Must! Do NOW !-1 Focus 1 Mission 1 Goal 1 RESULT=NewVote by J20
CultureJamCleveland | 02.01.2005 05:34 | Repression
The People are Coming! The People are Coming!!
Democracy is Bleeding! HELP Doctor, Police!
StraightForward & Plain, Thomas Paine
Nation of Laws NOT Men
Trial in Ohio
2004-12-31 | U.S Citizens, please see the note and Petition at the end of this article.
Happy Holidays to each and every one of my many friends throughout the world. This is a time for reflection, to spend with friends and family and get ready for the New Year's challenges. Here in America we have One Tremendous Challenge that stands above all others. To do, like the Ukrainians did, set a false election ASIDE and demand a new Honest One where all votes will be visible and counted. Here, like in the Ukraine, the people voted one way but the votes were counted in another way. The people said "No" to four more years of Bush but his corporate, big business, warmongering supporters faked the election and are trying to claim he won, which he certainly did not as all exit polls the day of the election proved. We in America have three weeks from today to demand, and get a new, honest, verifiable election. Can we do it? I think we can, and will.
Below is a letter I'm sending to one hundred non-profit organizations who represent the best of America's thinkers and doers. I'm asking them to be the Paul Reveres of this country and save us from the corporations now in control attempting to turn America into the largest, most powerful fascist nation the world has ever experienced. The American people don't want that. They abhor it and won't stand for it. I urge each of you to spread this letter as far and as wide as you can. It is a matter of life and death. The life of a democracy that began the 4th of July 1776 but which will die on January 20th 2005 unless WE DEMAND and achieve a new, honest election before that date.
Happy Holidays
An Urgent Message From A Longtime Contributor
Dear Friends,
I have contributed financially to your group for many years, for I recognize the value of your efforts to create a better world. Now I am asking for your immediate help and support to avoid an Imminent Crisis facing us all.
America faces an apocalyptic moment. On November 2nd, at least thirty three million Americans (John Conyers estimates more than half of all who voted) lost their right to vote; their votes are indeterminate since they cannot be verified by hand count! This is an amazing and historically disastrous fact! Most of us were forced to vote on computers lacking paper evidence of who we voted for. Can any election be more than a sham under such a condition? Even worse, our votes could have been secretly and invisibly changed to favor George Bush or other Republican congressional candidates by the Republican owned business entities that secretly counted them. And all this after publicly promising their Republican associates they'd win! The bottom line: we really cannot know which Congressman, Senator or President was Actually elected on November 2, for the vote-counting was able to be secretly and privately manipulated and then blocked from audit because there were no paper trails required. Thus, the entire national election of November 2 was fundamentally and uncorrectably flawed!
Equally alarming, most people in our country still have no idea their votes were able to be easily changed to make it appear that Bush won the presidency. Thousands of instances show this to have happened, first in Ohio where a recount of those votes that can be hand recounted is being blocked by a Republican Secretary of State (who is chair of Bush's election committee; shades of Florida's Katherine Harris) yet even eight weeks after November 2, the American public is not aware of the fraud of this election. It's become the greatest SECRET since the one, years ago kept at Alamogordo.
The problem we face is that this outrageous theft of our voting rights is being kept secret from the American people by the corporate TV, newspaper and magazine media! And if we don't find a way to immediately inform the public of what has happened, by the time the people discover it the second Bush administration we did not vote for will again have taken office, just as happened in 2000 when the Supreme Court illegally stopped the recounting of all the votes in Florida (where Gore was ultimately found, through belated vote counts, to have won that state and thus the Presidency).
But the outrageousness of this mass media silence doesn't stop there. It gets much, much uglier. Ever since November 2nd the corporate mass media has been feverishly manufacturing consent to validate the false election results by accepting them without question while issuing thousands of self serving opinion and news articles praising Bush (like Time magazine's Man Of The Year) and suggesting why Kerry “lost the election”, whereas all major exit polls the night of the election indicated Kerry had won, overwhelmingly.
Now, it's easy to understand why corporate America loves and wants Bush to win and are doing everything in their power to see he does, even illegally. He maximizes their profitability, he will surely continue to spend billions on military research and weaponry, guarantees the media's monopolistic control of our publicly owned airwaves and insures greater corporate growth. All big money backs Bush. But we the people DID NOT want Bush again, didn't want his torture chambers or his war for oil and did actually vote him out of office, although not realizing their winning votes wouldn't be counted and couldn't be proved by reason of the Republicans' devious, advance plans of computerization of votes without paper trails. These are the facts about election 2004 that the mass media refuses, in their own financial interest, to accept or report on - which leaves “We the People at a terrible disadvantage, since most news they see or hear comes to them via mass media.
