Shooting Of Israeli Anarchist At Fence Protest
ANARCHISTS AGAINST THE WALL | 28.12.2003 15:54 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
[The following message was distributed before details of Gill injuries
were known: He lost consciousness after being shot with a live bullets in his legs which one of them was brocken. - and was taken by an ambulance. Everything was photographed by both still - and video camera - see addresses in the end.]
No to the ghetto that's being built by Jews!
No to walls between people!
Stop the occupation!
Israeli, Palestinians and international activists
Bringing down the apartheid wall in Mash'a.
In this moment, friday afternoon {seventh candle of hanuka} dozens of activists are tearing apart and breaking down the gate of the apartheid wall which is also known as the "separation fence", to enable a free passage for the people of mas'ha to their lanDs.
The activists, equiped with tools, are breaking the gate that has
remained closed since the wall was built two months ago.
The farmers, whose land is on the other side of the fence were told
that they would be able to cross through the gate to work their lands.
That promise turned out to be a methodical, crude and cruel lie. All throughout the suffocating wall the gates are remaining blocked and
the Palestinian residents remain with no access to their only source
of income.
The army is present - at the Mas'ha village gates which are located
next to Elkana settlement - and yet, its not clear how will the confrontation between the army and the activists will end. The activists are calling for a joined active resistance of Israelis
and Palestinians toward the ghettoizing policy that the Israeli government is issuing.
The action is being held as a part of The Alternative Protest Camp
Against The Apartheid Wall that started a week ago in Deir Balut.
The camp is hosting Israelis and Palestinians, and located on the path
of the Apartheid Wall, on the land of the village's elementary school.
(The building of the school was stopped due to the land being confiscated for the building of the wall.)
We invite the media that follows Ariel Sharon's promises, for the so
called evacuation of he settlements, to come and see for them selfs the land confiscating and settlement expansion operation that is operating this days. Deir Balut protest camp and other protest actions that take place and that will take place in the future will set a live and kicking alternative to the occupying, stealing and confiscating actions for which the Sharon government and the Israeli army are responsible.
For more details and for pictures and video footage from the action:
Subject: Israeli anarchist seriously injured and ISM one moderately in
activity against the apartheid wall
In activity against the apartheid wall an Israeli anarchist was
seriously injured by Israeli forces live ammunition and an internationalist by rubber bullet. They were shot at as 100 activists have damaged the wall near the village Mesha.
The activity initiated by the Anarchist Movement against the Wall (The
One Struggle collectiv)* Israel occupation soldiers shot and wounded two people during a demonstration against the West Bank security fence Friday. An Israeli anarchist - Gil Naamaty of Kibbutz Nirim sustained serious live ammunition wounds, while International Solidarity
Movement comrade was moderately wounded by rubber bullet. The incident occurred close to the Palestinian village of Mahase, east
of Rosh Ha'ayin.
During the protest, troops used live ammunition shooting to hit. At a
later stage, the ISM activist was wounded by a rubber bullet. Gil, whose friends said was hit by two bullets, and the ISM volunteer were evacuated to Beilinson hospital in Petah Tikva.
The troops involved in the incident are from a Golani company stationed in the area. According to military sources, known lately for their lies, said one live shot was fired in the direction of the demonstrators, who were attempting to cut through the security fence with wire cutters. One demonstrator was hit in the leg by the shot, the sources said. "The shot was fired in accordance with regulations,"
the sources insisted.
One of the demonstrators, Jonathan Faulk, told Haaretz that a group of
soldiers opened fire in his direction, from a distance of several meters. Faulk said that there was no warning before the shots were fired, and that "the soldiers' lives were never in any danger."
* See:
(en) Israel - Palestine, Tel Aviv - Zububa, Twenty meters of fence
removed - in joint Israeli/Palestinian action
(en) Israeli anarchist group - One Strle - initiated an
internationalist action against the wall
Latest information:
Gil knee was seriously unjured.
Lost lot of blood.
Was taken to operation.
Army clamed the shooting was as part of the "arresting of suspect" regulation.
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Criminal probe may be launched into IDF firing at protesters
28.12.2003 16:07
By Baruch Kra and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents and Haaretz Service
"An order to fire on people that do not fire on you is a completely illegal order," former Shin Bet chief Ami Ayalon told Army Radio on Sunday, referring to the incident Friday in which Israel Defense Forces troops fired live ammunition at protesters demonstrating near the West Bank security fence.
An Israeli left-wing activist was seriously injured and an American tourist sustained light wounds as a result of the shooting.
Outgoing Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein and IDF Chief attorney, General Menahem Finkelstein agreed Saturday that the military prosecution would consider ordering a criminal investigation into the incident, which will be carried out by the military police.
The probe will be carried out parallel to the internal military investigation that began Saturday. In addition, the incident will be discussed by the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.
