Justice for Palestine: tear down the Apartheid Wall!
07.07.2004 13:08 | Palestine | Repression | Social Struggles | World
While the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, the Netherlands, prepares to give its advisory opinion on the Apartheid Wall on July 9th, the Wall in Palestine continues to destroy lives and lands at an ever-increasing pace. Four months of court deliberations have prompted international political immobility, but Palestinian resistance is growing. Whole villages have risen up to stop the Apartheid Wall and the devastating repression of the Israeli Occupation.
In light of the upcoming opinion from the ICJ, the Israeli government is trying to manipulate the truth and disguise the colonial foundation of its racist apartheid policy. The occupation forces have depicted a decision by their own High Court to move 30km of the Apartheid Wall as a Palestinian “victory”, but Palestinians see how, on the contrary, this decision validates Israel’s claim that the Wall is solely a security measure and how it states that the Wall can be built on Palestinian land.
Latest News on the Apartheid Wall at StopTheWall.org | Background info on the ICJ | video, audio, photo and info from: europe@stopthewall.org
In light of the upcoming opinion from the ICJ, the Israeli government is trying to manipulate the truth and disguise the colonial foundation of its racist apartheid policy. The occupation forces have depicted a decision by their own High Court to move 30km of the Apartheid Wall as a Palestinian “victory”, but Palestinians see how, on the contrary, this decision validates Israel’s claim that the Wall is solely a security measure and how it states that the Wall can be built on Palestinian land.
It is up to us to resist this propaganda and support the Palestinian struggle against the Occupation and Bantustanisation of Palestine, land annexation, destruction and expulsion of Palestinian communities. The world has defeated apartheid in South Africa – it cannot tolerate it in Palestine.
The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign calls on all people to remain critical of the ICJ opinion, whatever the outcome. Take action to highlight its true political implications and hold Israel accountable for its crimes of Occupation and Apartheid. Help bring the Palestinian grassroots struggle against the Apartheid Wall to the forefront of global action and amplify the claims of those resisting on the ground:
Tear Down the Apartheid Wall!
Stop the Occupation!
Sanctions and Boycott on Apartheid Israel!
Call to action on 9/10 July and inform the Campaign about your initiatives.
IMC-UK feature on the opening of the hearings | Protests in Palestine during the opening of the hearings
UK anti-Wall actions: Oxford, Manchester 1, Manchester 2, Cambridge, Edinburgh, London
Hide the following 5 comments
It's the occupation
07.07.2004 15:47
reason for the resistance.
08.07.2004 12:48
So is the route of the wall really conducive to the security of Israel, or is it simply another means of stealing yet more Palestinian land.
There will never be peace with walls, in any case. There'll just build rockets instead, if need be. And as long as Israel pursues racist policies that stir up hatred in the Arab world, the threat of annihilation will grow closer and closer. Israel does not make the Jewish people safer, the opposite in fact. Coming together with the Palestinians and living together in the same land, not seperated by walls, is the only way of ensuring peace and security.
Gush Shalom
08.07.2004 20:05
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033
*During the absence of part of the information team (until July 18) you
may not always get the complete link information as we use to give
(Hebrew/English) for articles which we pass on.
International release, July 8, 2004
[] Separation Wall separates us from the world - Hague verdict tomorrow
Action alerts and reports:
[] A-Ram hunger strike entering its fifth day
[] Simone Bitton’s documentary "Wall" screened at protest tent tonight
[] Women's demonstration at A-Ram, Sat. July 10
[] Friday protest against the Wall at A-Zawyia
[] Saturday: women's demonstration at Salem Checkpoint (Jenin Region)
[] Five imprisoned refusniks face the parole board
[] Reminder: Ben Artzi appeal tomorrow
[] Court to rule on deportation of detained ISM activist
[] ElBaradei in Israel; Vanunu prepares legal challenge to restrictions
[] A peace presence in the street during the Jerusalem Cinema Festival
[] Let's dismantle the fence - Yoel Esteron in Ha'aretz, 8/7/04
[] Separation Wall separates us from the world - Hague verdict tomorrow
Shalom ad due to be published in Ha'aretz tomorrow (Friday), to coincide
with the International Court at the Hague announcing its verdict (which
the Sharon Government already declared it will not respect). Sharon did
state his adherence to the verdict of the Israeli Supreme Court last week
- which does not prevent the army from continuing work on constructing
the Wall in several sectors, causing grave hardship to the Palestinian
population. The struggle against the Wall on the ground intensifies, with
the hunger strike continuing to gather momentum at A-Ram and various
protests scheduled elsewhere.