All of this makes us realize that the only way left for Americans to learn of the inadequacy of the November 2nd election, the fraud perpetrated upon them by the Republican controlled Congress, and the need for a new election to replace it, has to be through news and disclosures circulated by hundreds of dependable, civic-minded non-profit organizations such as yours. It would have to be from letters to be sent by you via email and regular mail to supporters who trust and respect the factual news of problems and their solution you regularly bring them. Certainly they will believe you over the mass media, and that is the key to awakening them to the crisis on hand.
Let me hasten to point out that this is not simply about whether Kerry beat Bush. This is about Americans having LOST their fundamental voting rights, without which they have no democracy. If your organization is going to be able to function in the future, if we are to remain a democracy, we must all have free speech, the right to vote and have our votes honestly counted. Needless to say without those rights we will become a third world nation and the role your organization now plays will become impotent, possibly not even permitted.
I submit, the goals you and I have can never be achieved unless, as is happening in the far off Ukraine, where people, made aware of the falsity of their election by exit polls, demanded and got a new election. Our November 2nd election, also proved by every exit poll to be a Kerry victory was just as crooked and needs to be rerun, this time with paper trails and recount-able ballots. And our new election, like theirs must be had before a new Congress and a new Presidency is allowed to take office. This must be our Line in the Sand from which there can be no retreat! If those who PREVENTED a fair election on November 2nd prevail as a result of computerization without paper trails, which they are on the verge of accomplishing today, I submit we will likely never again have an honest election and will likely have reached the end of the democracy we began on July 4th, 1776 on January 20th, 2005! This is the third election in a row that has been specifically flawed by the Republicans who have illegally seized control of both houses of Congress, as well as the Presidency by specifically blocking a law requiring paper trails for the 2004 election. It is Clear now why they voided that evidence!
Now I know you may be inclined to think this type of action does not conform to your bylaws, or past practices, or core issues you are known for. But if not you, the non-profit groups of our nation, the only true, honest representatives of “We the People”, who else is there to let the people know their fate? We are in a crisis in America, the greatest we've ever known, and it is likely terminal unless we all act immediately. Actually the Bush administration has caused the greatest crisis the world has ever known. We need many, many Paul Reveres which is what I'm asking you to become this one time, so I am writing to every group I contribute to, over a hundred in all, with this same plea to spread the news of the faulty election and the need for a new one to replace it. I will ask my email associates to write to their organizations as well, to spread the word of this stabbing our democracy in the back as far and wide and as fast as possible.Time is of the Essence; we haven't expired yet but we will in 3 weeks from today, unless we get millions of letters and emails to Americans alerting them to the dangers they face and explaining the critical need for an honest new election before January 20th!
Nothing less than a new national election can suffice, for this is not just an Ohio problem, or a Presidential problem. The November 2nd election violated every citizen's basic right to vote, which is the foundation of our democracy. Votes for Many Offices in the nation may have been, and likely were also hijacked. There's no telling without 100% of votes being recount-able. Most votes on November were not recountable without that paper trail which was excluded in advance.
No matter what your organization's core issues are, and to which your efforts are solely dedicated, informing your constituents that the election of November 2nd was fraudulent, and why, and urging them to demand a new election, as in the Ukraine, is the most pressing and important action you will ever be able to take for the health of America as well as the very continuance and vitality of your group. This is not political; the right to vote is the Most Vital right of every citizen of any party. Without it we cannot have basic human rights. Were a fascist dictatorship to evolve in this country, would you have the supporters you now have? With the new 3,000-page national security act (which Congress didn't have time to read before passing) just now going into effect we all face a very uncertain future. I again urge you, plead with you, to spread the word of the falsity of the November 2nd election within the next two weeks and explain the need for a new, honest, paper-vote election! Tempus fugit. May I receive an early response to this letter? America's uninformed citizenry need your help most critically. Don't let them down.
Kenneth Reiner
Long Beach, CA 90815
P.S. To bring you up to date on the current status of electoral fraud going on in Ohio, and particularly how the corporate media have been hiding news of that and other election fraud from us, see

Additionally, I recently wrote and am forwarding “A Call for a New Election” for your reference. It includes a copy of the House amendment requiring essential paper vote trails with computerized voting that the Republican Congress in 2003 and 2004 refused to allow a vote on before the November 2nd election. It also references some pertinent links on the importance of honest vote counting to people of every political persuasion.
