Against the dictator government of Iran and for freedom,Support student’s strugg
Worker-communist Party of Iran | 28.11.2005 11:44 | Education | Repression | Social Struggles | Birmingham | London
Support student’s struggle in Iran!
Demonstration in London
Where: In front of the Iranian embassy
Prince Gate ( Kensington Gore),London, SW7
When: Wed. December 7 , 12:00 – 2:00
Universities in Iran are main battlefields in people’s struggle against religious dictatorship and students are unmistakable forces of this fight. December 7 is, therefore a very important day. It is student’s day. In the past few years students’ struggle against the reactionary rule of Islamic regime, has increased intensively. Every year on December 7, students meetings and demonstrations are met with the bloody iron fists of the regime, which brutally sheds blood in the streets, kills and injures protesting students. Many students have suffered long years of imprisonment and torture for standing up and demanding a better life. Despite this, the fight goes on and students are preparing for another remarkable students day, by organising meetings and marches widely in the country.
With the beginning of a new academic year, the Islamic republic has once again taken up its policy of oppression and terror in the universities. Intelligent and security forces are operating widely and restrictions about Islamic veiling and segregation of the sexes are severely observed and any signs of resistance brutally suppressed. In the recent weeks two girl students have been killed in relation to the Islamic Hejab. The tragic death of Azade Vazifedoost resulted in students’ outrage and more than three thousands of them took to the streets in Saveh to protest against the sexual apartheid and misogynist treatment of the Islamic regime. Another young student in Kerman has been attacked by morality squad who cut her using a sharp blade and killed her on the spot. These are only two very recent examples of Islamic regimes criminal behaviour against students and in particular female student.
In either side of this battlefield forces are preparing themselves for a hard fight. Students are trying to organise protests and meetings and demonstrations in all corners of the country to show their opposition and the government is getting ready to crash them as brutal as usual. University grounds look more like military bases with special police forces swarming around them.
Students in Iran need your support. Do not leave them alone in their fight against anti human regime and for freedom. Support them in any way you can. Send them your solidarity letters. Condemn the Islamic government for its behaviour against students. Demand the immediate release of all detained students. Support students’ demands for withdrawal of all religious laws and regulations from universities and immediate stop to segregation of women and men and compulsory veiling.
Show your support. Let the students know that they are not alone.
Worker-communist party of Iran- Organisation Abroad
Worker-communist Party of Iran