Colombo Voice Documents related to the Sri Lanka Peace Process
Killinochi Colombo | 23.03.2004 00:47 | World
Voice File 1 in MP3 format
- mp3 784K
Voice File 2 in MP3 format
- mp3 1.1M
Voice File 3 in MP3 format
- mp3 4.1M
Voice File 4 in MP3 format
- mp3 714K
Voice File 5 in MP3 format
- mp3 631K
Voice File 6 in MP3 format
- mp3 1.8M
Killinochi Colombo
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misleading- stop
04.04.2004 12:47
Lanka Puttrea
05.04.2004 18:27
You have done a great job. I wish this will put in to audio format CD and send to Rupawahini media so that all Sri Lankan can understand how the UNP pease talk. This should be broadcast in Sri Lanka.
Lanka Hitawatha
Hela son
09.04.2004 14:01
Nothing improper
14.04.2004 04:30
Recordings of Ltte, UNF & Norwegian secret deals
19.04.2004 13:57
A Rajakumar
23.05.2004 15:49
LTTE separatism in Sri Lanka I wish to emphasis is really an out come of long term and well planned international conspiracy of invicible power factor (christian) aimed at Hindu Indias territorial integrity
After establishing the separate Tamil state of northern part of Sri Lanka , Their (America, Norway, Europe) next insidious motive is to DISINTEGRATE the (Hindu) India that comprised of several paradesh (namely 1. Uttar paradesh 2. Rajasthan 3. Bihar 4. Madhay 5. Gujrat 6. Orissa 7 Maharashtra 8. Andhra 9. Mysore 10. Kerala 11. Tamilnadu ).
Propaganda net work of invisible power factor (christian) executes her objectives through nongovernmental organisations, mass media , political pressure, communication net work and by terrorism.
Pls note . High power communication equipment presented by Norway to the LTTE has a sinister motive, which eventually propergates seperatism ideology throughout Indian region.
Thank you
Yours Sincerely
09.08.2004 10:01
We greatly appreciate your valuable effort and contribution for the blind Sri Lankans about the hidden peace process. Mother Lanka is not anybody's private property. It is the property of the children of all Sri Lankans. Hence, we have a right to know about the peace process and its conditions.Though there had been several paece talks we know nothing. It is the shame on our coward and currupt politicians.
Therefore, open our mind by factual incidents. This is a great service that you have rendered for our country.
Mahesh Dharmaratne
sri lanka 2500+un forgiven miethree monks
13.12.2004 15:30
if any one one think and talk about this pure religion try to pure it practicel .i wont to say to this monks is do it practicel stope balming other religions .clean your durty mind by bawana or wahat ever beleve .stope burning other religion churches .stope playig this jorke .after 20 years of war avery one around the world knows what is pure .be a advis .and sharukkan consert we sujest these monks have some conection .its a shame to the buddisum what has hapend.because same things hapend to chrches in srilanka after garu somma thera save the buddisem send monks who do black majic like gurukam send them home and re ablish budisum,
indipendent observer tj