Ronald Reagan – A Personal Memory
Paul Laverty. | 08.06.2004 17:40 | Social Struggles | World
I too have my favourite memories of the Great Communicator. Since I was based in Managua, Nicaragua, working for a human rights organisation, I particularly appreciated the man’s genious for persuasion when he declared Nicaragua – then a with a population of 3 million – to be a major security threat to the existence of the United States. After all, it was only “two days march from Texas.”
It also brought to mind my first funeral in a town called Esteli; an eight year old boy on yellow plastic seat, shaking and inconsolable, as deep atavistic sobs wracked his tiny body. He then rushed to grasp the coffin which held his favourite uncle, just 18 years old. I remember the day a human rights report that came in from the North. The Contra forces attacked a cooperative. In the chaos a mother heard them torturing her daughter during the hours of darkness. In the morning they found her mutilated corpse in a ditch with her breasts cut off. The bodies mounted up faster than the human rights reports; literally, one abomination more vicious than the next which were beyond the imagination in their inventive cruelty.
Can I make one very simple point. On each occasion, before a vote in the US Congress seeking further financial support for the Contras, major human rights organisations, including Amnesty and Americas Watch, provided detailed and corroborated evidence of systematic murder and torture by the US funded Contras against the civilian population. That young woman’s fate was not some isolated aberration, but the fine detail of a campaign of terror.
I remember interviewing a teenage Contra arrested by the Sandinistas. He told me how he finished off the survivors of an ambush with his knife, mutilating them beyond recognition. President Reagan invited this boy’s leaders into the White House and in a cordial press conference declared them to be “freedom fighters” and “the equivalent of our founding fathers”.
All the evidence is there, easily accessible on the internet. It is inconceivable that Ronald Reagan did not know that the Contras he created with the help of William Casey, then head of the CIA, were torturers and murderers. He was their most important financier and champion. If there was any real justice, he would have been tried for his crimes against humanity, but it does raise important questions why such a reasonable proposition is light years away from our current political reality. But surely the least we can do to honour the dead (their names are in the reports) – strange how only certain dead are worth remembering - is call this man by his correct title. He may well have been an ex President, but he was also a terrorist who supported murder and torture. As Ronald Reagan is laid in State I can’t help but remember the child tossed into the ditch.
Paul Laverty.
(Paul Laverty worked in Nicaragua for two and half years as a human rights lawyer and is now a screenwriter.)
Paul Laverty.
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Have some respect
08.06.2004 21:50
Also, Reagan was instrumental in the fall of soviet 'stalanist' communism.
He is a peoples hero in more then America
Ng Chan
Have some respect?
08.06.2004 23:02
Ng Chan FUCK OFF surely you must be the lowest of the low trol
A Polish View
09.06.2004 09:15
There are many atempting to re-write history at the moment with talk of "the USSR wouldhave falled anyway" and "the USSR was never that bad". Reagan gave us freedom and the Polish people will never forget him.
09.06.2004 10:12
I sympathise with your position. But there are many on the left who hated Stalin, and the way that the Soviet Union was run. It wasn't a 'true' communist or socialist place. Although the right-wing like to tell us it was, just so we look badly upon it, it really wasn't. Did the workers have any say in what was produced? Was equality being realised? I doubt for one moment that any of us would say that the Soviet Union was better than you have said, because you have first hand experience. All I will say is that what you were living under wasn't what Marx and Engels, and even Lenin, envisaged.
The Socialist problem
09.06.2004 11:17
Let's nail these myths, shall we?
09.06.2004 11:25
Reagan could barely dress himself. He did not have what it takes to single-handedly "defeat" a worldwide political and economic ideology.
Get a grip people
b) As for the tedious old "socialism-can-never-work-because-people-are-naturally-wankers" argument - you can fuck right off back to the Daily Mail.
This is the most flimsy of opinions. Socialism was tried in many countries and failed in many of them. This proves nothing. Flight was tried and failed many times before the Wright Brothers sorted it out. But nobody claimed that earlier failures "proved" that it could not be done.
