Notting Hill Housing Trust - Clive Soley MP - Ms Sindy Finn
Ms Sindy Finn | 23.03.2005 23:35 | Analysis | Indymedia | Repression | London | World
Check out the Waldman web site to see the harassment meted out by my landlords - Notting Hill Housing Trust against me.
I am black - my MP is white - he was a Probation Officer - I had serious problems wrong with my flat. When I complained about the state of my flat [Flat 8 Kerrington Court, 148 Uxbridge Road] and the very severe dangers in the building, [all set out in a petituion to the Chairman LORD SAWYER - who did not even have the decency to send me an acknowledgement].
My landlords did absolutely nothing. They did not even answer any of my letters to the senior officers of the organization. In fact, my landlords purposely made my housing situation far, far worse by putting a NEIGHBOUR FROM HELL above me (in Flat 20)(a Mr Gordon) - who put blaring loud music on all night. When I tried to complain the neighbour from hell tried to stab me to death. The building was and is insecure, it was and is unsafe and unfit to live in. Many of the tenants in the building have got live wild rats in the building. All caused by the neglect of my landlords. Yet my landlords have continually tried to argue that they are a charitable housing association, yet all the time receiving millions of pounds a year in taxpayers grants.
My MP CLIVE SOLEY MP is clearly racist in the way he treated me.
I am black he is white. He ignored my letters and pleas for help. He is not a man to be trusted.
I was born in London. My family all live in London and my MP didn't want me complaining about my landlords. As the Chairman [LORD TOM SAWYER (ex general secretary of the Labour Party) (ex head of UNISON Union)] and the Chief Executive [PETER REDMAN](the twice discredited chief executive of the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST Housing Association) were and are very good friends of my MP [CLIVE SOLEY MP]. My MP wanted to drive me out of my flat [as not once did he even try to support me - all my neighbours will testify to that fact].
My MP wanted me to look for a flat outside London.
Just because I signed a petition with most of the tenants at Kerrington Court at 148 Uxbridge Road, my MP wanted me to withdraw the petition and all our legitimate objections because he did not want the embarrassment surfacing in the media. Immediately after my MP CLIVE SOLEY called, I received a phone call on my mobile from his pal - the head of the charity shops - telling me that I need no longer come back to work on a voluntary basis at the charity shops. When I asked why? I was told that I should not have
sent the petition [setting out our legitimate complaints] to LORD TOM SAWYER.
LOOK up Sean Bryson - another Notting Hill Housing Trust tenant. He was also treated abysmally by my landlord - he lives at Notting Hill - not at Shepherds Bush - he was treated by JOHN BARRY [the Head of Customer Services of Notting Hill Housing Trust - who is the architect of the anti-social policies against the tenants with legitimate complaints]. He was treated by my landlord as an anti social neighbour. Yet it is Notting Hill HOusing Trust that acts as an anti social landlord caiasing nuisance and harassment when it cannot evict its tenants through the court. NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST resorts to UNLAWFUL BEHAVIOUR.
Mr JAMES GLEESON of Flat 25 Kerrington Court will give evidence of everything that happened to me by my landlord.
CLIVE SOLEY MP MUST RESIGN NOW or the wrath of the tenants of Notting Hill Housing Trust and the wrath of the constituency of Ealing, Acton & Shepherds Bush will turn on him with a vengeance.
CLIVE SOLEY MP did not listen to his constituents by taking to WAR using a deceitful prospectus saying there was Weapons of Mass Destruction in IRAQ when none existed. The UK & USA supplied the weapons so we knew and know there were NO Weapons of Mass Destruction.
[Yet to steal the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world - in IRAQ - an excuse had to be found and used!!! So it was.]
This WAR was initiated against the advice of MOST of the constituents in the constituency who are ARABIC. Most of the Labour Councillors of HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM were against the War. Even the MAYOR OF HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM was against the WAR in IRAQ.
CLIVE SOLEY MP has much blood on his hands - but he has too much to explain - which he never will!!!
CLIVE SOLEY MP has duped and deceived ALL his constituents!
I was a major supporter of the Labour party.
Now I see I was tricked, deceived and duped by a traitor against my interests.
HELL would be too good for you CLIVE SOLEY MP
Ms Sindy Finn
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Soley to retire
24.03.2005 09:28
No loss. He answered a letter from my son saying we shouldn't go into Iraq without a 2nd UN resolution, then went and voted for it anyway.
He replied to me explaining why we should continue to arm and train the Colombian army - apparently they are working towards democracy!
If that's what he thinks democracy is, it's a good job he's on his way out.
24.03.2005 09:50
Notting Hill Housing Trust
26.03.2005 15:35
Sebastian Kornhauser
Notting Hill Housing Trust
28.03.2005 15:47
Please find evidence in the link below
Sebastian Kornhauser
12.04.2005 04:50
It just shows how power can corrupt a man.
I've heard many negative stories about him, like he wanted to legalise cannabis. I remember that he said back in the local paper of hammersmith, the gazette, when he was the mp for hammersmith that the monarchy can't go on as it is and has to change, saying that the time was right for a modern constitution with a democratically elected head of state. I wonder if he still believes what he said, as he has been involved in destroying this country's traditions such as reforming the house of lords and yet he appears set on wanting to join his friends in the same house of lords which has been changed from a house of unelected people to another house of unelected people that are now appointd by the prime minister.
I know he hurriedly arranged a question and answer session in the old drill hall in shepherds bush back in march 2003 just before he tried to persuade everyone to back a war in iraq and trying to bully his opponents that they would not be reselected to the labour party. All those in the party that attended were really angry at the backing he encouraged for a war in iraq which has caused so many hundreds of thousands of needless deaths.
I was told that on his last election poster in 2001, he duped his electors by making out that a smiling female receptionist was just that - yet after the election it turned out that the innocent looking beaming receptionist was none other than one of the local councillors. But this seems no different to the postal voting scandals in birmingham and bradford which have really upset many electors and one mp called on his fellow asians who are all from the same labour party not to bring the deceiving practices that would shame a banana republic.
It seems like so many labour councillors are now duping the electos under postal fraud.
But I suppose if the mp can deceive the electors back at the last election in 2001 he is capable of doing anything.
tish jay
Changes made to the article about Notting Hill Housing Trust
29.11.2005 12:32
I've seen the article about Notting Hill Housing Trust and notice how the words in the article have been changed presumably by those that work at Indymedia.
Who else could change them?
I notice that it's no longer possible to post comments to the website.
Seems like Indymedia has been successfully leaned on by senior politicos of the Labour Party.
earl white
Nothing has been edited
29.11.2005 13:46
For example:
You can find lots more with a search engine, try searching for this in Google: "notting+hill+housing+trust"
As for the accusation that senior Labour politicians lean on this web site -- that's funny, no basis in reality, but funny... :-)
Earl: please either provide some (any) evidence for your accusation or stop making false accusations.
WHO WROTE THIS CRAP IN MY NAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28.01.2007 05:27
I would like to know how to contact this website and have this removed. As i am now considering taking legal action against the owner of this website for not fully looking into the information printed on here. I suggest this hurtful and decietful article is is withdrawn forthwith. (if anyone knows who i need to contact to have this removed please let me know)
Sindy Finn