Shakedown ‘05 - Nottingham G8 :: The Pictures
tash [alan lodge] | 14.03.2005 22:10 | G8 2005 | Culture | Globalisation | Social Struggles

Shakedown ‘05 aims to raise awareness of some global issues.
Shakedown ‘05 brought together the diversity of Nottingham’s cultural life (live bands, DJs, visual artists, performance artists) at this very big one-off non-profit DIY all-night event that tries to bring together as large a variety of people, music and arts as possible.
Shakedown ‘05 also aims to raise awareness of some global issues such as world poverty, climate change and global institutions such as the World Bank, IMF and the G8. Stalls, film showings and a cocktail bar run by various campaign groups will try to raise awareness of these issues among people in a positive way.
* * * *
As happens with all good things at some point, Shakedown*05 has become a thing of the past, filed somewhere into our memories as something that was very enjoyable. We wish to thank all of you for making the event the succes we believe it has become.
We wish to thank all the visitors. There have been no incidents reported at Shakedown*05, or in and around Nottingham, and the atmosphere at the event was really good. We wish to thank all the bands, for playing for free. We wish to thank the volunteers of all the contributing organizations, for believing in this, and for making it happen.
We are certainly considering using the energy that Shakedown*05 has produced for something new, yet to be decided. All ideas are welcome, so feel free to contact us with any suggestions at:

Many more pictures on Tash's FotoBlog entry at:

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK


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Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
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tash [alan lodge]
Hide the following 13 comments
Thanks tash! + Thanks ace shakedown crews!
14.03.2005 23:24
Glad to hear it all went well and without mishap... the line up did look fantastic!
See you all soon somewhere...
Earlier G8 action in Nottingham
14.03.2005 23:37
On Tuesday 15th Feb, around 30 cyclists gathered at about 3pm in Nottingham for a critical mass ride with the theme of 'no more blood for oil' and 'no G8 2005'
Indymedia at:
We cycled round for around two hours and fun was had by all.
It is hoped to make the critcal mass a regular monthly event so watch this space for news.
More piccys on my FotoBlog at:
'G8 Blockade' This was Nottingham's contribution to these matters, by taking direct action to blocade the Oil Terminal at Colwick. After erecting the tripod, there were a few instances of threats of violence, by lorry drivers and others, inconvenienced by the blockade. But all turned out well
tash {alan lodge]
I am a little annoyed.
16.03.2005 10:04
Do something about it, at least some kind of aplogy or explaination, or I'll ensure the whole SUMAC project is wound up, because we dont need middle class up-their-arse shitheads promoting racism. It will be as easy as pissing in the wind.
And, please, if you have any sense of dignity, don't just have this this comment deleted again!
Do something about it.
16.03.2005 19:26
james slater
Hmmm, got your number
17.03.2005 01:07
I have already contributed to proving that US spacemen never landed on the moon, by noting that they never left footprints. It was all filmed in an hollywood studio which had used moulded plastic to simulate the lunar landscape. So dont try pullin a fast one.
And Russians didn't put the first man into outer space, it was the Basques. General Francos' interior minister and his driver were actually the first astronauts. ETA buried so much explosives under a Madrid road, their passing car was blown mightily upwards - no trace of the car or passengers was found.
To Ed
17.03.2005 21:14
You can't amke comments like that without explaining what you meant.
Please get in touch if you actually have allegations like that and we will deal with them rather than post them randomly on a board.
What do you mean by you'll get the whole Sumac project shutdown? You would shut down a vibrent active social centre that is actually working rather than talk to them about your allegations?
Lord Byro Shakesdown SUMAC
18.03.2005 07:39
Yes, I was a little annoyed, but I got over it. But since you appear to want to continue, I will oblige, but will call of the mad dogs. OK, I will give you a little bit of substantiation for starters, since I trust you are not being disingenuous.
'Lord Byro' likened an image of a monkey displayed at the SUMAC to Michael Jackson, and then said his mate gave Jacko a wacko balls and all blow job in Birmingham once. I and the person to his right felt very uncomfortable about this comment, we both said so. In the same breath Byro went on to comment about the size of Frank Sinatra dick: so big, he said, he had to glue it to his leg during performers. Of course non of this is original Byro material he stole it from someone else.
Immediately following this a woman approach us to tell me that the all night party had been raided by the police and was cancelled.
If that's the way you treat your guests, with racist and sexist behaviour, and with disingenuous advice - you should fuck off, or at least make Byro do so. And If it turns out you are being disingenuous then yes closedown. What would I do in this case. I haven't given it a thought. It certainly wouldn't be illegal. I am not giving anyone any threats. But believe me I would put my mind to it at some point, and it would be easy to do and would reflect your own behaviour, if I felt this behaviour was part of a pattern that was beyond the pail.
It's very low priority and in the scheme of things not that important, but its a point of principle. But if you set up a social center that condones racism, sexism, and bullshit you deserve to closedown. So that's why I was little annoyed.
Now, I have better things to do that to have to respond like this. Like paint my hall. But I am only responding to your behaviour, but I will endeavour, at some point, to up the anti if you wish to take things in that direction. I am sorry, but, again, it's just a point of principle. I am not threatening, just responding, so the outcome is in your hands.
Perhaps, you should think about this, and maybe do something about it. Lord Byro can apologies to you, or go to confession maybe. Tell him that Jackon, a black, got so fucked up with his identity, because of racism mainly, he literally has changed his external identity by surgery. He's so fucked up - it's very sad.
Also, tell him Sinatra was King of the Swingers, and Elvis had a small tadger. And without question Sinatra was technically a better singer. But Dylan had more soul than Elvis, Sinatra and Jackson, put together. And Dylans dick size was irrelevant to his art. I hope that pisses him off, Byro.
I was tempted to find out where Lord Byro fitted in on this scale that night, in order to steal his money, and donate it to an anti-racist campaign. However, I was a bit squeamish about snoggin someone with prickly stubble and generally I don't go for peroxide blondes. In any case I waned to go back and sleep.
Have you found the dodgy £20 yet. I had it for about 10 years. Hope it doesn't get you into trouble!
I’ll leave you with a conundrum. You don't know what I know. Some of you are very clever people, cleverer in many many ways than I, so you should be able to find out, somehow, what I know. Poker face, dead pan eyes, smiles when he’s sad, cries when in pain, but is happy all the time.
slagging off
18.03.2005 10:20
18.03.2005 14:42
Dick Ed
Fair Enough Shakedown
18.03.2005 14:52
I didn't pass a dodgy 20 actually, but the rest was true.
dick Ed
18.03.2005 15:26
I went down to shakedown and it was brill, well done all,
Meanwhile, back to the point ....!
19.03.2005 10:53
I've contributed a few post about main and important issues. I've tried to lay out the facts, and being a photographer, tried to describe what it all looked like. Each time, someone has made a ranting and irrelevent comment on some personal agendas, completely un-related to the subject at hand, then the 'thread' goes 'off on one'.
Back to the G8, you know, the issue here !!
A few days later, people were in Derby, drawing attention to the meeting by ministers, in advance of the main shindig at gleneagles in July. Here are the links
G8 Environment & development ministers Meeting at Derby Pt1
G8 Environment & development ministers Meeting at Derby Pt2
very best
Tash [alan lodge]
We all can't be perfect you know.
20.03.2005 13:44