ISM Olive Harvest Reports: International Volunteers Beaten By Israeli Settlers
ISM Media Office | 27.10.2003 16:45 | Anti-racism | World
International and Israeli volunteers were beaten by a group of young
Israeli settlers while they were accompanying Palestinian farmers
picking olives at midday today. As a result of the destruction of
approximately 250 trees by settlers, farmers from the Einabus area
were afraid to harvest their olives without the presence of
observers from Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) and the International
Solidarity Movement (ISM). Palestinian farmers are frequently
attacked on their land by settlers who are not held to account for
their actions.
Sixty-six year old John (ISM) from San Francisco and Rabbis
Ascherman and Nir (RHR) were beaten with stones and clubs by young
men (some with masked faces) from Izhar settlement. John has a
badly injured leg and is currently being treated in Rabin Medical
Centre (Beilinson Hospital) for a suspected fracture. The Rabbis
have suffered bruising but have not required hospital treatment.
For further information please call:
ISM Media Office +972-2277 4602
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The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led non-
violent initiative supported by international peace activists from
all over the world. ISM campaigns for the end of the Israeli
Occupation of Palestine using nonviolent means.
Tel: +97222774602 Fax: +97222772018

ISM Media Office