At the same time, warfare is intensifying in the Gaza Strip from which
Sharon is supposedly "disengaging". This night, eight Palestinians,
including several civilians, were killed tonight during an unequal battle
with the heavily armoured Israeli troops engaged in the destruction of
fields and orange groves (in a futile effort to "deprive guerillas of
And meanwhile, Minister Ehud Olamart, Sharon's trusted lieutenant, is
heading to Ankara capital in a effort to heal the widening breach with
the Turks, until recently Israel's most staunch ally in the region and
now increasingly vocal in their criticism.
There is much for peace activists to do - following is the latest
collection of information and commentaries.
[] A-Ram hunger strike entering its fifth day
(Compiled of messages from Yehudith Harel and
Shiko Behar , "rabbis for human rights"
For the fifth consecutive day, the hunger strike tent at A-Ram is the
focus of mobilization against the Wall. The strikers include Knesset
Member Dr. Azmi Bishara, Palestinian legislative council member Hatem
Abdel Qader, veteran Israeli activist Michael ("Mikado") Warshawski, and
nine other Palestinian leaders and activists as well as Muslim and
Christian clergy from the Jerusalem area.
They are getting a constant stream of local and international visitors,
and get world-wide messages of support (for example,from a sizable group
of European Parliament Members - text from MEP Luisa Morgantini
The tent is located at the al-Razi Cultural Association (for those coming
from Jerusalem it is on the left side of the main road just past the A-
Ram checkpoint)
The hunger strike has already been followed by similar initiatives –
hunger strikes, seat-ins, days of fast – in other places in the West
Likewise, the Palestinian National leadership in Jerusalem has announced
- A general commercial strike on Thursday July 8th
- A mass demonstration against the wall in Hizma
- A collective Friday prayer at A-Ram junction, near the tent of the
For more information: Sirhan Salaymeh, A-Ram Mayor 067-893194
Warshawski 064-733453,
KM Bishara 054-290729
Leena Dalasheh
Rabbis for Human Rights are organizing transportation to the tent -
details 050-607034.
Meanwhile, in another sector at the Jerusalem area, over 1,000 residents
of the Israeli neighbourhoods Talpiot Mizrakh and Armon HaNatziv have
signed a petition on behalf of their Palestinian neighbours in Sheikh
Saed, severely threatened by the Wall (Contact: Hillel 02-6732936).
[] Simone Bitton’s documentary "Wall" screened at protest tent tonight
Meanwhile, tonight (Thursday July 8, 2004) at 8.30 pm there will be at
hunger strike tent a special preview screening of WALL, director Simone
Bitton’s latest documentary film about the construction of the separation
fence/wall. WALL first premiered at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival
(Director’s Fortnight). It is scheduled to open in theatres in France,
Italy, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland in October of this year.Simone
Bitton: “The film is a personal cinematic meditation on the current phase
of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It has no maps, no narration, no
opinionated or militant commentary. It has sounds and images—the
documentation of a wall under construction—because everybody’s talking
about the wall, but very few people have actually seen it up close. This
insane wall symbolizes the insanity we have reached, but it is more than
a symbol: it is very concrete; an immense project of dispossession, land
expropriation, altering the geography and the destroying the landscape.
