Bournbrook nursery social cente in birmingham is a place where a dynamic group of people are working to create a space for the local community and a resource centre for activists, the building occupied is a beutifull abandoned nursery which is being tranformed into a useable space for the whole family
Our immediate aim at the moment is getting the cafe and kids play area up and running. If anybody would like to help out please come down or get in touch with us. We are also in need of tables, chairs, paint, and peoples spare time more importantly. This is a space for us all, so if you want to use it for anything get in touch.
No 1 Bournebrook Road
Bournebrook Day Nursery
B29 7BC
With Love From Everyone Down at the social centre.
Hide the following 13 comments
24.08.2004 22:42
white lunar
24.08.2004 22:54
has any of this stuff spare
Pots and Pans
First Aid kit
Curtains/Chair covers
A freezer (is that being a bit to cheeky? ;) )
Information (leaflets, videos, posters ect)
and more importantly people willing to come along and get involved
Love and rage
photos from the nursery
30.08.2004 15:24
heres some pics
Keep it going people
02.09.2004 11:30
About time the building was put to good use since the Council closed the only community creche facility years ago.
Proof, if ever proof was needed, that direct action in the community works.
Good work people.
02.09.2004 15:07
How is this 'working'? How many people have actually been affected by this? Isolating yourself away from the real world isn't going to do anything. People out there HAVE to work, have more things to worry about than taking over a nursery. Actually do something!
Community Direct Action works! it's self evident!
02.09.2004 15:39
Perhaps Serge could stop massaging his cognitively dissonant ego and get his ass down to help out?
You might change your mind if you see the local community using the space after work or looking after their kids there. Dunno if you can read Serge but there's no longer any free Nursery provision for families in the area anymore. We're using the space constructively as much as we can to help local people, homeless people and refugees.
Love n Rage n Mutual Aid from the Nursery!
The Nursery Social Centre Collective
02.09.2004 22:54
excuse me?
Life doesnt just revolve around working 9-5
isnt that the whole sodding point of setting up social centres like these
and i think you'll find that all of us at the nursery have to work to survive, just like the people who are part of the community in which the centre is, so thats one thing we have incommon, it's been really good getting people into the space to find out what other shared interests we have.
If its good enough for Betty its good enough for me ;)
''Actually do something''
so what are you doing that we can learn from then sunshine?
love and rage
*puts hat on wish list, crosses out freezer*
Art of Subvert exhinition now open!
05.09.2004 12:47
Everyone welcome - come and see the exhibition and drink tea.
It's in an open format so feel free to add your own examples too
More photos
10.09.2004 21:19
Social centre - University - Gentrification (panorama)
The Nursery DIY Social Centre
Plus photos of the large green space out the back. Ironically this space named the 'secret garden' by the kids and staff of the former council Nursery was paid for by lottery money. There's talk about this space being bought up by developers for gentrification like the development facing the Nursery Social Centre on the photos attached.
Latest news...
Solidarity Needed too!
we're in court for eviction next Wed September 15th, 11.15am at Birmingham County Court
we need some solidarity outside the court, noise, banners, samba, leaflets etc..
We also want to show some solidarity with the Social Centres and Autonomous Zones in London that are being repressed by the state, police and bailiffs in the run up to the ESF.
Hands off our Social centres and Autonomous Zones!
Resist! Love n Rage n Mutual Aid
The Nursery DIY Social Centre Collective
Bournbrook DIY Nursery Social Centre Collective
"Community Space or Lottery Waste?"
15.09.2004 00:54
The Secret Garden
The Nursery Social Centre Collective
Local kids and parents using the Social Centre and the 'secret garden'
18.09.2004 10:41
There's too many roads on this carpet and not enough green spaces!
Lots of toys for everyone :0)
What's going to happen to our secret garden, Birmingham City Council?
The Nursery Social Centre Collective
23.12.2004 13:24
Good luck with your battles!
26.12.2004 21:30
The best way of finding out whats going on is to pop in for a cuppa
and a chat. we are a friendly bunch, honest.
you can find some more information either here on indy or on our own site
Basically the whole thought driving the collective is that buildings shouldnt be left
empty when they could be put to good use.
Though instead of just moaning about it, we're putting our words into
actions and proving that it can work.
direct action gets the goods :)
hope youve had a good xmas