Anarchist assembly @ the london anarchist boookair
an_assembly | 19.10.2005 17:54 | Social Struggles | London
1pm - 2pm
Dome Room
The Resource Centre
356 Holloway Road
London N7 6PA
Throughout this year the anarchist response to current and ongoing struggles (from the Gate Gourmet strike, G8 summit protests, Mayday, the Polish Tesco workers dispute, to the war on terror and continued Iraq war) has been fragmented or muted, any positive political initiatives seen as either isolated pockets of resistance or self-contained activity.
This is not a debate about who lays claim to the best variety of ‘anarchism’, we feel 'the anarchist movement' has matured enough to recognise all genuine expressions of anarchist intent as valid and, if passionately held, as vital and necessary. No, this assembly is an attempt to bring people together through what we choose to agree on, how we choose to work together, how we articulate our desires, build on our similarities to create a more sustained and committed presence.
We should recognise that anarchism is dynamic enough to to embrace difference and cultivate diversity within its framework, indeed the willingness to develop, grow & explore new ideas is one of our greatest assets. The first step is to acknowledge our differences and begin talking about what we do, and can agree on.
This, then, is an invitation for an open dialogue between anarchist federations/groups/individuals to discuss how we as anarchists and anti-authoritarians collectively evolve, how we involve ourselves with social, political and community issues on a local, national & international level, how we co-ordinate our activities and work together to encourage anarchist initiatives and ideas, putting those ideas into practical and effective everyday use.
We invite all those who consider anarchism an idea worth fighting for and an activity worth defending.
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