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Drawings of Muhammad reprinted-Long live Freedom of Speech

Amal | 02.02.2006 11:27

PARIS — French and German newspapers on Wednesday republished caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that have riled the Muslim world.

Democratic freedoms include the “right to blasphemy,” the newspapers said.

The front page of the daily France Soir carried the headline, “Yes, We Have the Right to Caricature God,” with a cartoon of Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian gods floating on a cloud. Inside, the paper reran the drawings.

“The appearance of the 12 drawings in the Danish press provoked emotions in the Muslim world because the representation of Allah and his prophet is forbidden. But because no religious dogma can impose itself on a democratic and secular society, France Soir is publishing the incriminating caricatures,” the paper said.

In Germany, Die Welt printed one of the drawings on its front page, arguing that a “right to blasphemy” was anchored in democratic freedoms. The Berliner Zeitung also printed two of the caricatures.

The Danish daily Jyllands-Posten published the cartoons in September after asking artists to depict Islam’s prophet to challenge what it perceived was self-censorship among artists. A Norwegian paper reprinted the images last month.

Angered by the drawings, masked Palestinian gunmen briefly took over a European Union office in Gaza on Monday. Danish goods were swept from shelves in some countries, and Saudi Arabia and Libya recalled their ambassadors to Denmark.

The Jyllands-Posten — which received a bomb threat over the drawings — has apologized for hurting Muslims’ feelings, but not for publishing the cartoons.



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Freedom to cheerlead Nazis

02.02.2006 14:07

Even the most repressive states allow the 'freedom of speech' to criticise or offend that states enemies, that's not freedom of speech, that is just freedom to agree.

However, if you say something that your state may just disagree with, such as our governments hideous war-crimes give us all the legal and moral right/responsibilty to hang them from lampposts, support for your freedom of speech evaporates. Before the invasion even U75 banned calls for Blair to be assasinated whilst allowing posts calling for Saddam to be assasinated.

So, any self-publicist racist now has the freedom to depict Mohammed in as offensive a way as possible and we're all meant to applaud how clever they are, how free. It's not our only newly restated freedom.
We are free to piss on Korans, although no longer free to wear a 'Fuck Bush' T Shirt.

We are free to call for mass-murder of muslims ( to help 'free' them of course ) in Parliament, but not free to list the names of victims in Parliament Square.

We are free to imprison Abu Hamza ( for what again ? ) but not free to call former NATO secretary general George Robertson a paedophile ( the Sunday Herald forum was closed down after someone alleged that, even though the post had been removed).

US citizens have extra freedoms, being that bit closer to the centre of the empire, for instance the freedom to commit global war-crimes without threat of legal prosecution- victors justice eh ? The freedom to consume a quarter of the planets resources. Even in the land of liberty though only the rich have freedom of speech. Witness Austin Shermans imprisonment for publishing Black Bloc tactics online and the lack of prosecution of the Republican professor who mirrored Austins site.

And yet for all the lack of my own freedom of speech, I'm meant to give a damn about agitiprop self-promoters smearing our victims, or middle class nazis like David Irving.



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Britain down the bucket

02.02.2006 15:52

They can do that in France and Germany but if any newspaper did in the UK they would be threatened of death straight away by British people and then closed down by the police with the new shining law of "religious hatred".

Note: This is a response to the article not to the fanatic muslimi above that deffends Abu Hamza (on trial himself for preaching hatred), I dont reply to scumbags like him there is no need.


Even Germany has been publishing anti-muslim race-hate images

02.02.2006 16:08

The right to Blaspheme, or the right of the Mass Media (controlled by those that created/support Israel) to manufacture and distribute "THE ETERNAL MUSLIM"?

With events like these, timing is everything.

War with Iran, and then the general Muslim population of the Middle East, is coming very quickly. Once again, our 'enemy' must be demonised. Think back to all those propaganda posters depicting Germans and Japanese people during the last World War. Of course, OFFICIALLY our rulers were against racism, but in practise there were no rules.

Now, Blair's agents will encourage you to compare images taking the mick out of NON-ENDANGERED parties, with images hitting at the soon to be exterminated, and say "What's the difference?". The difference, of course, is in the intent.

For example, how many times, when discussing the sickening racist victory of zionist lawmakers in France in banning muslim girls from getting an education wearing headscarves, does the irrelevant rubbish about 'skullcaps' come up. The fact of the story is that a tiny minority in France, with vastly disproportionate power in the legal system, government, and the media, was able to viciously attack a much larger minority, as part of an ongoing power-struggle.

Muslims are to be hit again and again and again. If they force themselves to be passive, they lose by default. If they take aggressive action to strike back, the Media says "we told you so" and they lose. If they choose to fight justly for freedom in their own lands (like Iraq or Chechnya), the racist zionist press ensures that they are described as terrorists. If they attempt to leverage their numbers, and enter mainstream politics, they lose because this will take generations to have a significant effect, and those that support Israel are NOT going to sit around while their undeserved and immoral powerbases in the UK, US, France, Germany etc., are taken from them by demographics.

Cheering our soldiers, demonising the muslims, damning the Iranians for thinking themselves equal enough to us to be allowed to defend themselves- its all part of the same game, and would look familiar enough to anyone from the 1930's in Nazi Germany.

