Peter Tatchell attacks Muslim journalist!
Gay Action Media Watch | 11.01.2006 03:05 | Gender | Birmingham | London
Peter Tatchell has condemned the Desi Xpress article
Desi Xpress is a national newspaper read by many Muslims
Adam Yosef is a columnist for Desi Xpress
BRITISH gay and human rights activist Peter Tatchell has expressed his support for a campaign attacking a Muslim journalist from Birmingham, accused of pandering to homophobia.
The Gay Action Media Watch group launched a campaign against the 24-year-old columnist for national Asian newspaper Desi Xpress after he described same-sex marriages as a front for tax fraud.
In a December issue of the tabloid newspaper (Issue 42), which specialises in Asian entertainment, Mr Yosef stated: " weddings... Gay people and committment? I don't think so... They'll be shagg*ng the neighbours before they even cut the cake. Bad idea I'm afraid. Great way of evading tax though..."
GAMW was deeply offended by these comments and alerted numerous gay organisations as a result. It was felt that feeding such views to the younger Asian and Muslim population would encourage and incite homophobia in communities where it is already difficult to be openly homosexual - lesbian or gay. What horrified Gay Action Media Watch the most was that such views would come from someone who also writes for the BBC.
Stewart C Dawson, of Gay Action Media Watch, said: "It is hard for members of the gay community to fight the bigotry and intolerance in our society. It's evident that this is even harder for members of the ethnic community who have greater difficulty with acceptance due to religious and cultural pressures from the family.
"It is therefore expected that the younger generations will help us pave the way for a fairer society, yet, even today we have unacceptable bigotry and hate against gay people eminating from the words of young Muslims who themselves see nothing wrong with enjoying pre-marital sex and a modern lifestyle, yet still promote a hatred a the LGBT community.
Regarding journalist Adam Yosef's reference to same-sex partnerships, which have recently become llegal in Britain, this kind of journalism is offensive and unacceptable and not only demonises the gay community but panders to ridiculous stereotypes. We demand a retraction and full apology from the publication and author."
Peter Tatchell, an internationally renown gay and human rights activist, congratulated GAMW on its effort saying, "You are right to challenge this." He went on to describe the campaign against columnist Adam Yosef as "an excellent initiative to challenge homophobia."
Members of the LGBT community have expressed their support by complaining to the Press Complaints Commission. Some of the members who contacted Mr Yosef himself have received shocking and deeply offensive replies. In the most recent issue of the newspaper (Issue 45), Mr Yosef has attacked gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, describing him as "vile" and "bigoted" and placing him alongside Nick Griffin of the BNP and Omar Bakri Mohammed of Al-Muhajiroun in a 'wall of shame' feature.
GAMW contacted Mr Yosef, who previously worked at the controversial Birmingham Central Mosque, but have not yet received a reply. Mr Yosef is a member of George Galloway's Respect party. Peter Tatchell has previously criticised the Respect Party of having links with homophobic representatives of fundamentalist Islamic organisations (see links below).
Please contact:
Peter Tatchell: - (Peter Tatchell's articles)
Adam Yosef:

Desi Xpress Editor:
Forum and initial complaint alert:

Adam Yosef:

Peter Tatchell:

Asians in Media Forum:


Sir Iqbal Sacranie's gay-bashing:

