Demonstrate Against Deportations - Rally Against Racism! - 2nd April
i18n | 27.02.2005 23:13 | Anti-racism | Migration | Sheffield
National demonstration and rally in support of people seeking asylum and against racism.

Part of the 2nd April 2005 European-Wide Day of Action.
2dn April - European Day of Action
The Assembly of Social Movements from the London European Social Forum 2004 called for a day of action on 2 April 2005, against racism, for freedom of movement and for the right to stay as an alternative to a Europe based on exclusion and exploitation. Demonstrations, rallies and events will be taking place across Europe on that day.
100s of demonstrations across Europe!
There will be demonstrations, rallies and events all across Europe on 2nd April:
2/4: For freedom of movement and the right to stay
Call for a second European day of action For freedom of movement and the right to stay
31.Jan.05 - Last year a European Day of Action against detention centers and for the legalization of undocumented migrants was launched during the European Social Forum in Paris. A call was subscribed to by many different networks and groups, and on the 31st of January 2004 demonstrations and actions were held in more than forty European cities. It was an important day in the development of a networking process among migrants‚ struggles and activists on a European level.
This year we want to make a step forward. We propose to all European networks and social movements to join in the organization of a second day of action, to be held on April 2nd 2005, centered upon the claim for freedom of movement and the right to stay as an alternative to the European constitutional process.
When we talk about the European constitutional process we think first of all of its material dimension, that is of the way the integration process has taken place concretely in the last years. A European citizenship is in the making, and we must focus our analysis on the way the borders of this citizenship are constructed and managed, both in their external and in their internal dimension. Detention center for migrants have played and continue to play a key role in this process. Although they have taken different shapes in different countries, they are actually European institutions, within a unified framework which promoted even an externalization process of camps beyond the « external » borders of the EU - from the Balkan to Libya and Marocco.
Camps are the dark symbol of a migration politics which is not simply aimed at keeping refugees and migrants out of Europe, but rather at promoting a process of selective inclusion, also through illegalization, of the migrants. This process corresponds to the production of a hierarchy of rights as well as of legal and political positions, that lies at the core of the material transformations of citizenship in Europe and which is far from regarding only the migrants. And it corresponds to a new model of labor force management centered upon precarization and exploitation. The migrants are the subjects who experience in advance life and labor conditions that the whole workforce, certainly with different degrees, is beginning to experience in Europe. But on the other hand, their practices of mobility express a set of claims and demands which at the level of everyday life point to a different Europe. That is why we want to bring these interconnections and demands inside the Euro-May Day process and therefore call for a strong participation to the 1st of May 2005.
Freedom of movement is in this sense no ideological or merely rhetorical claim. We believe that freedom of movement encompasses different struggles of migration taking place every day throughout Europe : struggles for housing and legalization, struggles against racism and camps, struggles on the workplace, the struggles of women to free themselves from the patriarchal structure of their original but also of their arrival places. The second day of action is intended to stress the importance of these struggles and to provide a transnational framework for the deepening and multiplication of their plurality. We invite all groups, networks and social movements in Europe, not only the ones working on migration-related issues, to join this call and to mobilize for April 2nd 2005. On the second day of action we will emphasize the demands of the last year call. Demonstrations, actions and struggles must take place everywhere in Europe on that day !

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3 Converging Marches
23.03.2005 20:09
Demonstrate against Deportations
Rally against Racism
Saturday April 2nd 2005
South Manchester March
March with Mansoor Hassan and family
12.30pm, Whitworth Park
Wlimslow Road
North Manchester March
March with Farhat Khan and family
12.00 noon, Goldstone Park,
Cheetham Hill Road/Waterloo Road
Central Manchester March
March with Debbie Mgijima and Moses Kayiza
12.30pm at the HIV memorial, "the beacon of hope",
Sackville Park, Sackville Street
Rally against Racism - A city unites
All three marches come together to celebrate Manchester's multi-cultural
and multi-ethnic diversity.
Albert Square, Manchester
A city unites
against racism
for freedom of movement
for the right to stay and work
This is a local issue. Right now, Manchester people are living in fear of deportation.
People such as Mansoor Hassan, an investigative journalist who fled Pakistan after death threats were made against him and his family.
People like Farhat Khan, who escaped with her children from a violent husband and whose work in her local community in north Manchester was recently recognised by the Queen.
Whilst in the UK many lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience homophobia, in many countries around the world homosexuality is still illegal. And in many more countries extreme and violent homophobia is sanctioned by the state.
Many LGB people are forced to flee torture, rape and threats of long prison sentences or even death, and seek asylum in the UK and other 'safe' countries.
Unfortunately their official welcome here is often far from warm. We are demonstrating in solidarity with those fighting deportation and against injustice of home office decisions.
Effective HIV treatment is NOT available in Africa. The government CHOOSES to ignore this and deport people to their death. We choose to say no to deportations. HIV affects us all. Survival is a human right.
Show your support for Mansoor Hassan, Farhat Khan, Debbie Mgijima and Moses Kayiza and all other anti-deportation campaigns. Whether you march from the North or the South or even catch the bus, make sure you are in Albert Square on the afternoon of Saturday 2 April.
Supported by
* Mansoor Hassan Family Campaign
* Farhat Khan and Family Campaign
* Ziadah & Sharif Must Stay Campaign
* Moses Must Stay
* Alam Family Must Stay Campaign
* Seid Ahmed Must Stay Campaign
* Kiran Azam Campaign
* TGWU 6/389
* National Union of Journalists (Manchester branch)
* Unite Against Fascism
* Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
* Sheffield CDAS
* National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns
* Barbed Wire Britain
* Greater Manchester Coalition to Stop the War
* Campaign to Stop Arbitrary Detentions At Yarls Wood
* Leeds Coalition to Stop War
* Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit
* Perparim Demaj Must Stay Campaign
* UNISON North West Region
* No Borders (Manchester)
* No One Is Illegal
* Manchester Social Forum
* Greater Manchester Respect
* Councillor Afzal Khan
* Asian Women Unite
* Women Asylum Seekers Together
* Saffron Restaurant
* Welcome Group
* Pakistan Refugee Organisation
* UNISON Manchester
* Levenshulme Rainbow Group
* Manchester Jewish Socialists
* Bolton NUT
and, in Nottingham .........
29.03.2005 09:27
Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum: A Noisy Demo
NNRF is an independent, voluntary organisation set up to help and support asylum seekers and refugees in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
In support of the European Social Forum Day of Action against racism and in defence of asylum seekers and migrants ..... Nottingham is having a Noise Demo on April 2nd
Organized by the Campaign Group. Bring banners and all manner of musical instruments - everything from trombones to dustbin lids - to the Market Square at noon.
Download a flyer here:
The Sumac Centre, showing its support with a bloody great banner.....!
More info from:
Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum
Ph: 0115 941 5599
Sumac Centre
245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham NG7 6HX
Ph: 0845 458 9595
Tash [alan lodge]
poster for this event?
31.03.2005 15:06
Please email me asap if you know.