Witnesses Needed! Fairford 22 March 2003 police stop and searches outside demo.
Alice Welford | 09.12.2003 04:11 | Anti-militarism | Repression
Occasion: Police Stop and Searches of Vehicles and People during the Fairford Demo on 22 March 2003
Location of searches: Letchlade (just outside of Fairford)
Time: from 12:00-2:30pm.
Before 1pm police stopped a blue Dodge van with wooden back doors in Letchlade. During the course of the search, some harmless items were seized. Please contact us if you were in this van, or can put us in contact with the van occupants. We need to know if police allowed you to continue on your way.
At around 1:30-2:30pm police stopped a small red van. The occupants could see further along the road that three coaches were being searched. An Indymedia person with a video camera attempted to speak to at least one of the occupants during this search. During the course of the search, some harmless items were seized. Please contact us if you were in this van, or can put us in contact with the van occupants. We need to know if police allowed you to continue on your way.
The information above was obtained by Bindman and Partners lawyers (who have been granted access to police footage from the day). These lawyers are instructing their clients (150 coach passengers who were also stopped and searched by police). The information requested would be of great importance to the case.
Please contact:
Bindman and Partners
020 7833 4433 (ask for John Halford, re- Fairford Case)

Or contact the Fairford Coach Action

Alice Welford