U.S.: A Call for a New Election, by Ken Reiner + UPDATES
The time has come for a real election. The one we had was a fraud!

Here's one thing each of us can do to put a road block in the way of Bush's coronation. When Congress reconvenes on January 6th, at least 14 members of the House of Representatives will challenge the validity of the 2004 election. They will request an immediate investigation into many problems and irregularities encountered in the election.
According to the Electoral Count Act of 1887, one senator and one House Representative are required to contest an election prior to inauguration. We have the representatives; we still need a senator.
Please let your senators know that you want them to stand up with House Representatives and contest the vote. The signed petitions will be delivered to each senator in person by a coalition of representatives from a variety of concerned organizations and individuals. I've signed up. Why not join me, tens of thousands of others in this important act in encouraging your senator to support John Conyers and at least 13 other representatives making the case for counting all the votes in Ohio.
Despite the extensive evidence unearthed already by the Cobb Badnarik teams revealing massive fraud and voter suppression, a real hand count of all votes in any district still has not been permitted by the Republican administration of the state. You and I know what they have to hide!
Ask Your Senator to stand up and Contest The Vote

Please SPREAD Far and WIDE......
terrific report to motivate from Mmob and excellent, dedicated lady, met in Ohio who worked so very hard registering voters and teaching children to uphold democratic values and lawful good sportsmanship, all the GOTV volunteers have been grieviously insulted and harmed. Sneaky Cheaters undermine legitimacy, don' t let agent provocetuers, apologists for sabatuers and loyalty bought with a paycheck, defenders of dictators, angry character attackers encouraging division and trouble while not rationally discussing the data, attempt to pull another Orwellian turn the table, projection scam confusion on Thinking People- despoiling Truth, Love & Beauty not knowing or really caring or believing in Liberty, Equality or UNITY, Forgive them they know Not what they DO. E Pluribus Unum.
Ohio Update from MMOB (Mainstreet Moms Operation Blue)

In case you're leery of this damnable challenge, here's a discussion for moms about why it's only practical to tackle Ohio. For one, working hell-bent on this election was a real joy for many of us. If we mistrust having 80% of the nation's votes counted on Republican machines, we need to take action before the 2006 elections. Too, look at the Republicans fighting tooth-and-nail in Washington's razor-thin gubernatorial race. We have to fight these goombahs just as hard for the truth, or they'll be encouraged to go further. So while progressives of all stripes whirl through discussions of values and framing, how many think tanks to build and whether to lurch right or go boldly forward, the elephant in the room for us clearly is OHIO. (To catch up, look at and
As a grassroots organization of mothers and allies who wrote 505,000 hand-written letters in hot pursuit of democracy, we must take a stand. We spent a year celebrating and honoring the VOTE in action, in art, in classrooms and in parades, as we rallied Americans around our singular power as citizens. Our children loved it, understood it, and claimed the VOTE as their own. Now what do we tell them? That the American vote is over?
We can tell our kids that we lost. But how can we tell them that black people had fewer machines than white people, that private companies count public votes, that the 50,000 incidents of "random" vote machine error somehow favored Bush every time, and that Republicans don't want a paper trail because....because why? When we can't tell our kids something, it's time to get to work.
So it's time to either persuade ourselves nothing happened in Ohio, or make a commitment to action about something we believe did happen. If you're already persuaded and set for action, look below for how to fax and/or call Senators Kerry, Byrd, Boxer, Durbin, Feingold, Wyden, Pelosi, Jeffords, Kennedy, Harkin and Leahy. Otherwise:
--52.1% of people coming out of their polling stations in Ohio on November 2nd said they voted for John Kerry, in direct contradiction
to the 48.7% computer tabulated vote count that puts Ohio in Bush's
--Exit polls are used around the world as accurate indicators of
whether elections have been burgled or not, see Ukraine.
--When there's a discrepancy between the counting of the votes and
the responses of the same people who cast the votes, people in other
countries know enough to freak out.
--There's no trick to exit polls: A random, sizable sample of voters
are asked who they voted for, and if the sample is random enough and
large enough, it is statistically correct.