It closes the Palestinians in prison-like cantons and takes the Jews back
to the ghetto.”WALL (MUR) will screen in the framework of the Spirit of
Freedom Competition at the Jerusalem Film Festival Wednesday July 14,
2004 18:00, Beit Shmuel
Thursday July 15, 2004 13:45, Jerusalem Cinematheque
For tickets: www.jff.org.il
Following the screenings there will be a Q&A with the director.For more
information contact:Rachel Jones: +972-52-3462693
Yael Lerer: +972-50-5811712
Awatef Shiekh: +972-54-6656605
[] Women's demonstration at A-Ram, Sat. July 10
The Fight against the Separation Wall has not ended
Now is the time to keep the pressure up
Political and religious leaders are holding hunger strike in A-Ram.
Come to support and show solidarity!
Palestinian, Israeli, and International women will again hold
A silent vigil
At the A-Ram cross road
Saturday, 10th of July 2004
At 16:00 - 17:00
Please wear white
Transportation: Liberty Bell Park, Jerusalem 14:30,
French Hill commercial centre 14:45
Transportation from Tel Aviv call 064-604172, from Nazareth: 052-2353324
Further info Bat Shalom: 02-5631477 or 052-3353992
[] Friday protest against the Wall at A-Zawyia
From: "Ta'ayush"
On Friday, July 9, the International Court of Justice in the Hague will
give its decision concerning the Separation Fence in the Occupied
Territories. The people of the Salfit region will mark this event in a
demonstration in A-Zawyia.
Note, the issue is not only that the A-Zawyia villagers stand to lose
their land and livelihood - which is grave enough. The actual erection of
the Fence in the area of Ariel (Salfit), which Prime Minister Sharon had
already obliged himself to carry out, would divide the West Bank in half
and put an end to the possibility of an independent Palestinian state.
We call on everybody to voice our objection together with the
Palestinians of the Salfit area!
To join, call Esti 050-7425484
[] Saturday: women's demonstration at Salem Checkpoint (Jenin Region)
ISM Jenin would like to invite Israeli activists to join a women's
peaceful demonstration in front of Salem Checkpoint in the Jenin region,
this Saturday, July 10, 11am.
Palestinian women will speak about their experiences of the occupation.
To join, call 054-7705968 or 059-744037.
[] Five imprisoned refusniks face the parole board
From: "Anat Matar"
The military parole committee convened yesterday at the military court in
Jaffa to discuss the possibility of a parole to the five conscientious
objectors refusing to enlist in an army of occupation. The committee will
give its decision in a couple of days.
Background: after spending more than a year in military prisons and
incarceration, the refuseniks - Haggai Matar, Matan Kaminer, Shimri
Zameret, Adam Maor and Noam Bahat - were sentenced in January to one year
in prison (not including the previous terms). According to the IDF’s
demand, they were transferred to a civilian prison in February.
During the hearing, Captain Erez Guryon, who represented the IDF’s chief
military prosecutor, objected to any deduction at the moment and asked
that the committee would reconvene in September to decide upon the
possibility of a minimal reduction. He emphasized that the five did not
express any remorse about their deeds. He then added that then, in
September, he’d express the opinion that the five should get “some
reduction, between a third of the period to nothing, but closer to
nothing". Guryon also said that the issue of the future of the five,
after their release, was still open, and that they might be summoned
again to the induction center.
Refuser parents' response: The army acts against our sons in the same
spirit as it used to during the trial – the spirit of the inquisition.
The request for remorse is meant to break their conscience. Is this what
we want in a democratic state? What Guryon said during the hearing
amounts to a denial of the usual benefit given to every prisoner. We
presented to the committee wonderful reports written by the prison’s
social workers, proving that the behaviour of the five is excellent, that
they contribute to their inmates by teaching and helping them, that they
are appreciated by wardens and inmates alike.
