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video from Aldgate station, morning of 7th July

r2r | 07.07.2005 11:01 | London

video footage of scene at Aldgate Station

shows what appears to be two bodies being carried from the platform..

Broadcast quality video available.

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Mainstream media reporting

07.07.2005 12:30

My sympathies with the victims of this dreadful attack. However I must point out a few things while all the hysterical rhetoric is coming from the mainstream media.
I would have thought a sensible reaction to this kind of event would be to keep an open mind, to look for clear evidence to find exactly who was responsible for the attack - after all, that is the only chance we have of preventing them doing it again, isn't it? Instead, within a couple of hours we have Tony Blair saying it is 'reasonably clear' it is a terrorist attack. After his speech, the commentator on Radio 4 had high praise for Blairs words, commending his calm, measured tones. He said that Blair would not say that it was a terrorist attack unless he had clear evidence. Where is this evidence? Of course Blair will say that it is a security matter, and the public should not be given the information. Why is this? For any other crime, we require evidence before we come to a conclusion.
And another commentator on BBC radio is saying that this has all the hallmarks of an Al-Qaeda attack. Again, it seems that this is sufficient 'evidence' to confirm that this is an Al-Qaeda attack - 'hallmarks'.
Of course the motive for this conclusion is unfortunately all too clear. A disgusting terrorist attack like this makes people scared. It becomes easier then for the government to strip away those pesky civil liberties that people have in this country. Anyone who dares criticise the government in any way can now be deemed a sympathiser with terrorists. And of course now the government can increase to even greater levels it's murderous foreign policies in Iraq and elsewhere, all under the guise of a 'war on terror'.
I don't think any of these comments will appear in the mainstream media, yet luckily more and more people are coming to realise that Blair's regime is now so desperate that he will resort to putting spin on attacks like this to boost his cause.
I understand with the chaos in London now that you must suspend your meeting. But please don't be deterred from standing up against this terrible regime we have in this country, and fighting for our cause.

Samuel Fernando

Samuel Fernando

too soon

07.07.2005 12:52

I agree, though the media has been reporting that one Al-Qaeda web site is claiming responsibility - that is inconclusive and yet to be proven. We have to remember how politically convenient it was for Spain's president to blame ETA after the Madrid bombing, just as it's politically advantageous for Blair to blame Al-Qaeda or Iraqi insurgents in this moment.

On another note, I just heard Bush's response, deceitful remarks from an dangerously ignorant and arrogant man. As a US citizen I can only express shame for our current leadership.


by any other name

07.07.2005 13:06

Exactly what evidence do you need to see before calling this a terrorist attack? I'd say wholesale aritrary murder of civilians is a pretty good definition of the thing. What are you going to call this? Insurgency? Political speech? Must we weigh the political motives before rendering a proper judgment on random slaughter?


what else is it?

07.07.2005 13:20

I'm failing to see how it could be anything but a terrorist attack. Accident?? Declaration of war? Terrorist doesn't necessarily mean muslim insurgents, and surely we're used to it in its common usage in the UK.
To be fair to both Blair and the media, they've been very reluctant to blame anyone without any evidence. The most I've heard on the BBC is that, "Jihad in Europe have claimed responsibility on a web site, but until this is confirmed we're still unsure" or words to that effect.


Terrorism? Yes. Responsibility? Not sure.

07.07.2005 13:25

It is most certainly a terrorist attack, I think a bomb exploding in a city is terror, by any definition of the word. Now you are one-hundred percent correct about the stripping of our personal liberties and the inaccurate, expediant finger-pointing are a serious scare us, the people. Just keep in mind this is terror, and so was Iraq. I can't help but wonder if the UK had stayed out of Iraq, if these kind of terrosist attacks would have ever happened? My condolences to London, this is a scary world.

Bryan J.V.
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Chickens Coming Home to Roost - US-UK Foreign Policy Agenda Bites Home

07.07.2005 13:33

The bomb attack was carried out as a direct response to the US-UK foreign policies imposed on Central Asia and the Middle East.

The claim by Blair that this is an attack on Western Civilization is a simplistic decoy to divert attention from the fact that these kinds of injustices have been perpetrated by US-UK forces most recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.

There would be no "attack on Western Civilization" if US-UK et al had not entered the fray with their foul agenda first and if instead they concentrated on aid, development and education instead of irresponsible corporate expansion via the arms trade. As with September 11, 2001, the chickens are coming home to roost.