--Mitofsky International (MI) partnered with Edison Media Research to
conduct the Nov. 2 exit polls: MI is largely credited with inventing
the election exit poll and has conducted exit polls in close to 3,000
elections internationally
--Samples taken on election day were approximately 6 times larger
than that usually used in high quality, pre-election polls, with a
correspondingly high expectation of accuracy.
--That in Ohio Kerry is credited with just 48.7% of the votes rather
than the exit polls' 52.1% indicates a 999/1000 likelihood that
either the exit poll sample was not random, or the computer tabulated
vote count is very wrong.
--That on a national basis Kerry is credited with just 48.1% of the
votes rather than the exit polls' 50.8% indicates a 44,999/45,000
likelihood that either the exit poll sample was not random, or the
computer tabulated vote count is very wrong.
--If the exit poll sample was not random, then why on earth wasn't
it? No explanation has yet been provided. Any other democracy in the
world would call this a crisis.
Okay, say you don't care about exit polls. Then scrap that and you still have:
--The court case brought by Attorney Cliff Arnebeck on behalf of 70
Ohio voters details Kerry votes in 36 Ohio counties that went to Bush
in various errors, which if corrected represent at the least a
132,547 vote win for Kerry in Ohio
--Keep in mind that a 118,000 vote margin represents 59,000 votes
transferred from Kerry to Bush, which is less than 700 votes per
--Here's the full suit, detailed and worth reading:

--Send donations, along with your email address for updates, to:
Cliff Arnebeck, Esq.
Ohio Election Litigation Fund
1351 King Avenue, 1st Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43212
Or choose to ignore what Cliff Arnebeck has pulled together in this court case, and you still have:
--Of 400,000 election complaints called in, there are over 50,000 complaints of malfunctioning voting machines nationwide, with almost every "glitch" reported favoring Bush. If these are just crappy machines, why aren't they randomly chalking up extra votes for Democrats too?
--Many people reported that when they tried to vote for Kerry, the screen said they voted for Bush. No one has reported the reverse.
--Elsewhere, selecting a "straight Democratic ticket" failed to include a presidential vote. No one has reported the reverse.
--Statisticians graphed an entirely abnormal and direct correlation between precincts with computerized voting and Democrats voting for Bush (FL)
--The computers where votes are centrally tabulated are excruciatingly vulnerable, and can be accessed by modem from anywhere. As proven by Bev Harris with Howard Dean on national TV, it takes 90 seconds to learn how to change the vote totals on Excel or any other spreadsheet program
--Like similar machines used in gambling that have been criminally compromised, the programs in the voting machines can also be programmed to perform differently on a specific date, i.e. "on November 2nd, credit every third vote to Candidate X"
--A sworn affidavit by election official Sherole Eaton says that in advance of the 3% hand recount, a Triad elections technician put a " patch" on their PC, then advised her to post computer totals on a " cheat sheet" so they could get their hand recount "perfect" (This is now part of an FBI investigation requested by Conyers, as well as an inquiry from Kerry/Edwards to Blackwell's office)
--A sworn affidavit by computer programmer Clint Curtis alleges that FL Republican Congressman Feeney commissioned a hidden software program for touch-screen machines "to control the vote in South Florida" in 2000; the software code is posted online
So for every bad hack job reported, how many were not detected?
Time to change our thinking. The fact that 50,000 reported machine malfunctions invariably favored Bush is by definition not random. That there are thousands of abnormal votes for Bush means the impact is by definition not small. And the fact that Bush-Cheney Co-Chair Blackwell is twisting to block the recount at every turn begins to imply intent. These were bungled hack jobs that happened to come to light, begging the question, was the burglary more broad?
Only one Senator is needed to create a real hullaballoo on January 6th. Fax or (quickly!) mail personal letters calling for your Democratic Senator to take a stand -- or to tap someone who will -- on the Ohio crisis. We've heard that addressing Chiefs of Staff by fax is effective, and phoning is of course an option too. Find any Congressional member you need at Working Assets' comprehensive site In the meantime, here are the recommended contacts so far:
West Virginia MMOBers: Contact Sen. Byrd to take a stand on January 6th through Chief of Staff Barbara Videnieks
Washington Office:
311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-4801
Phone: (202) 224-3954
Fax: (202) 228-0002
Main District Office:
300 Virginia St., #2630
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: (304) 342-5855
Fax: (304) 343-7144
Oregon MMOBers: Contact Sen. Wyden to take a stand on January 6th though Chief of Staff Josh Kardon
Washington Office:
516 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3703
Phone: (202) 224-5244
Fax: (202) 228-2717
Main District Office:
700 NE Multnomah, #450
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (503) 326-7525
Fax: (503) 326-7528
California MMOBers: Contact Representative Nancy Pelosi to lead on January 6th through Chief of Staff Terri McCullough
Washington Office:
2371 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0508
Phone: (202) 225-4965
Fax: (202) 225-8259
Main District Office:
