Festival of Mapping Invitation
The Map Room (is open...) | 04.03.2005 14:29 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
YOU ARE HERE but why?
A Festival of Mapping – June 2005
As part of the 56a Infoshop Free Skool, the curators of the The Map Room (is open…) will present a month long festival concerning maps and mapping. We are currently inviting proposals for events during the festival.
Things already in our heads for the fest include:
Hand drawn maps, charts of chaos, utopian visions, radical history walks and talks, collective map-making, bicycle tracking, psychogeography (is class struggle), getting your hands dirty, acts of war against gentrification, social adventure, colours, collecting, alliances, passions, ancient crafts. Anything unmediated by electric technology considered.
Get in touch if you want to plan, run or curate the Festival of Mapping. All events, talks, workshops will be free to all, with no fees to anyone.
Contact Chris c/o 56a Infoshop, 56 Crampton St London Se17 3ae

The Map Room (is open...)