Dr. David Kelly - Cause of Death
Crazy Miranda | 23.07.2003 13:20 | Analysis | Repression
a) whether the knife found at the scene in the copse belonged to Dr. Kelly, and
b) whether the prescription painkillers found at the scene had been prescribed to him.
We have seen footage of a softly-spoken man, giving measured responses to a Parliamentary Select Committee; and we have been invited to draw the conclusion that the way he has been treated by Parliament, the press and the MoD has upset him so much that he saw no alternative to taking his own life. It is important to remember, however, that his refreshingly-gentle tone of voice belied his positions as a senior UN arms inspector and as the head of microbiology at Porton Down. It seems questionable that the man whom Saddam Hussein, his chief scientists and their minders couldn't intimidate, would kill himself because a few British politicians have been mean to him.
It is also implausible that Dr. Kelly was made suicidal by press coverage. Kelly, says Tom Mangold, "spoke to lots of journalists, not for self-aggrandisement, but because he wanted them to report WMDs properly".
Mangold also says "Suicide just wasn’t David. He could handle the worst that the world could throw at anyone. He fought the Iraqi intelligence services and won. This was a man who discovered that Iraq had imported 32 tonnes of bio-growth material. He wrote the book on bio-weapons. It’s a hard field and he wasn’t a fragile man".
It's hard to see who might gain from his death; it appears to have increased the heat on the Government, the BBC and that miserable parliamentary select committee. But it appears that a lot of senior western microbiologists died in odd circumstances in the months after 9/11; this rather long chronicles them.

Crazy Miranda
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questions unanswered...
23.07.2003 15:03
the inquest hasn't been held yet.
i was listening to radio 4 the other day and they referred to dr kelly's death as a suicide when this verdict has not yet been given.
i think it creates a climate where a suicide verdict is more likely to be arrived at - a self-fulfilling prophesy, in other words. without going too weird, pre-empting the outcome of the inquest could also subtly and sub-consciously influence the coroner.
i think that there has been some very irresponsible journalism about this affair.
chad jackson
Everyone was behaving as though this was a suicide from the word go
23.07.2003 18:44
Then yesterday, saddams nippers are reported as possibly being dead. The bbc, itv and sky all start saying that they had (or have??!) loads doubles, the bodies were disfigured in the fight, the two brothers hated and avoided each and were very rarely together implying that it was not them. With all this, we were told it would take about 6 days to get a positive ID - probably through DNA. 45 minutes later the US anounced that it was definately them. How the f*(&CK did they know???? Or did the grim reaper himself tip them off?
Did they not actually kill the pair. Have they struck some kind of deal where they are claimed dead but get to live some life o riley driving an SUV around Kentucky in disguise? Or were they actually killed some time ago and the coalition decided to wait for a time when Bush and Blair desperately needed a popularity boost before they wanted to reveal it???
Whatever happened I don't beleive a bloody word of any of it!
Take Heed
23.07.2003 19:41
Miss Marple
Suicide as...
23.07.2003 20:59
beliefs vs reality
24.07.2003 00:47
It is true from my experiences that the vale of Pewsey and surroundings are a special place I once saw the biggest and brightest meteorite ever ....so close I did scour all possible sources for a mention of it (unsuccessfully).
True a well documented lay line runs throught the clump of woods.
Agreed that the pig, David Christopher Kelly (May 17, 1944 AD - July 17, 2003 AD) was apparently into local history so must have been aware of the significance of the locations ....infact this could be a case for suicide at that location.
But but but.... the linked article starts with an honourable man bullshit. So this article has no credence in my opinion as there is a lot of (mystical) judgement based assumption here.
The simple fact remains simple :: Millions of innocents were murdered in cold blood and billions more are threatened by the actions (contributed by) the pig.
The one who shall sow shall reap.
What are chemical and biological weapons good for?
29.07.2003 11:27
He was found with one wrist cut, and the preliminary verdict is suicide. At least that is what the media are sayig, and they are sticking to it like glue.
So let's pour some more facts into this pot and see what we can cook up...
I quote from it "SLITTING WRISTS OR OTHER (pathetic)
Time: Minutes if major artery cut, eternity otherwise Available: You really need a razor sharp knife. Razors are pretty tricky to hold when they are covered with blood Certainty: Uncertain if you cut an artery, highly improbable otherwise Notes: Painful at first. Danger of discovery. This is a very common suicide `gesture' and hardly ever results in anything other than a scar. A lot of will power required to cut deeply into groin or carotid arteries, which are the only ones likely to kill you. Don't bother with this method. Cutting your throat is difficult due to the fact that the carotid arteries are protected by your windpipe (feel where your arteries are with your fingertips, & slice from the side). I've seen photos of people who have used this method - the depth of the cut required is amazing. If you want to cut your wrists, cut along the blue line (vein) on the underside of your wrist, but cut deeply so that the artery underneath is exposed. Cut this lengthways with a razor or similar. The traditional hot bath does help, since it keeps the blood flowing quickly, slows down clotting, and is nice to lie back and relax in. Position yourself so that your wrists don't fall inwards against your body, blocking off blood flow."
Kelly supposedly slit one wrist. Just one.
Surely Dr Kelly, a leading expert on what makes people live and more particularly, on what makes them die, would know this.
Even more interesting is Wouter Basson's (South Africa's Chemical and Biological Warfare "Dr Death") comments on Iraq and WMD:
He said he had no doubt Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction.
"It (weapons of mass destruction) is a term that was coined by politicians who wanted
to attack Iraq, to get a stick to hit Iraq," he said.
He added that chemical and biological arms did not qualify as weapons of mass
destruction - "they are not suited to that term".
So what are Chemical and Biological weapons suited for?
Listen to old Dr Death, he knows, he has been there, done that, poisoned the T-shirt.....
Covert toxins.
Four electrocardiogram pads on his chest!
01.08.2003 21:06
I don't get it.
I saw this information on the BBC website on a report about the opening of the Hutton enquiry, along with the phrase: 'apparent suicide'.
Is this a chink in the mainstream media. Does the BBC believe what we do?
And has anyone gotten hold of the full coroner's report?
14.08.2003 22:39
Why did not the police take a more proactive line in searching for Dr Kelly once they were notified of his non return home? The police have plenty of sophisticated equipment to search for live or dead bodies eg helicopters with seachlights and heat detecting devices.
Who was the doctor who did the ECG? Was his chest shaved to make good contact for the electrodes or was it something done hastily?
If it was a rush job who was responsible?
Were there any drugs found in his system? For example hypnotics.
Did the ground beneath his body indicate he had lain there all night? Or, had he been moved from somewhere else.
Who told the police that they had seen him walking towards the place he was found?
Mr Groucher (Boucher) soon to retire
23.08.2003 10:36
I found a note in a hollow tree which said that he would be found dead in the woods. Will this help my retirement prospects?