450 Golden Gate Ave., Burton Fed. Bldg.
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 556-4862
Fax: (415) 861-1670
California MMOBers: Contact Senator Boxer to take a stand on January 6th through Chief of Staff Karen Olick
Washington Office:
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0505
Phone: (202) 224-3553
Fax: (415) 956-6701
Main District Office:
1700 Montgomery St., #240
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (415) 403-0100
Fax: (415) 956-6701
Massachusetts MMOBers: Contact Sen. Kerry to take a stand on January 6th through Chief of Staff David McKean
Washington Office:
304 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2102
Phone: (202) 224-2742
Fax: (202) 224-8525
Main District Office:
One Bowdoin Sq., 10th Fl.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: (617) 565-8519
Fax: (617) 248-3870
Here are a few others with backbone who might just bite. Find full directory information at
Senator Dick Durbin, (202) 224-2152,
dick (at)
Senator Russ Feingold, (202) 224-5323,
russ_feingold (at)
Senator Tom Harkin, (202) 224-3254,
tom_harkin (at)
Senator Jim Jeffords, (202) 224-5141,
Vermont (at)
Senator Edward Kennedy, 202/224-4543,
senator (at)
Senator Patrick Leahy, (202) 224-4242,
senator_leahy (at)
Invite friends over to call and fax letters to Senators to stand up for us on the 6th, and you can show them the "Ohio Fraud Kit." This is a DVD and 30 pages of printed supporting material ($12) including affidavits, reports from the Conyers hearings and analyses, all put together by activist Sheri Myers. Here are her details for ordering:
"I am using the Pay Pal account at, so go to that site, click on the Peace Activist Kit button, go to Pay Pal, WRITE IN VOTER FRAUD KIT when the program asks you "Payment for:" and trust me, you will get your kit. I'm rushing to get these copied and sent out, so the page hasn't been changed. If you have a FedEx#, email me with it and I'll overnight the Kit. Or send a check to: Sheri Myers, 11409 Charnock Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90066. Once you have your copy, you are encouraged to make DVD copies and hand it to friends, congressional reps and media. "Votergate" parties are wildly encouraged! You will not be disappointed. This is damning evidence of a massive civil rights violation in Ohio on Nov. 2. EVERYONE should see it!"
Merry Christmas, happy happy holidays, and good health in what promises to be an active New Year together!
The MMOB Crew
Republicans Abandon Bush and the Far Right
Life-long Republicans are abandoning Bush, and the pseudo-religious far right in reaction to "what is happening to our beloved country". They are saddened and horrified by the "insidious and deliberate overthrow of Democracy by this administration, the media, and their supporters." These loyal Republicans are standing up and saying, "NO MORE!"

Here is a sampling of three Republicans who are speaking out against the Bush administration, their supporters, and the media collusion that makes it all work:
Republican is Frightened of this Administration =
A Message From A Real Republican =
A Primer on the Conservative Mind, From the Inside of One =
Main Entry: re·deem
Pronunciation: ri-'dEm
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English redemen, modification of Middle French redimer, from Latin redimere, from re-, red- re- + emere to take, buy; akin to Lithuanian imti to take
1 a : to buy back : REPURCHASE b : to get or win back
2 : to free from what distresses or harms: as a : to free from captivity by payment of ransom b : to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental c : to release from blame or debt : CLEAR d : to free from the consequences of sin
3 : to change for the better : REFORM
5 a : to free from a lien by payment of an amount secured thereby b (1) : to remove the obligation of by payment (2) : to exchange for something of value c : to make good : FULFILL
6 a : to atone for : EXPIATE b (1) : to offset the bad effect of (2) : to make worthwhile : RETRIEVE
synonym see RESCUE
- re·deem·able /-'dE-m&-b&l/ adjective
How looong will they kill Our Democracy while We stand aside and look
we've GOT to fulfill The Book
Our Minds, Voices were made strong by The Hand of The Almighty
SING Redemption songs- To RIGGGGHHT the...Wrongs!
out of many ONE