My sympathies go out to all the innocent victims in this corruption of power.

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07.07.2005 14:04

>The bomb attack was carried out as a direct response to the US-UK foreign policies imposed >on Central Asia and the Middle East.

You don't know that. Nobody knows what the motivations were- there is an isolated statement on a message board somewhere which says this, but it is nothing to base your opinions

Blair never said that this was an 'attack on western civilisation'. His exact words were:

"Whatever they do, it is our determination that they will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilised nations throughout the world."

...the implication being that anyone who undertakes such an attack (on civillian targets, specifically designed to cause terror) cannot consider themselves civilised. Do you disagree?

To draw parallels between these attacks and military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is an ignorant and misinformed. Whatever is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is of an entirely different nature to these attacks- in form and in intent.

Duncan Stuart
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Here comes the night of broken glass

07.07.2005 14:38


Please, don't be so naive. This will not be the last terrorist attack. The more illegal wars that are launched to catch??????????? ah yes, OBL, the mastermind, the devious syndicate, the cia asset.

Maybe if bush/blair went after OBL instead of saddam, there would be no explosions today. Maybe if Rove didn't out Valerie plame, she'd still be doing work in the middle east "protecting" you. But Noooooooo, valerie plame said those niger documents were fake and that wasn't good for the war on terror marketing plan.

How convenient as Judith miller goes to jail to "protect her source", a "website" claims al-qaeda did it.

Gee, do you think we might want to find those servers and put them out of business, after all, your talking about a website that posts responsibility. So I ask you, wouldn't it be smart to look into this website?

Of course not, then how would you know al-qaeda did it? Cui bono?(Who benefits)

Motive - Means - Opportunity

Motive: yes
Means: sketchy
Opportunity: No

How does "al-qaeda-europe" infiltrate and then subsequently coordinate a multiple explosive attack without anyone knowing. Including the intelligence agencies that have more money and resources then they know what to do with.

"We have been at a very high state of alert. Of course if there had been any kind of specific warnings we would have dealt with it," Blair said.

Certainly not al-qaeda, your talking about a rag-tag group that is suddenly an international criminal syndicate, one that the US trained, funded, and supported in the soviet-afghan war.

Show me the evidence, not a website that "claims" and I guess MORE security doesn't help given Blairs words above. If you cannot stop a terrorist attack when you are on a "very high state of alert"...

Your either incompetent, negligent, or complicit. As if anyone believes that bush or blair will make anyone safer with the list of lies that have led us to this point. Take a look at what happened today and ask yourself, is the war on terror working?

I am sensitive to the deaths, but I want answers, not "the war on terror II - the empire strikes back"....get a grip, shake the fear, and demand answers not revenge.


oh the irony

07.07.2005 15:03

i find it oddly ironic when people in this country seem really surprised and indignant about this kind of thing - like they haven't seen what has been happening to the people of iraq ??? of course it's not the civilians fault, but what do people expect?? what makes uk civilians any different from iraqi civilians - ??? did people think we would really get off so lightly after what iraq has endured??
surely everybody knows the law an eye for an eye


Chickens Coming Home to Roost - Part II

07.07.2005 15:23

"The bomb attack was carried out as a direct response to the US-UK foreign policies imposed on Central Asia and the Middle East"

Your logic follows that either a Central Asian or Middle Eastern group perpetrated this act, which my hip-shot judgement tends to agree with. However, if that is the case, US-UK foreign policy is irrelevent. Sure our governments engage in activities that generally make these peoples less than happy with us, but simply put it is WHO WE ARE that so greatly enrages these people. If UK and US culture and influence were completely restricted to within the borders of those countries, Central Asian and Middle Eastern peoples of a particular group within a particular religous persuation would still hate us and want to harm us because the philosophies that we value and respect directly oppose and in some instances threaten the philosophies of said group.

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Conspricacy to bomb London?

07.07.2005 15:27

No doubt, most of us feel somewhat shocked, if not outraged by the events of this morning.
As usual, the first reaction will be shock, outrgae, despair and anger...

Where do we look when things like this happen?
We look into ourselves to find understanding. When this is not forthcoming, and it's impossible to understand such events so early on, we rely on the media to inform us, often of the facts, and often of someone's opinions. That line is always a little blurred for me.