Thank you.
Gay Action Media Watch
Hide the following 12 comments
11.01.2006 06:25
Plenty of reactionary groups
11.01.2006 10:08
As a member of a Respect branch, shall you also be urging all your principled Trot colleagues to quit linking up with reactionary groups like the MAB? Shall you be urging the SWP to quit shacking up with right-wing homophobes for temporary electoral gain?
More attacks on free speech and a free press
11.01.2006 11:03
Repeating the same story on Indymedia does not excuse the fact that these would be 21st century Toquemadas still believe they have a right to censor the opinions of others and are a clear threat to free speech and a free press. Nor are Tatchell and GMW picking a fight with a real homophobe, like Garry Bushell, but a young Muslim journalist who in the past has written very favourable articles on Pride. What kind of agenda is it that ignores Bushell, who speaks to the majority, and picks on Youseff, who speaks to a minority? However, this assault on the principle of press freedom has already appeared on Indymedia under a different guise.
What next the Bible or Koran according to Peter Tatchell? Or are you going to put God or Judaism on trial for homophobia?
If you have to choose between a moral prig and free speech, I choose free speech, because you may be offended but at least you know what is really going on.
Still seems bloody odd though that Respect is willing to expelling Youseff for bitchiness but not George Galloway for skiving, is this just a Birmingham double act?
Bermondsey Bill
is it possible to disagree with homosexuality without being homophobic?
11.01.2006 12:10
Bushell and a peck...
11.01.2006 12:29
Bermonsey Bill throws in irrelevancies. The fact that Yosef is "a young Muslim journalist" is clearly irrelevant to the statements he made and it is a ridiculous excuse. What does his age and religion have to do with the substance of his comments?
I find it quite remarkable that on days when gays are the target of bigotted rants its "free speech" day on Indymedia, but on other days its "no platform for fascists".
God Bless Jesus
11.01.2006 13:45
"What next the Bible or Koran according to Peter Tatchell? Or are you going to put God or Judaism on trial for homophobia?"
Have you read the Bible recently?
As a good Christian it is my duty go out out and stone to death all homosexuals, astrologers and people who engage in bestiality (as well as the offending animal).
It says that in the Bible, killing gays is the moral duty of every Christian, if you don't believe me read the old Testament, escpecially Leviticus.
Bible Basher.
Bible Basher
Tatchell jumps on the Islamophobic bandwagon - again!
11.01.2006 22:07
I am some what concerned about Peter Tatchell’s jumping on the on the bandwagon to condemn Adam Yosef column in a recent addition of Desi Xpress.
In his column Adam makes a rather lame joke that is undeniable based on a stereo-type about gay men: " weddings... Gay people and commitment? I don't think so... They'll be shagg*ng the neighbours before they even cut the cake. Bad idea I'm afraid. Great way of evading tax though..."
This mildly annoying remark inspires Tatchell to issue a press release issued today (11/1/2006). In it Tatchell says, rather pompously: “We demand a retraction and full apology from the publication and author."
The trouble is that Adam and Desi Xpress already has! Yesterday in fact (see below)
Official statement from Adam Yosef
RE: Complaints of homophobia in the Adam Yosef column
It has come to my attention that members of the LGBT community have expressed concerns about comments made by myself regarding same-sex partnerships. In relation to the comments featured in my Desi Xpress column dated December 9th-15th 2005, Issue 42, in which I presented my own personal opinions on the new civil partnerships, I can assure all Desi Xpress readers and members of the LGBT community that no offence was intended. My remarks were not of a homophobic nature as claimed but rather opinions, which could have equally applied to the heterosexual community. They were not intended as an attack on the LGBT community but rather a genuine observation of domestic relationships, homosexual or heterosexual. However, in light of recent concerns, and to ensure the comments are not misunderstood or responsible for any further offence, I would like to take this opportunity to fully retract the statements made in my column in Issue 42 of Desi Xpress regarding same-sex partnerships and offer a full apology to all of our readers, members of the LGBT community and anyone else who may have been offended by it. As a further note, I would like to state that neither I, nor Desi Xpress as a publication, are in any way homophobic or prejudice and we do not promote, propagate or share a hatred for any community, group or individual based on race, age, ethnicity, belief, sexual orientation, gender or ability. Desi Xpress has regularly featured events and stories of interest and related to the LGBT community including coverage of Birmingham Pride Weekend, LGBT club listings and LGBT personals listings. I hope this statement clears up any misunderstanding regarding the content of my column.