We call upon every conscientious person in Israel and throughout the
world to help bringing this ordeal to an end, by writing letters to
Israeli authorities, by organizing activities of support and rallies
calling to the release of the conscientious objectors. Conscience is not
a crime; it is not a murder, a rape, a robbery. It is too bad that the
army authorities still refuse to realize this.”
[] Reminder: Ben Artzi appeal tomorrow
Tomorrow (Friady July 9) at 9.00 am CO Yoni Ben Artzi will be appealing
his two-month imprisonment, before a special bench of five military
judges, four of them generals. The Court session will be held at the IDF
Headquarters (9, Ein Dor St.,Hakirya, Tel Aviv). It's open to the public -
if you can, please be there!
[] Court to rule on deportation of detained ISM activist
By Relly Sa'ar, Haaretz July 8
Tel Aviv District Court Judge Oded Modrik is expected to decide today
(Thursday) whether to comply with requests by the security services
to expel New Yorker Anne Robinson-Peter, the 44-year-old graphic and
video artist who has been under arrest by the Immigration Police for the
past two weeks.
An activist in the International Solidarity Movement in support of the
Palestinians, Robinson-Peter has been held at Ben-Gurion International
Airport in the holding cells reserved for people refused entry to the
She arrived two weeks ago for a 14-day visit with the intention of
filming a video about a 79-year-old Holocaust survivor traveling the
country and the territories, and to take part in demonstrations against
the separation fence.
According to her attorney, Shamai Leibowitz, Robinson-Peter was
questioned for some 10 hours by security agents at the airport and
refused to hand over information about other members of the Israeli-
Palestinian organization.
She was denied entry to Israel on two grounds, says the report on her
being questioned at the airport: "Her guaranteed participation in hostile
sabotage activity," and belonging to "a leftist organization."
Robinson-Peter, who does work for the Museum of Modern Art in New York
and Simon & Schuster, the publishing house, refused to comply with the
authorities' refusal to allow her into the country, arguing that she had
spent two weeks in Israel two years ago without any conditions. When she
refused to leave, she was placed under arrest.
After her lawyers appealed to the District Court on the day after her
arrival, a temporary injunction was issued preventing the authorities
from deporting her. But the court refused to issue a release order
letting her out of the holding cells even under constraints.
The security services claimed at the closed door hearings two weeks ago
that they have "secret information" about the woman. At a court hearing
Tuesday, say her lawyers, the prosecutors refused to provide a statement
backing up the claims of the security services, which had originally
argued at her arrest that her presence in the country endangers state
"The prosecutors wanted the judge to hold a closed door hearing with the
Shin Bet representative, without a defense attorney present," said
"That would be a clear violation of the legal process, since if the state
is accusing my client of such grave charges its duty is to present a
written statement so we can respond to it."
While Robertson-Peter is not being allowed contact with anyone other than
her lawyer, she answered through him why she insisted on staying in
Israel despite the considerable discomfort it has involved for her.
"My client," said Leibowitz, "refuses to allow the state to impugn her
with the stigma of being a terrorist who is involved in hostile terrorist
activity, and she is disgusted by the way her activities on behalf of
human rights are regarded as a so-called danger to the security of the
state. She is fighting to prove that there is nothing wrong with her
For more information contact:Huwaida Arraf (ISM) +972-547-473-308
Attorney Yael Berda +972 68 743 083
Attorney Shamai Leibowitz +972 64 414 505
In New York:Radhika Sainath (ISM) at +1-(917) 669-6903
Carol Workman (Ann’s sister) at +1-(802) 655-3250
[] ElBaradei in Israel; Vanunu prepares legal challenge to restrictions
From: Rayna Moss
By Yossi Melman, Haaretz Correspondent
Government efforts to keep low-key the visit of Dr. Mohammed ElBaradei,
director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency visit and keep
the press out of it failed, as the visitor has held three impromptu press
conferences - one at his hotel, one after his Jerusalem meeting with
Health Minister Danny Naveh and one after his Ramat Aviv meeting with
Gideon Frank, head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (in practice
involvd with nuclear weapons rather than energy). ElBaradei's lecture at
the Hebrew University campus in Jerusalem was held behind closed doors,
with the list of invitees carefully screened in advance by Frank and his
staff, but anti-nuclear activists organised by the Vanunu Solidarity
Committee held a picket outside, calling for a Middle east free of all
weapons of mass destruction.