What strikes me as interesting is
1. the timing - directly on the start of the G8 summit, something imprinted on the conciousness of billions of people due to the efforts of Live 8.
What better distraction from the massive focus on the G8 from the masses (especially those in the UK) than such an act of violence in London.

I hope the G8 doesn't fade further away from primetime viewing, and the obvious US and G8 countries' involvement in systems/buisness/governments which generate, allow and actively support the state of poverty for so many, and become swallowed by a paranoid fear-mongering clamp down on "security" or a deferment or diffusion of the whole focus of G8 and the pressure the leaders should be under from the world watching.

I'm sure conspiracies and/or theories thereof, may come out slowly, and I don't wish to suggest any here...

2. WHy has no-one made it totally clear they are responsible?
The internet provides one possible truth, but if you really go to these lengths, why not more destruction, and a claim from someone to make their point/cause etc. heard?
Think about the motivations of an organised and potentially religion/ideal-driven terrorist group and in what circumstances this could provide them with any kind of platform to get any kind of point across. I'm sure "agenda"-wise, the UK Government will be able "swerve" certain agendas quicker towards completion.
Keep a close eye on how Blair et al respond to this attack. They have a great "reason" to "clamp down" on many of the aspects of life and freedoms we enjoy.

I hope this is conscise enough, there are so many aspects of this event.

What's important is that those affected/injured/bereaved realise they are supported and receive the love and good energy from all of us around the world.

Let us resolve to love the good things more, not hate those "unaccountable" and "mystery" terrorists more. They are everywhere, nowhere and humanity should focus on the positive qualities of human nature not seek to destroy the negative.

Robert Ham

"Strategy of Tension"?

07.07.2005 16:04

You know, in Italy when the G8 summits were in Genoa there, July 2001, there were explosions and "bomb scares" (many of which were unsubstantiated) throughout the weeks before and after the summit. There was one in a courthouse, one in a police station, etc. Many of those who had experience with the civil unrest in Italy that has been going on for decades, called it part of the traditional "strategy of tension": attacks that are easily attributable to this or that terrorist organization but for whom the perpetrator is never caught, which serve to escalate and perpetuate the conflict, to stir up public hysteria and bloodlust, and to justify repressive laws, "state of emergency," and violent reprisals on the part of police, military, and right-wing and xenophobic groups. Don't get me wrong: I do not suggest that anything like that would happen in the UK. It would be unthinkable, of course, that any public authorities could have had any knowledge of these terrible attacks beforehand. However, it is almost certain that violent xemophobic and anti-immigrant reprisals will ensue.

Those of you with any connection whatsoever to Arab, Muslim, South Asian, African, and Immigrant communities, stand by them now. If you know people who are caught up in the crackdown who need accompaniment on errands for protection from random vigilante attacks, translation, legal assistance, media support, or anything else, be ready to stand up for human rights wherever you are. Don't let the witch-hunts begin again.

the perspective of Italy

Revenge, punishment...two wrongs do not make a right.

07.07.2005 16:05

Whatever the reason and whoever is behind these attacks I have read the statement made by this european Jihad group and they talk about this being punishment and revenge on the British governemnt and that countries like Denmark should watch out as well. Whoever did carry out these attacks does not have the right to be dishing out punishments and revenge on the general public of Britain. The general public of Britain did not go to war on Iraq etc. Is it too late for a global awakening? I'm wondering......



07.07.2005 16:06

"To draw parallels between these attacks and military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is an ignorant and misinformed. Whatever is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is of an entirely different nature to these attacks- in form and in intent."

Both British and American security services have said that the war on Iraq has made terrorist attacks more likely.


Terrorists and motives

07.07.2005 16:37

I see that the only ones who gain with this act are those whom also gain with ''the war on terror'' They're the only ones who need this impact. Without the collors of the state alert and without the illusion of evil there is no justification for the wars and injustice that are being carried out. Look at the motives. A network of terrorist that wants to make a point, would attack the people in power not those who relies on public transport. It makes no sense, if they have the capacity to make such a succesfull plan, let me remind you that London have arround 1 camera for every 4 citizen, you find them in allmost every cornor, they must have been aware of that, why didn'th they attack the building where they've hold the g8 meeting? Why the medium and low class population? Who gains with this?Afeterall they are the minority, if their motives were to change the mentality of the western world, they're doing it wrong. Or are they planning on kill all of us? They are not stupid.
Are religious extremists able plan such an act on forein ground? Extremists tend to be people who gets carriet out by their emotions, not this kind of people. For me it has more to do with ecconomic interests then religious nor ideologic. The people behind this had to have a strong motive and access to a large quanty of money, local people and qualified profetionals maybe even from the army. If it really is the Alqaeda behind this, I question their motives and allies, cause it only seems to help the interests of their enemies.