(actually I bet people like the above poster did - because there are always prats like that about.)
Slaves Of The World
09.06.2004 11:25
Furthermore, a declaration of war on the entire world has now been declared by Bush, with his 'you're either with us or against us' Hitlerisms. This type of decaration and intent - as with the 1st Gulf War - has been made possible due to the decline of Soviet Russia as a counterbalance. Remember, Bush declares himself to be the inheritor of Reagans legacy.
And what does the US have to point to as a mark of success? (success which can be specifically denoted to capitalism and not to other factors) Well, it can point to tiny countries like Singapore with a population of less than 3 million as evidence of successful capitalism - countries which didn't, anyway, even follow the US model of capitalism in the early stages of their development. When they did follow the US model in the 1990's the logic of this became the defacto slave labour of export processong zones.
If the Orwellian enslavement of humanity is your goal - then Reagan is your man.
Munkee Unit
Have some respect, the guy had Alzheimer’s and has now died
09.06.2004 12:45
What respect did he show for the victims of his imperial aggressions?
What respect did he show for the international rule of law?
What respect did he show for human rights?
This is the man who armed, trained and equipped Nicaragua’s Contra’s and El Salvador’s Death Squads; supported the Khmer Rouge; backed Guatemala’s murderous regime; gave military aid to UNITA in attempt to destabilize Angola’; Invaded Grenada; Supported Afghanistan’s Moujahedeen thus laying the foundations on which Al-Qa'ida was built; and committed numerous other crimes against humanity.
May he rot in hell….
adolf my hero
09.06.2004 14:53
look you crazy lefties...
don't be so evil as to celebrate our dearest ronald Rayguns untimely and painful death, or for that matter Adolf Hitler's, another politician who was a true humanitarian (but who many scoff and cuss at).
do you not see the similarities...
hitler only tried to liberate europeans from the clutches of many an evil and democratically elected government within europe.
Likewise, Raygun helped to liberate south and central americans from the evil spread of democracy and equality and slaughtered loads of them instead. This wasn't to do with controlling natural resources and the US owning its neighbouring countries, it was about helping people and showing killing them.
so give the man some slack!!
let us all remember hitler, stalin, pol pot, blair, bush 1 and 2, raygun, nixon, Thatcher, and all other great visionary leaders and self-less philanthropists the world over, and all the death and suffering they have supported in the name of making their mates richer.
how about we have a public holiday for them. lets call it 'bombfire night' and celebrate it by bombing poor areas of the world and getting wasted on champagne once a year.
right wing c***ts and cops fuck off from this website
Epitaph for Reagan
09.06.2004 20:03
A comment from America
10.06.2004 01:22
Yankee Bob
Fuck the False Comparisons!
10.06.2004 05:47
"What? Got a problem with Churchill's use of poison gas in colonial territories? Suppose you wish Hitler had won the War then, do you??!!"
"Don't like Reagan, Kissinger, Pinochet, Contra and the psychopathic policies of "law and Order" in The Backyard? Suppose you want Stalin, Gulags and rotten cabbage every day for dinner then, is that it?"
Or in an altercation I had last year on a demo at Abu Ghraib nick with a buttfuck american squaddie:
"Well, you can say what you like. I suppose you think it would be better if Saddam was still in charge around here, do ya?"
If you've got to place someone next to Satan to make them look good and right then that says all that needs be said about your own position. And even this is gonna be hard if you happen to be the mother of that kid tossed in the ditch in Nicaragua or one of the mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, or the survivor of a village mustard gassed in Kurdistan (under Churchill OR Saddam)or someone who's come out of Abu Ghraib with electrode scars on his bollocks. Doesn't make a lot of fucking difference to them which mighty power's responsible. And it shouldn't to the rest of us either.
The Choice is unnecessary and false. These evil fuckers, supposedly diametrically opposed, are actually a lot closer to one another than they ever will be to you or me anyway. Read Churchill's comments on Hitler.
To the Socialist optimist: Governments HAVE had a fair trial, and they fucking DON'T work.