ElBaradei leaves tonight for Vienna, the IAEA headquarters.
lBaradei to raise idea of nuclear-free Mideast
By Yossi Melman, Haaretz Correspondent
Opening a closely watched visit to Israel, Dr. Mohammed ElBaradei,
director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is expected
to raise Wednesday the idea of Israel taking part in an international
conference under IAEA patronage to discuss the establishment of a
nuclear-free zone in the Middle East.
"I would like to see Israel supporting the nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty," ElBaradei said on his arrival in Israel Tuesday, adding that he
would like to see Israel sign an additional agreement committing it to
disclose information on any potential nuclear-related exports.
But the IAEA director said he did not intend to push the Jewish state on
the nuclear issue. "It's not a question of pressure. I have no power to
pressure," he said.
ElBaradei is to raise the nuclear-free zone concept during a scheduled
Wednesday meeting in Tel Aviv with Gideon Frank, head of the Israel
Atomic Energy Commission, and commission officials, to discuss various
aspects of Israel's nuclear policies.
Formally, ElBaradei is the commission's guest. At the Wednesday meeting,
he will also raise the idea of the IAEA sending inspectors to monitor
Israel's nuclear activities.
Israel strongly objects to any international inspections of its nuclear
facility in Dimona, although it does allow IAEA inspections at the small
research reactor at Nahal Soreq, near Yavneh.
ElBaradei is scheduled to meet later on Wednesday with Health Minister
Dan Naveh, and with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Thursday.
"There are no signs of a policy change in Israel," said a diplomat close
to the IAEA.
ElBaradei's spokesman Mark Gwozdecky said ElBaradei realized "the
objectives are ambitious and are not going to be achieved overnight. But
he is willing to invest the time necessary to make progress."
Israel is expected to announce Wednesday a new national program for
nuclear medicine that will win financial and technical support from the
The announcement will come during a meeting in Jerusalem this afternoon
between Naveh and ElBaradei. The declaration is meant to emphasize the
long-standing cooperation between Israel and the IAEA and to dull the
tension that exists between the state and the international agency over
Israel's policy of nuclear ambiguity.
Also up for discussion are the various international treaties Israel has
signed, such as the treaty for the protection of reactors and disaster
prevention programs, as well as programs meant to prevent terrorists
from acquiring nuclear weapons or material.
On Thursday, ElBaradei is slated to meet with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
at the prime minister's bureau. He will also see Foreign Minister Silvan
Shalom at Ben-Gurion Airport, where Shalom will be returning from
overseas as ElBaradei leaves for his Vienna headquarters. Also tomorrow,
he is slated to deliver a speech at Hebrew University to a select
audience of academics, government officials and press on his view on how
to reduce the world's supply of nuclear weapons.
During his talks with the Israeli officials, both sides will raise the
issue of Iran's nuclear program and IAEA efforts to prevent Tehran from
acquiring nuclear weapons. Government sources are emphasizing that the
visit is "routine" and no change in policy should be expected. Indeed,
the government is making efforts to keep the visit very low profile.
Ha'aretz, July 7, 2004
Vanunu gets foreign experts to testify in his petition to the Court
By Yossi Melman and Yuval Yoaz
Restrictions imposed by the Defense Ministry have made it impossible for
Mordechai Vanunu to hire Israeli experts to submit evidence for his
petition to the High Court.
Vanunu has therefore sought testimony from overseas experts, said Dan
Yakir, who is legal counsel for the Association for Civil Rights in
The purpose of the expert testimony is to prove that Vanunu disclosed
everything he knew about Israel's nuclear program more than 18 years
ago, and no longer poses a security threat to the country.
