Stop the attack on Iran!
Paul O'Hanlon | 05.01.2006 09:44 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | World
The reason for the timing of the white house Nazi gangsters or their Israeli deputy planned attack on Iran in March 2006 is that Iran in that month will establish a new oil bourse for trade of oil in euros in stead of dollars.

This will threaten the dollar as worldwide reserve currency and thereby the US economy which is completely dependent on the dollar hegemony.
Additionally the gangsters are constantly under pressure from the nazionistic neocons who dream of a Great Israel covering most of the Middle East.
Therefore all peoples of the world and in particular the Europeans must protest the Nazi gangster plan, including NATO involvement, and support the unhindered establishment of the Iranian oil bourse.
When euro replaces dollar the weak European economy will get a tremendous boost.
The imperialistically minded European politicians therefore are facing a heartbreaking dilemma. Their dark imperialistic hearts have always been on the side of the leading US imperialist gangsters. Now they must choose between the interests of their masters over there and the interests of the EU whose interests they have been elected to serve faithfully.
Therefore the EU attitude to the Iranian Bourse so far has been remarkably silent.
And therefore the position of each one of the EU politicians must be examined and the traitorous ones exposed as the Trojan horses they are.
ALL Europeans whether they want to eradicate the cancer tumor of the planet, or improve the European economy, or both, must in all possible ways support the extremely important establishment of the Iranian oil bourse.
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Paul O'Hanlon
Hide the following 12 comments
You What????!!!!
05.01.2006 11:44
Please could you clarify this?
Iran president a Nazi himself
05.01.2006 13:17
You cant seriously expect anyone to deffend him.
Hello moderators!
05.01.2006 15:28
Any further comment is unnecessary.
Nazis vs Gangsters
05.01.2006 17:03
Well he was actually calling the US Neocons "nazionistic", not Israel. Throwing the word "Nazi" around to describe all forms of totalitarian barbarity is a daft idea though. It trivialises the word "Nazi".
How about we call the Neocons "evil gangsters" instead?
Bush never looked like a Hitler to me. He's definitely a Mussolini: a cowardly, strutting, sparrow-chested little bully, who keeps scouring the world trying to find a country puny enough for his armies to beat, using aerial bombardment etc.
They will certainly attack Iran, no matter how much we protest. And they'll get their heads kicked in. Again.
Proposed March Attack on Iran????
05.01.2006 23:15
re: Proposed March Attack on Iran????
06.01.2006 11:16
Right up at the top of that page, read the article:
'Nuclear War against Iran
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2006-01-03
The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran is now in the final planning stages. Coalition partners, which include the US, Israel and Turkey are in "an advanced stage of readiness".'
Chossudovsky makes a strong case (IMO) that the US is preparing to attack Iran, and provides links to further info.
Iran is not a soft target
06.01.2006 21:47
Whilst the US argument that Iran has nukes doesnt cut any weight in reality, if does have a substantial arsenal of conventional warheads it could put to pretty effective use against the zionist scourage.
Missing The Point
06.01.2006 21:48
Actually, that would be for Thought Crime.
"He has also stated his goal of "wiping out" the state of Israel"
Actually, he was referring to the militant, apartheid paradigm present under the reign of the Zionists. He was not referring to any sort of military action. Meanwhile, the Zionist Fascists and their agents in the US push for an open, illegal military invasion of Iran.
"as goes onto pursue a nuclear program."
For power generation. The empty accusations of the Fascists who shouted "Saddam has nukes!!!" are without support, and all relevant international bodies say Iran is in compliance with the NPT, unlike the US and Israel ...
"You cant seriously expect anyone to deffend him."
I'm not defending him. I'm defending the thousands of innocent men, women, and children that will be slaughtered by the racists invading their country. As they did to Iraq.
The point is that the Fascists you support are a thousandfold more dangerous and evil than any Straw Man Bogeyman they, or you, can wave in front of us, in order to numb our rational minds to their crimes.
Don't Let Them Limit The Debate
sorry, but...
07.01.2006 14:05
"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," said Ahmadinejad, referring to Iran's revolutionary leader Ayat Allah Khomeini. His comments were the first time in years that such a high-ranking Iranian official has called for Israel's eradication, even though such slogans are still regularly used at government rallies.
Nothing about just Zionism there, ya eejit
Spook Droppings Must Mean We're Waaaay Off
08.01.2006 06:07
No, not at all. You're trying to frame the debate in the vein of "He's not a nice guy, so we can invade his entire country", and I'm sorry, but that's not how International Law works. The aggression that you support will undoubtedly cost an untold thousands of innocent lives, for nothing more than the ideology and mania of the Fascists in power.
"What our Iranian friend actually said - according to Al-Jazeera - was"
Yes, I read the speech, did you?
"Nothing about just Zionism there, ya eejit"
Nothing about military aggression either.
The only ones planning that are the ones you work for.
Considering that, any attack by Iran would be "pre-emptive" ... would it not?
Don't Let Them Limit The Debate
Sorry but (part 2)
08.01.2006 10:08
You specifically stated that our Iranian fried was advocating not the obliteration of Israel per se but rather "the militant, apartheid paradigm present under the reign of the Zionists....he was not referring to any sort of military action".
However what he actually said was "Israel must be wiped off the map"
Now I didn't express any views either way on the current Israel-US/Iran situation. What I highlighted was a "fact" by you that is purportedly nothing of the sort - it is either sloppy writing, or just plain old bias. And THAT's why you go for a personal attack including the old favourite "you work for the government".
Get a grip.
Spook Droppings Must Mean We're Waaaay Off
10.01.2006 01:40
Actually, I didn't have to state anything. The context of his speech said as much. Perhaps you should research your subject before commenting. He and his aides stated that such an Apartheid, militant State, borne of a Supremacist Ideology, and justified only by Racial Entitlement, should not exist.
I agree. What has Zionism ever done that these people should believe otherwise?
"Now I didn't express any views either way on the current Israel-US/Iran situation."
No, but I'm sure everyone whose encountered you is aware of your position.
"What I highlighted was a "fact" by you that is purportedly nothing of the sort"
But it is.
"or just plain old bias."
Riiiight. I'm the one here with the bias ...
The point of this entire episode is that the people who said "Saddam has WMD!!!", in order to feign a justification for illegal warfare, are attempting the same where Iran is concerned.
But this has nothing to do with any current events, because these Fascists planned this attack before they were installed to the White House. Everything that happens from here on out is simply them attempting to "justify", or at least dupe their subjects into supporting, an illegal invasion that they see as inevitable.
No matter how nasty this man may sound, or how many power plants he builds, their plans to invade the country are illegal and immoral, no better than Hitler's plans for Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc, etc.
While you shout about something this man said - completely devoid of context - the Fascists you support are engaged in illegal warfare, and plotting more. They are a thousandfold worse than any bogeyman they can dangle before us, in order to numb our rational minds to their barbarism.
Spooks Will Try Anything