Mindwalk 23: The Fight Within the Right
Upstart Radio America | 12.12.2005 20:38 | Culture | Social Struggles
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TRT 29:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3
**** PSA for Free Radio San Diego at the end of Mindwalk to total 29:30*** (actual program ends at 28:52)
I've noticed alot of Christian on Christian infighting lately. For example we start off with this Anti-Walmart TV ad being badmouthed by some smarmy news anchors. Followed by a poem by David Wilcox about this hypocracy. David Rovics up next and Norman Finklestein speaks of a similar irony regarding The Wall that was once in Warsaw and is now surrounding Palestine. Charlie Chaplin's speech from "The Great Dictator" put to music by Radio Sub Rosa, and finally Col. Robert Bowman calls for the Bush Administration to be removed and tried for treason.
CREDITS: Instituto Samba Trio Remix,

Mindwalk is now available from iTunes as well as several other podcast resources.
Upstart Radio America