Thank you.
Adam Yosef
You would have thought that someone like Tatchell would check his facts!
Moreover there are a number of issues around this case that give me cause for concern:
1) This issue was first brought to wider public attention by Gay Action Media Watch (who every they are) in a press release issue on 5/1/2006 under the rather Islamophobic by-line: “A UK Muslim journalist has attacked gay people by suggesting same-sex couples have no concept of commitment and that the only benefit to gay marriages is tax evasion”. A stereo-type compounded by comment that “It's evident that this is even harder for members of the ethnic community who have greater difficulty with acceptance due to religious and cultural pressures from the family.”
2) What GAMW omit to say is that Desi Xpress has a proven positive track record on LGBT issues. As Adam’s apology points out Desi Xpress not only covered Birmingham Pride, but regularly gives lgbt club and personal listings.
3) Furthermore In the context of rather more vicious attacks from more widely read journals, such as the Daily Express, why pick on Desi Xpress and Adam Yusef? The Express has run a story trying to present the word “marriage” being dropped from registry offices as apparently so as to not “offend homosexuals”. “Marriage Suites” will now be called “Ceremony Suites”, apparently to stop lesbian and gay couples feeling neglected. Like Tatchell the Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe failed to check her facts and rather stupidly to claimed the change is “political correctness gone mad.” However, the real reason why some offices have made the change is that these rooms are now to host not only marriages and civil partnerships, but citizenship ceremonies as well.
4) Perhaps the reason why Tatchell and GAMW prioritise Adam Yusef above the Daily Express is that Adam is a) a Muslim and b) is a member of Respect.
All the best
Richard Farnos
Richard Farnos
12.01.2006 02:27
Adam Yosef Desi Xpress column
The apology and retraction was supported by weekly Asian publication Desi Xpress for which Mr Yosef writes a weekly column. The homophobic comments were featured in Issue 42 of Desi Xpress, published in December 2005.
Gay Action Media Watch launched a campaign against Mr Yosef and we have been successful in our mission to curtail homophobia in media targeting young ethnic minority groups.
However, we regret that no apology has been issued regarding Adam Yosef's column in the current edition of Desi Xpress (Issue 45) which features human rights and gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell alongside Nick Griffin of the BNP and Omar Bakri Mohammed of Al Muhajiroun, describing them all as 'vile' and as 'bigots'. We hope to support Peter Tatchell in any subsequent response.
Our initial complaint and campaigns are here:
and featured on various other forums within.
Adam Yosef and Desi Xpress' response and official statement can be found here:
"Official statement from Adam Yosef
RE: Complaints of homophobia in the Adam Yosef column
It has come to my attention that members of the LGBT community have expressed concerns about comments made by myself regarding same-sex partnerships.
In relation to the comments featured in my Desi Xpress column dated December 9th-15th 2005, Issue 42, in which I presented my own personal opinions on the new civil partnerships, I can assure all Desi Xpress readers and members of the LGBT community that no offence was intended.
My remarks were not of a homophobic nature as claimed but rather opinions, which could have equally applied to the heterosexual community. They were not intended as an attack on the LGBT community but rather a genuine observation of domestic relationships, homosexual or heterosexual.
However, in light of recent concerns, and to ensure the comments are not misunderstood or responsible for any further offence, I would like to take this opportunity to fully retract the statements made in my column in Issue 42 of Desi Xpress regarding same-sex partnerships and offer a full apology to all of our readers, members of the LGBT community and anyone else who may have been offended by it.
As a further note, I would like to state that neither I, nor Desi Xpress as a publication, are in any way homophobic or prejudice and we do not promote, propagate or share a hatred for any community, group or individual based on race, age, ethnicity, belief, sexual orientation, gender or ability.
Desi Xpress has regularly featured events and stories of interest and related to the LGBT community including coverage of Birmingham Pride Weekend, LGBT club listings and LGBT personals listings. I hope this statement clears up any misunderstanding regarding the content of my column. Thank you.
Adam Yosef"
Gay Action Media Watch
a bigot's a bigot
12.01.2006 21:48
Are you gonna use the same argument as the NF?
more religious bigots
anti religious bigotry?
13.01.2006 11:55
Tatchell is a bigot
31.01.2006 00:41
tatchell becoming what he hates
04.10.2006 11:29
James Q