Anti-Detention Center Filmscreening and Talk
Sheffield No Border Collective | 22.03.2005 12:01 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Migration | Social Struggles | Sheffield
Filmscreening and discussion on Detention Centres in Sheffield, Tuesday 29th of March.
Part of the mobilisation against the European detention center regime and for April 2nd European wide Day of Action for Migrants and Refugees Rights.
For the freedom of movement and the right to stay.
No Lager - Nowhere
It is not senseless to impose limits on racist election campaigns.
With national elections due the main political parties in Britain seem to compete in overtaking BNP racist propaganda. With immigration and asylum seeker numbers on an all time low, the political class appears to be united in solving an issue that hardly exists. By targeting foreigners as a principal scapegoat in their respective campaigns British politicians are well in accordance with their continental counterparts. All across Europe immigration has become an issue at hand for neoliberal politics to delude populations from welfare cuts, underfinanced education and health care.
But autonomous migration has also become a major force fighting the politics of global inequality and the exploitation of resources in the global south. In violating the borders set up to protect capitalist injustice migrants are the most vibrant force in the globalisation critique.
Detention Centers
One of the common features of European border regimes are the detention-centres, set up to contain and concentrate refugees in inhuman conditions. The parallels of these centres as means of repression of human rights allows to draw a line from Guantanamo Bay to the proposed detentions camps in North Africa.
Just this weekend the Guardian reported on how the US government is effectively turning a whole state, Afghanistan, into a place where all human rights are suspended, allowing torture and detention without sentence for years. Over 10.000 people are now detained in this manner.
Around detention centres all over the world people have started to protest and act out against this inhuman practise.
We invite you to watch a recently produced film on the issue among other films of campaigns in Britain followed by a discussion in Sheffield on Tuesday 29th of March 8 pm The Rutland Arms, Paternoster Row.
Organised by the Sheffield No Border Collective
Also join the protest on the 2nd european day of action for migrant and refugee rights in Manchester, Sat 2nd April 12.30 pm at Whitworth Park.
See also the April 2nd Organising Committee and the No Border Network.
Freedom of movement and the right to stay
A co-production of the European Anti-Lager Campaign, 39 minutes, Berlin, 2005
Camps of refugees and migrants - everywhere in Europe you can find these places, that cannot be found on any usual map. Camps aim on exclusion and deterrement, and serve as a filter for the labour-markets. Camps create a hierarchy of rights and represent a cornerstone of global apartheid. It is time to draw new maps, maps of resistance: to tear down the visible and invisible fences and walls, in each case to attack all lagers and detentions by any means necessary. The film documents various experiences and actions from eight countries: an accusation of testimonies on one hand, but mainly a patchwork of resistance, which should encourage and inspire to intensify and to transnationalize the struggles against the lager regimes.
Preview versions of the video are available from the "No Lager - Nowhere" web page: dsl-connection - modem, also there are also full length quicktime and divx versions available from the site.
Sheffield No Border Collective
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