The Return of the Ministry of Truth
The Ministry of Truth | 18.09.2004 17:19 | Repression
Meeting to recreate the Ministry
Monday September 20th 7pm Knott Bar Opposite Deansgate Station at the Hulme end of Deansgate, Manchester.

Following the Defy-ID gathering, the Ministry of Truth is being reborn in Manchester as the beginning of a series of actions against ID cards.
The Government plans to introduce Identity Cards and compile a massive database of
personal information on everyone in the UK.
The information on ID cards will include all names ever used, date and place of birth, all addresses every lived at and when, physical characteristics including biometric identifiers, nationality and immigration status. All numbers allocated to you will be linked to a central national number.
Police, Inland Revenue, Customs and Excise, Security Services, Immigration and Dept for Work and Pensions will have the right to access your file. The government will have the right to cross check your record with any records held by your bank, insurance companies and credit checking agencies. It is likely that data will also be shared with other countries, such as the USA. Businesses and voluntary agencies may also have the right to check your data, whilst you have no right to check the 'audit trail' of who has accessed the information and when.
You might feel you have nothing to hide. But do you really want others to be able to access personal details such as who you previously lived with, what illnesses you've had, whether you had a drink problem 10 years ago, your arrest for shoplifting or drugs?
Everyone has something to hide. This will be a handy database to keep tabs on anyone who decides to fight back. A database which makes it easier for government and big business to control what we do.
You will have to pay £35 estimated for this shit. If you lose the card or fail to register you face penalties of up to £2500. And it will cost an estimated £3.1 billion pounds of your money to set the system up (without even looking at the running costs).
also check out these links
official goverment website with draft legislation
The Ministry of Truth
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