Motorcycle demonstration to support Kurdish hungerstriker Bahoz in Greece
ab | 26.05.2005 13:33 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | World
Political asylum is nearly unknown in Greece as from 2000 to 3000 applications each year only 2-3 individual’s applications get approved.
The motorcycle demonstration celebrated not only the start of the resistance camp for the hunger striker in a public space in the city centre, but also proceeded through immigrants quarters at the outskirts in the east of Thessaloniki to publicise the idea of political asylum and make people aware of the rsistance to the government’s current immigration policy.
Motorcycles are very popular in Greece, as cars are quite expensive, and motorcycles are a very good and quick means of transport in the city centre and used to cover the necessary long distances, such as the demonstration covered a distance of about 20 km in about 2 hours time. At the start of the demonstration was a huge banner stretched between two motorcycles and many red and black flags were carried on the motorcycles in the demonstration, and leaflets handed out.
The last days were very hot and sunny – at least for visitors from Northern Europe it appeared to be , and the motorcycle demonstrations with about 40 motorcycles and 5 to 6 bicycles was an inspiring and successful event for the participants.
The buses, which were free of charge until some years ago, are now owned by a public and private company. Although the ticket price and the costs of living still seem affordable for tourists and travelers from Northern Europe, the fact that Greece has neither any social security, neither housing nor unemployment benefits, nor public healthcare, and high unemployment make the costs of living relatively expensive for the people.
Now, in the process of neoliberalism, many factories close and move the production to even cheaper countries abroad, often trying to maximize the profits by avoiding to pay the workers and declare bankrupcy.
Then, a level of militancy and confrontation is seen appropriate to ensure survival, and often, when the alternatives are either boot-licking or fighting, may it be the struggle against bosses, government politics or the police employed to ensure the bosses interests, fighting and militant confrontation has proved to be the only successful alternative for social movements to ensure justice, dignity and fairness.
After the motorcycle demonstration the camp was set up, including two tents, information table and loudspeaker with music and explanations and speeches, and is now guarded all day by different and various groups to protect it against any police attack.
Bahoz states in his political declaration, that his hungerstrike is not an act of desperation or weakness, but a means of political fight.
¨For numerous years, in every attempt I did to get the political asylum, witch according to the evidence I have brought to the Ministry of Public Order (and witch are still filed there) it results that I am entitled to receive the political asylum as well as the Greek citizenship, nevertheless the present as well as all the previous ministers didn’t accept to sign. Violating, as they always do, the same laws they have passed.
To select the hunger strike is not an action of weakness or desperation. It is a way of struggle that will bring important results to the mass of immigrants, and also to all those that will stand up for me. "
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