One is a physicist, Dr. Frank Barnaby, who was a member of the original
Sunday Times team that interviewed Vanunu prior to the original
disclosure of information in the mid-1980s.
In his affidavit, Barnaby said he interviewed Vanunu at length, and the
former nuclear technician at the Dimona plant told him everything he
knew about the reactor. Barnaby concluded at the time that Vanunu's
knowledge was limited, and exhausted by the disclosures he gave to The
"My impression is that I managed to extract from Vanunu maximum
information - that is, he told everything he knew about pieces of a much
larger puzzle," wrote Barnaby.
The second overseas expert is Joseph Rotblat, a Nobel Peace Prize winner
who worked on the Manhattan Project during World War II. This affidavit
brings up moral and ideological arguments, and stresses the need for
whistle-blowing about the dangers posed by nuclear programs.
Originally, Vanunu sought testimony from Uzi Even, who worked at the
Dimona reactor and served in the Knesset for the Meretz party. But the
Defense Ministry's director of security, Yehiel Horev, objected that Even
ended his work at Dimona in 1968, and so his knowledge of the plant is
not pertinent.
On Sunday, a high-level High Court panel - Aharon Barak, Eliahu Mazza
and Mishael Cheshin - will consider Vanunu's petition. Vanunu demands
that security restrictions imposed on him since his release from an 18-
year prison term be overturned. Israel's security establishment claims
that Vanunu retains still-undisclosed classified information, and so the
restrictions are needed to protect state security.
[] A peace presence in the street during the Jerusalem Cinema Festival
During the forthcoming Cinema Festival, in Jerusalem, Peace Now will set
up a stand every evening at the main event, hand out information material
and stickers and in general show Jerusalemites a peace presence.
Those willing to volunteer for one hour and a half during one of the
Festival evenings, Please contact Daniel Ofir 054 4556052. 02 5660648,
Peace Now is also asking those willing to hang on their balconies a sign
with the slogan "Removing Settlements - Choosing for Life" to call the
same number, and get the sign delivered by a Peace Now team.
[] Let's dismantle the fence - Yoel Esteron in Ha'aretz, 8/7/04
By Yoel Esteron, Ha'aretz 8/7/2004
It's terribly hot. Perhaps because of the oppressive heat it's difficult
to remember how it came to be that the Israeli majority supports the
fence. Was it something that MK Haim Ramon (Labor) said? Was it something
that MK Yossi Beilin (Yahad/Meretz) didn't say? The left was opposed to a
fence, but then it turned out that the right was in favor; or maybe it
was just the opposite. The suicide attacks have driven all the Israelis
crazy, and rightly so. And former prime minister Ehud Barak said that
there's no choice.
In the final analysis, people who during cooler days understood that
building a separation fence, or wall, is an act of despair made do with a
lukewarm battle for the "route." With a shrug of their shoulders they
supported the fence, on condition that it was built along the "route."
Thus was born a new magic word, which of course disappeared into thin
air. Whoever allowed Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to build a fence should
have known that the route would not be that of Peace Now.
The Israelis saw the fence tearing Palestinians away from their families
and their lands - and kept silent. The center and the left, and not only
the right, are submissively accepting "security considerations." The
pathetic demonstrations here and there against the fence have only
emphasized the silence and the submissiveness. The few demonstrators have
been labeled with some dubious image, as anarchists from the outer
fringes. All the others stayed home with their air conditioners.
Who has even seen a piece of the fence with his own eyes? It is nearby,
yet as far away as the fence that India built in Kashmir. If Mina Tzemach
or Camil Fuchs conduct a survey, it will turn out that most of the
Israelis have already "disengaged" from the centers of friction, and
above all, from Jerusalem. If that is the case, what does the "Jerusalem
envelope" have to do with them? And where exactly is Bat Hefer and its
fence? For most Israelis, the fence is a rumor.
