It Is Your Responsibility
anon | 06.05.2004 03:01
Wake up, look around you. Like what you see? Think 9-11-01 was an accident? Do you know that all commercial aircraft have AUTO PILOT and can be flown from a ground command center? It's the same technology used in Global hawk. Have you ever heard of a, 'Micro-Nuke'? Ever hear of the Witness Protection Program? Have you ever wondered why so many children come up missing while visiting Disney World? Have you ever wondered why so many children are being abducted? Can't figure out why your children are not learning in school? Can't figure out why your children are glue to the TV and video games? Why your children won't read? Why your children are becoming violent, and uncontrollable? Wonder why you feel so sick or under the weather all the time? Do you really know what is in your food? Can't figure out why it is so difficult to claim Social Security Benefits? Can't figure out why your healthcare costs are so high, or your prescriptions? Ever hear of Monsanto's, AT&T, SBC, GM, Union Pacific Railroad, WebMD, World Bank, IBM, Dell, Microsoft, Motorola, Exxon, Amoco-PB, Shell, Browns and Root, In-Q-Tel, Boeing, Northrop, General Electric, AT&T Broadband, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Ted Turner, and other's? Can't figure out why people are acting so violent. Can't figure out why the pop pseudo psychiatric community around the globe is pushing pharm drugs such as Prozac and Paxil? Can't figure out where your kids are getting narcotics? Can't figure out why your living from pay day to pay day? Does your municipal water taste nasty lately? Can't explain the contrails in the sky behind commercial aircraft? Do you know how your money is being spent when you pay the illegal taxes set-forth by your pseudo government? Do you wake up in the morning feeling like nothing more then cattle? Ever wonder why doctors, lawyers, politicians, CEO's, and the so called elite in society make more money then you? Do you know what the AMA, CDC, FEMA, ABA, IMF, WTO, PATRIOT ACT, HOMELAND SECURITY ACT really stands for? Can't figure out how Bush got elected in 2000? Ever hear of Bohemian Grove, 75 miles north of San Francisco? Do really want to know who is ruling YOUR WORLD? Do you want to know who runs the stock exchanges? Do you want to know why you lost your 401K? Do you know what your children are watching on TV AND WHY? Why are your teens addicted to violent video games? Do you ever get the feeling the your news media's are lieing to you? Do you ever get the feeling that something is terribly wrong with the world? Do you ever wake in the morning and feel like a slave to the system, you want to know why you feel this way? Are you aware that corporations are in control of this country and around the globe. Ever hear of the NEW WORLD ORDER, you think it's just a conspiracy? Do you know anything about the United Nations? The United Kingdom? The Queen of England (Cox)? Do want to know about the truth of what you were not taught in school? Do you know why JFK was assassinated? What about the D.C. sniper, do you know about the Bushmaster rifle that was planted in the so called suspects car? Do you know who set it up and what else is coming down the pike for all of you?
Ask Ashcroft about the concentration camps he's set up for you under FEMA if you don't abide by the National Security ID and electronic implant programs. Do you know the Federal Reserve Bank is partly owned by the Bush family? Are you aware that WW1, WW2, Vietnam war, and Desert Storm were started by the UK, UN, and the US Government? Are you aware that the US Government is actually allies with Russia, China, Iraq, N. Korea and Cuba? Are you aware the IRS, BATF, DEA, NSA, CIA, FBI, NIA, DOD, NASA, and all federal, state and local law enforcement agencies are NOT legal under the true US Constitution? Are you aware the US Capital of this country is NOT suppose to HAVE control of the whole darn country, or interfere with other nations? Are you aware that the ORIGINAL US Constitution was abolished in 1933? Ask Bill Gates of Microsoft about his software that was used in the 2000 and November 5, 2002 elections. Are you aware that Jeb Bush was not legally elected in the May 5, 2002 elections?
We have to ban together people, we're losing our planet and our lives. WAKE UP DARN IT!! WAKE THE HECK UP!!! NOW!! We cannot help you unless you help yourselves. How much more PROOF DO YOU NEED? HOW MUCH MORE DO WE HAVE TO DO TO WAKE YOU UP? YOU'RE BRAINWASHED. They have used everything in the books from electronics, media, education, and pharmaceuticals to brainwash you and more.
Our underground network is 726,542,364 strong, we can't help you unless you help yourselves.
Here's your proof, right down there, those links. Get to work and turn that freaking TV off and start reading. You can eat while you read. Put the kids to bed and start reading more. Read till you can't read anymore. Forego your materialistic ways and READ. Then, spread your knowledge to others.
Don't stop till we win this war. I'm speaking of the REAL WAR.
READ! READ! READ! Before they cut your Internet access.
Remember, you are more POWERFUL then you think. Think about what I am saying. Here's a hint, those dreams you're having at night while you sleep....are not dreams. Listen to your dreams, you're being spoken to. Remember, as you read through these links, stay calm and grounded. We are here to help you. You just need to be educated with regards to the TRUTH. Stay in control. Don't get all goofy, don't get violent, stay calm as you read and learn. We're right here. We'll guide you through your research and answer your questions. We have a closing message for all of you at the end of the link list.
Start right here at these links and get reading. We mean it!


These are just a few sites we support. We cannot post all of them, there is just far to many. We are in contact with all of these people but, they don't know it.
You know who we are. We are near you and all around you, from every walk of life. We know who all of you are. Unfortunately, so does your pseudo government's.
Choose the right path people.
Wake up and take your world back, this is the last trip around. This is the last complete cycle your solar system will make around what you call, the Milky Way Galaxy. The world you have come to know over the many millennium will come to an end by 2012. There is still hope if you acquire the knowledge needed for the transition.
Don't count on Heaven or Hell to save you. You have to do this for yourselves.
Forget all the things you have been programmed to think and do.
Keep an open mind and keep to your principles of right and wrong.
You have a lot more power then you were led to believe.