EDOPHOBE | 13.08.2005 14:57 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast
The camapaigners were trying to draw attention to local arms dealers EDO MBM.
The march left Churchill Square (Brighton's main shopping mall) with intention of marching to the Level. Police (some drafted in from the Met) blocked North Road and with a large audience of shoppers and bystanders attacked the crowd. Four arrests followed. One arrest of an eighty year old man visibly shocked the general public.
The march starts a week of action against EDO MBM, for more info visit www.smashedo.org.uk
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Find out why this and other demos are being repressed
14.08.2005 07:20
We are all ‘terror suspects’:
The Terrorism Act 2000 redefined terrorism to include a wide range of ordinary political activities. In that spirit, anti-terror laws have been used mainly to persecute, silence and isolate Muslim and migrant communities in this country.
After 7th July we all feared death by bombing, but since 22nd July we have been fearing death from armed police. The police call their policy, ‘Shoot to kill – to protect’. But what were they protecting when they killed Jean Charles de Menezes? According to eyewitness accounts, he was already incapacitated, pinned to the floor of a tube carriage. This was a public execution without trial, not the prevention of violence. Afterwards rumours were spread about the victim, to imply that his behaviour was somehow at fault.
This murder extends a long history of killings in police custody, as suffered by Britain’s black and ethnic minority communities over many years. It also extends punishment without trial. Now it can mean a quick death for potentially anyone ignoring the command of armed police, especially anyone who has dark skin.
Also as a result of “Terror” legislation, the age old right to peacefully protest is under serious threat, with the banning of protest being introduced in central London and laws designed to protect people from stalkers being used to imprison people involved in protest as well as I.D cards, tagging, torture, imprisonment without trial…
Speakers from CAMPACC, Haldane Society Of Socialist Lawyers, Statewatch and Smash Edo (a Brighton based campaign to close down Edo/Mbm arms dealers) will discuss these and other subjects.
This meeting is free and open to all.
Wed 14th September 7-9pm
@Sussex arts club, 7 Ship Street. Brighton
Called by Campaign Against Criminalizing Communities (CAMPACC). Smash Edo. Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers and Stateswatch.
www.campacc.org.uk www.smashedo.org.uk
John Smith
no weakness
14.08.2005 23:36
Strength in numbers is the way to go!
15.08.2005 16:25
Victory To Smash EDO!
EDOPhobic - Manchester
Police coral anti - arms demo
19.08.2005 00:39
Firstly, what an EXTREMELY BAD decision to have a meeting on September 14th when everyone, absolutely everyone, SHOULD BE in London protesting and demonstrating against DSEi and the British Government that pays for and supports this circus of death.
Secondly the Manchester poster says there is nothing they can do to smash us if we remain strong. Actually, I think there are lots of things they can (and probably will) do to SMASH us.......but we must surely remain strong and become stronger anyway........regardless of oppression.
Love and solidarity.
Chas Simon
Clever Sod
peace camp
18.09.2005 23:50
love and solidarity
The future of the counrty