Grassroots movements against the Clash of Civilisations
rachel | 15.10.2004 22:45 | European Social Forum | Repression
A UK activist who spent 9 months in Iraq, spoke of her experiences there. She worked with a trade union in Iraq, because she wanted to "work with people who are resisting the occupation". She spoke of how certain occupation orders allow for 100% privatisation in the country. She said that the occupying forces were turning Iraq into "one big free trade zone".
A woman from the International Organisation for Women's Freedom in Iraq spoke about the degrading treatment of Iraqi women by the Baathist party, by the occupying forces, and by certain anti-feminist elements of the resistance. She spoke about how women are often not allowed to work in Iraq now, and about how the occupying forces have done nothing to prevent rape and honour killings.
Marhaba Europe ! want to facilitate networking between these grassroots social movements throughout the world, in order to oppose certain racist ideas. These racist ideas include the way the mainstream media is constantly talking about a "Clash of Civilisations." They lead us to be suspicious of those who are different, and furthermore they divide people by preventing them from organising against injustice.