The High Court of Justice gladdened the heart of anyone whose conscience
bothered him. A poor consolation. Look, there are justices in Jerusalem,
and they have ordered the government to move the fence in northwest
Jerusalem so that the Palestinian villages won't be cut off from their
fields. A decision that is respectable, reasoned and just, and which
misses the main point because even the High Court cannot ask the real,
critical question: Is there any need at all for a fence?
Ostensibly, the answer is clear. We need a fence in order to stop terror,
at least until there is peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
It is difficult today to oppose this pure logic, without being suspected
of suffering from sunstroke. It's too late already - the fence has been
under energetic construction for months. The High Court decision may be a
"black day," according to Colonel (res.) Danny Tirza, the man who planned
the route, but tomorrow is another day.
The fence is tempting. It's as attractive as the slogan: "They are there
and we are here." The fence may prevent the next attack for a while - who
can argue with the security experts? Even the High Court unquestioningly
accepts the pronouncement of the head of the Israel Defense Forces in the
territories. But it exacerbates the Palestinians' hatred and despair. It
will create 10 terrorist attacks in place of the attack it prevents.
Life without a fence was terrible, but at least it created a sense of
urgency; that we have to do something to stop the killing; to solve the
conflict; to make peace. The fence creates an illusion that we can
"manage" the conflict instead of resolving it, another dubious invention
of recent years.
The Israeli majority has given up. That is the true significance of its
indifference toward the fence. It is hiding on the coastal plain, and
longing for a little quiet after years of terror. Even the peace camp is
willing to make do with little - with a crumb from the High Court.
Meanwhile, it is allowing the right to continue the settlement enterprise
in the West Bank without interference, a dunam here and a dunam there,
and imposing the suffering of the occupation on millions of Palestinians.
Anyone who wants to live without terror, to live in peace, has to oppose
the fence. Not when peace, or the messiah, comes. Now. Anyone who
supports the fence, or remains silent, cannot console himself that he is
supporting a route that is reasonable. Anyone who doesn't oppose the
fence is in effect accepting Sharon's fence.
The result will be more and more terror that circumvents the fence; the
longer the occupation continues, the more horrible the terror. The fence
will not stop it for long, it will only make it more sophisticated and
more terrible. Here is an urgent proposal to the agenda for Israelis from
the center and leftward: Let's dismantle the fence.
# Truth against Truth - opposite views on the history of the conflict
in 101 steps
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# Palestinians draw the map for understanding the Disengagement Plan
# Boycott List of Settlement Products (newly updated)
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# Eye-witness reports from the Occupied Territories:
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(internationals throughout OT)
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'hard core of the Israeli peace movement'
Conditions to tearing down the wall
23.07.2004 14:30
Arabs have been trying to kill Jewish children long before there was anything the fashionable liberal left and progressives could accuss the Jews of occupation.
The fence is working already
04.08.2004 05:48
The wall WILL go up.
Without jews to kill, the innate savagry and depravity of the Palestinians, cultivated through 50 years of ignorance and indoctination, will turn violently on itself. we are already seeing the beginnings of this coming Palestinian 'civil war', the tension in Gaza, the violence now directed at Arafat's organisatoion itself, the posturing and threats of the new factions.
Arab will begin to kill Arab, as they have done for millenia, bloodshed, infighting and treachery being the oldest Arab games. And no-one will care. If the carnage can't be blamed on Jews or Americans the UN, the regional dictatorships and our own wonderful compassionate left will simple drop the Palestinians like a useless toy and move onto something else.
A black day is coming, but not for Isreal, Sharon has nearly won the war of the python and the wall's coils are tightening on what's left of the glorious 'intefada'. As for the wall itself, you peace creeps don't like it? Then why don't you tear it down? What's stopping you? Oh yes, the entire armed might of the IDF.
Good luck, idiots, you're too dumb to know it, but you've already lost.