
Indymedia Scotland hosted a three days event for video activists in Glasgow. The Camcorder Guerilla Weekend gave interested independent media makers a first taster of diy film-making with professional guidance, experiences and advice. Filmmakers from Undercurrents, I-Contact and Cultureshop mixed with community video workers and professional producers trained beginners and advanced camcorder activists in diy practical hands-on workshops, question and answer sessions, lessons by examining film-footage followed by a short introduction of the history of pictures and their composition.
The Camcorder Guerilla Weekend was also spiced with exceptional documentaries being shown for participants and public in the Glasgow Film Theatre and the Glasgow Media Access Centre.
[ report | report and video of red crew | Link to video of blue crew, realplayer format | Link to video of blue crew, windows mediaplayer format | Link to videos 2+3 | Camcorder Guerilla Weekend program]
Imc Scotland