I bet that from now on:
Europe will be more active on the war against terror
Civilians from england and maybe from the rest of Europe will have lees liberty and rigth Due to safety (like the patriot act)
All muslims will be seen as terrorists (like comunists were some years ago)
Military suppliers will get richer
Iran will be invaded

so who has the attack helped?

sorry for my gramma


but who exactly ARE the terrorists??!!!

07.07.2005 17:29

the Government always needs an enemy to 'protect' its citizens from, this is how they justify excercising control over us.

the cold war has finished, there are no major threats from other countries, no world power that could conceievebly stand up to our 'allies' america.

we need a 'faceless' enemy, its the only thing that will keep people afraid.



07.07.2005 17:32

leave your grandma out of this....
terrorists often cripple transport routes - IRA, Madrid... and as for commuters and not businesses - why did Al Qaeda sympathisers destroy a hotel in Bali then? i have no idea who did it, i'm not an expert in world espionage, terrorism and warfare - i get the feeling most people here aren't either.... It's all conjecture, and a lot of the layman's logic displayed here as to why there was some vast MI5 conspiracy doesn't actually tie in with how other attacks have panned out. I'll wait to see if we ever find out.....


something stinks!!

07.07.2005 17:59

if a so called terrorist group have the vision, savvy and balls to carry out such an organised and engineered attack such as hijacking AND flying jumbo jets into 3 top buildings in the states - why would they not have a major plan b to back it up, knowing that a war would more than likely be waged upon them ??

- so now i am to believe they have sat back for over a year and watched while their country has been bombed to **** and they are now finally retaliating by blowing up a few measly underground trains and the top off a double decker bus !!???!!

sorry but i dont buy it

surely if they can organise such a massive operation to start the "terrorist war" they would have more up their sleeves than a few bombs in a tubetrain and a suicide bomber on a bus to back it up - it just doesnt ring true to me ...

The upside for the powers that be is that bush can now turn round and pat blair on the back for being justified all along and the public can praise the 2 of them even more for protecting us Undecided - the damage from todays bombings, (however sad as it is for those who have lost loved ones) is not enough to destroy our economy - but it has given them reason to carry on doing what the hell they like and IS the perfect excuse to slap a security state on us

something stinks if you ask me ......

i dont buy it...

London TERRORIST attack

09.07.2005 22:47

well for those who for some strange demented reason dont believe this was terrorists you need to seriously wake up!!!!!
i have followed the news from the very start on various chanels and viewed other content on websites.
A friend of mine was at kings cross and is bloody lucky to be alive.
Everything that happened tallys up to how the al-queda work.
They have now discovered the bombings werent suicide bombers but were planted timed devices set to go off just 50 seconds after each other.The bombing on the bus is the odd one out which police believe the bomber couldnt get on a train for some reason and with the bomb in his bag needed to find a new target.
They have also discovered the bombs were not home made like they orginally thought
Three bombs went off almost simultaneously, within 50 seconds of each other. They were originally believed to have been set off over one hour.

:: The device on the bus was believed to have been carried in a bag.

:: Evidence indicates the bombs were triggered by timers.
:The bombs contained about 10lbs of explosives. This suggests they were not home-made, but had a commercial or military purpose

all linking to al-queda..
the second claim to the bombings was posted in the name of the Europe Division of the network's Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades
"A group of mujahedeen from a division of the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades piled blow after blow on the infidel capital, the British capital, leaving dead and injured," said the statement.
This group also claimed to have carried out the madrid bombing,aswell as numerous others.
whic you can see here

What happened on thursday was terrorists and can be nothing else.
it was an act of terrorism,it killed,it injured and as i type right now its happening again not in london but now in birmingham,
birmingham city has now been evacuated due to intelligence received by the police,they have carried out on controlled explosion on a bus so far,and since then have evacuated more areas of the city,including,chinatown,broad street,corporation road,.

What happened on thursday isnt the end,its far from the end,and what can we do??absolutely nothing but sit here,watch,worry and hope our families and loved ones arent injured or killed by it.


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