Don't Let The Far Right Censor Our Soaps.
Corrie fan | 20.01.2006 13:16 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
As ever with the BNP looking at the issue in the slightest details reveals how ludicrous their claims are. Firstly if we look at the context of the quote it was clearly recognised as racist and unacceptable by the character of Sunita. After her brother used the phrase she replied angrily along the lines of, "how dare you. All of my best friends are what you call white trash" She then threw him out of her house as a result of this comment.
The BNP also claim that using a derogatory term to describe a black character would be unacceptable, against this is rubbish. Only a few weeks previously the new character played by Craig Charles was subjected to numerous bouts of racist abuse, including being referred to as a "monkey". Strangely enough the BNP did not mount a campaign against this incident.
Also if you can bare to watch the BNPtv report on this incident it is clear that it is not just black characters in Coronation street which have got the BNP so angry, during the broadcast the BNP demand that all homosexual characters should be either removed from the show or storylines involving them reserved for after the watershed. Especially if they are involved in a 'multicultural relationship' whatever that is.
But perhaps the real motivation for this 'outrage' is that the actor Shobna Gulati who plays the character Sunita (who you might remember one who objected so strongly to the term white trash but the BNP don't mention that). the BNP do not like because she is Shobna not part of the 'master race' and as a result is on the BNP's list for people they would like to repatriate, not only this but she has dared to speak out against the BNP and has campaigned against their race hate. Perhaps this is why they have made her the focus of their campaign.
The far right have succeeded in getting coverage for this campaign in national newspapers.
Corrie fan
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