police try to 'negotiate' EDO march
marches not bombs | 02.12.2005 17:36 | Anti-militarism | Repression | London | South Coast
As I stated in my previous e-mail, I forwarded your e-mail to Superintendent
GRAY and he has asked me to reply on his behalf.
Firstly, I would comment on your final sentence where you say:-
"We suggest that you reconsider your approach and allow us to march on the
I am not aware that anyone has told you that you could not march or that anyone
has stated that the march will be banned. If this has been stated to you I
would just like to say that is NOT our position.
Sec 11 of the Public Order Act gives a number of conditions attached to any
public procession which includes advance notice by organisers etc. Even though
this has not been completed we are looking to facilitate your march.
However, to be able to complete this we would ask for some assistance from you
and hopefully this is not too difficult:-
1. What are your anticipated numbers? Rough amount would be fine
2. What time the proposed march will start? When will you move off from
Churchill Square?
3. Can we together try and ensure that participants will conform on the march.
I know that Supt GRAY has personal experience of a march at the Aquarium
roundabout where some people decided to sit in the road and we do not want
this. (Does neither of us any favours)
4. Can you identify someone to be a liaison on the day. Not someone we would
classify as an organiser but someone we could speak to. (My first thought was
+++++ ++++++++ (name edited out)?? Decent chap NOT regarded as an organiser)
5. I expect you will have legal observers. Will you have stewards?
6. Remember that Churchill Square is Private Property so keep to the pavement.
Don't be put off by this as these are points we can work on. The reality is we
are big enough to accept this contact as a first step to allow us to
collaborate and ensure a successful day from both our points of view. It has to
be borne in mind that we have adequate resources to stop the march but if we
can allow the march to happen peacefully, my honest answer is that this would
be our preferred option.
The route would be similar to the SAFP/RESPECT march which passed without any
problems and there were no arrests (and minimal Police resources). If we leave
from Churchill Square, march to the Clock Tower, Queens Road, North Road,
London Road, and up to the Level. You would HAVE to have a Police escort for
health and safety and as part of the risk assessment but numbers could be
reduced. (Probably a van at the rear to ensure a distracted motorist does not
hit the rear of the procession)
Lastly, Supt GRAY has requested that we have a meeting, in confidence, venue of
your own choice, where we GUARANTEE there will be no covert follows or filming
or Special Branch etc. Probably just the Supt and I, both well known uniform
Officers. We are aware that there is no relationship of trust as yet but
perhaps this can be a step towards it.
Do not be put of by this last sentence which I am obliged to put in here but
this e-mail is without prejudice.
Do we have a deal?
PC Sean McDonald
Hove Police Station.
To whom it may concern.
I was disappointed not to receive a reply to the e-mails I sent you yesterday
regarding the proposed demonstration on 10th December 2005.
I can only repeat what I have previously stated and hope that you can contact
me. If you do this I am sure we can reach an understanding whereby your march
can pass peacefully and everyone can achieve the best results. Would you place
on your websites that I have repeatedly offered to help with your
demonstrations and marches?? Would you say I had offered to help support your
right to protest?? The only time a march MIGHT be banned is if we have no
understanding of your intent (presently we have no statment of intent.) Would
it be fair to disrupt 25-30,000 in Brighton Town Centre? And would this be
regarded as a success?
Contrary to what you may think a successful day for Sussex Police would be a
well organised demonstration, a peaceful march, no arrests, no incidents and
minimal Police Officers in attendance. I presume a successful day for
yourselves would mirror this plus some good press coverage.
Things can be changed by a variety of methods and peaceful change is my
preferred method. Ghandi, Dr King ??
PC Sean McDonald
Hove Police Station
marches not bombs
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