IDF Spokesperson Ruth Yaron told Israel Radio on Sunday that the military prosecution will decide whether to launch a criminal investigation into the incident only after the internal probe is completed.
Some 300 demonstrators gathered late Saturday opposite the Defense Ministry building in Tel Aviv, to protest the army's use of live ammunition Friday to disperse a demonstration against the separation fence near the West Bank village of Meskha.
Police arrested about 10 demonstrators on suspicion of hitting police officers and violating the peace, Army Radio reported. Several demonstrators had sat on the road and blocked traffic.
Gil Na'amati, an Israeli citizen from Kibbutz Re'im in the Negev, sustained serious wounds, while an American tourist was lightly hurt.
Na'amati is in stable condition at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, while the American woman has been released from hospital. Na'amati was initially treated by a Palestinian doctor in the nearby village of Bidya, and was later taken to a hospital in Israel after losing a large amount of blood.
Yaron said Sunday that military police will investigate the claims that IDF troops refused to call an ambulance to evacuate Na'amati to a hospital inside Israel.
Na'amati, reportedly a member of the Anarchist Group, was protesting with other Israelis, foreigners and local Palestinians near the Palestinian village of Meskha and the settlement of Elkana.
Demonstrators said that the during the incident, which lasted 10-15 minutes, some 10-30 shots were fired, and the demonstrators shouted at the soldiers in Hebrew to stop shooting. At one point, two shots were fired at Na'amati, who was standing near the gate on a piece of concrete and was hit in both legs.
Contrary to the demonstrators' description of events, the IDF Spokesman said that the soldiers called out warnings. The spokesman said that the order to open fire was given by company commanders, however, it appears that senior officers at the brigade level were aware of the order, which was transmitted over the radio. The soldiers involved in the incident said they did not know the demonstrators were Israeli until after they had started shooting.
Video footage taken by a demonstrator shows Israelis on the Palestinian side of the fence violently shaking it, others trying to cut the fence with wire cutters, and an IDF soldier, apparently a sharpshooter, opening fire.
"Today they shot my son, tomorrow they'll shoot yours," Naamati's father, Uri, told Israel Radio on Sunday.
IDF chief of staff, Lieutenant-General Moshe Ya'alon, visited the wounded Israeli protester in hospital. "I explained to him that it wasn't right that they shot me and he said it also wasn't right that I cut the fence," Na'amati told Army Radio from his hospital bed.
"We didn't want to threaten soldiers and we didn't threaten soldiers. All we hurt was the fence, the fence does not threaten lives, we did not threaten anyone's lives," said Naamati, who said he shook the fence and cut it with pliers.
"I was in the army, and I am familiar with the rules of engagement and what I did was not even close to something that I think would warrant opening fire ... It is unbelievable," Na'amati said.
Meanwhile, left-wing opposition politicians demanded to know why troops had used lethal means to disperse dozens of unarmed protesters gathered behind a locked gate 20 meters away.
"In a law-abiding country, you don't shoot civilians," said Meretz legislator Avshalom Vilan.
A news photographer at the scene said on Israel Radio that he and other journalists had told the soldiers they were shooting at fellow Israelis, but the troops ignored him.
Ya'alon said the protesters had only themselves to blame. "They masqueraded as Arabs, mingled with Palestinians and entered the...Palestinian side of the fence (area) illegally," he told Israel radio.
Meretz MK Yossi Sarid said on Saturday that orders like the ones issued to soldiers who shot at the demonstrators will only encourage refusal to serve in the territories among Israeli reservists.
"Left wingers and Palestinians are easy prey for [Defense Minister Shaul] Mofaz and Ya'alon," Sarid said, and added that "no shots have ever been fired at settlers despite the fact that they have endangered the lives of soldiers on numerous occasions."
Uzi Landau, Likud minister without portfolio, said Saturday that the troops acted against "collaborators with terror, and therefore were protecting the citizens of Israel."
Labor MK Matan Vilani responded to Landau, saying he was paving the way for a political assassination.
The incident occurred close to the Palestinian village of Meskha, east of Rosh Ha'ayin, where around 100 members of the Anarchist Movement against the Wall and the International Solidarity Movement were protesting against the construction of the security fence.
Deputy Defense Ministry Ze'ev Boim (Likud) said Saturday that he hopes an investigation will make clear that the IDF soldiers involved in the shooting were following military regulations. He added that when he recovers from the wounds sustained in the shooting incident, Na'amati would be tried for sabotaging the fence.
The troops involved in the incident were from a Golani company stationed in the area. One of the demonstrators, Jonathan Faulk, told Haaretz that a group of soldiers opened fire in his direction, from a distance of several meters. Faulk said that there was no warning before the shots were fired, and that "the soldiers' lives were never in any danger."
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