You will see many here, apparently on our side, trying to protect Blair's plans by ensuring that no specific conclusions are drawn from these various events. Instead, its all blah, blah them and us...blah, blah same old class war. They WILL ALWAYS tell you that there is no greater significance to any act, and that you can rest assured that it's just (unsavoury) business as usual. This is their job. To delay a thinking response until it is too late, while apparently building up "bone fides" with safe pseudo-anti-Blair comment. What they WILL NEVER do is invite you to compare chains of events from our history, with chains of events from past history.

Today, every muslim across this Earth has heard that GERMANY has published material attacking muslims, at the self-same time that German's extremist leader, the repulsive Blair sock puppet Merkel, has declared the need for military strikes against muslims. This truly marks the end of the post-WW2 period, and signifies the beginning of a new age of atrocity.

The newspapers can temporarily declare a truce on hate pictures, because their job is done. Their readership gets the message, and a nice big wave of anti-muslim intolerance will sweep the West. If this isn't enough, Blair's people will be forced to take the risk of another 911 meme. It doesn't much matter, because while Blair still draws breath, he will do whatever it takes to progress his plans.

"The Eternal Jew" was only a small part of Hitler's plans, just as "The Eternal Muslim" project that his Mass Media has been dutifully playing out is only a small part of Blair's plans. The same can be said for the vigils that Blair's people have carefully arranged on the 'occasion' of 100 dead British 'soldiers' in Iraq. However, each of these small acts are crucial components of the whole, and unstopped will guarantee Blair's victory.


They're doing a great job, all by themselves

02.02.2006 19:08

"Once again, our 'enemy' must be demonised."

Muslims don't need any help in that regard.
Aan explosion here and there, death threats because of perceived insults, kidnappings, beheadings etc ad nauseum.
It's Al Jezeera and the like that publish these attrocities, not the "Zionist" (read:Jewish) controlled media.

Here are the cartoons originally printed in SEPTEMER! What did the Muslims do, just learn how to read?

Arthur Kennedy

double standards as standard

02.02.2006 19:16

>They can do that in France and Germany but if any newspaper did in the UK they would be threatened of death straight away by British people and then closed down by the police with the new shining law of "religious hatred".

What shining new law of 'religious hatred' ?

>Note: This is a response to the article not to the fanatic muslimi above that deffends Abu Hamza (on trial himself for preaching hatred),

Hamza is on trial for preaching hate is he, stirring up trouble between communities ? And only white people are allowed to do that, right ?

>I dont reply to scumbags like him there is no need.

Good, you'll be able to ignore me pointing out that your analysis is so flawed because you don't bother yourself with facts. I wouldn't waste an insult on someone whose arguments embarrass themselves.


To "Twilight"

03.02.2006 00:40

Twilight, you refer to

"The right to Blaspheme, or the right of the Mass Media (controlled by those that created/support Israel) to manufacture and distribute "THE ETERNAL MUSLIM"?"

Ah yes. Jewish control of the media.

"For example, how many times, when discussing the sickening racist victory of zionist lawmakers in France in banning muslim girls from getting an education wearing headscarves, does the irrelevant rubbish about 'skullcaps' come up. The fact of the story is that a tiny minority in France, with vastly disproportionate power in the legal system, government, and the media, was able to viciously attack a much larger minority, as part of an ongoing power-struggle."

Ah yes. Jewish control of the government.

"those that support Israel are NOT going to sit around while their undeserved and immoral powerbases in the UK, US, France, Germany etc., are taken from them by demographics."

Ah yes. Jewish control of world politics.

Go on. Tell us you're not really an anti-Semite... Do you actually believe your own BS?



03.02.2006 00:50

The drawings were brought in a right-wing newspaper ‘Jyllands Posten’, which was extremely friendly to the Nazis during the occupation 1940-45 (in Germany the propaganda against the Jews started with drawings in the same style).
Our prime minister refused to have a meeting with the ambassadors from the Muslims countries four months ago saying that according to the law he could not interfere with the newspapers liberty of expression. He could have had a meeting where he explained the situation instead of being so arrogant.
The newspaper can’t be punished according to the law.
The queen here in Denmark does’t has the right to express any political opinion. She has to be neutral.
I like cartoons, but I think what one should not be so tactless to make fun of other minorities.
I mean: Protestants can make cartoons about their own priests, Catholics can make fun about the pope and handicapped people can make jokes about themselves and we all love cartoons about the politicians.
Liberty of expression is good combined with the sense of responsibility. I wonder if ‘Jyllands Posten’s’ intention was to show their liberty of expression or if they had another intention?
Now the EXTREME right-wing party (supporting our right-wing government) use the situation to express their racist’s opinions and ask people to boycott the Muslims commercials living and working here in Denmark. Happily nobody with a common sense is listening to them.
The Muslims living here are acting very cool and responsible. They just had a peaceful demonstration against the cartoons four months ago.
It’s the ethnic Danish people who are having discussions now and debate against each other. Happily many people say that they have had enough of our government and the extreme right, so perhaps at the next election we will have another government with a more human political opinion.
That is my opinion and my hope.

Birte Nyholm
mail e-mail:

shock horror

03.02.2006 08:32

Uk law has evolved over two thousand years, a group of hatefilled men screaming death to apostates death to everybody who does not agree with them, with weapons to cary out their threats should not stop all debate about theirs and others faiths. Look at the Moslem Channel sky 807 and se how moslems are telling us how to change the way WE live.
Young men bursting with testosterone are the troblem, football hooligans,IRA, protestant s in NI catholic youths when they parade their saints scream at onlookers we will kill you if you look at us. Moslems are free to believe what they are told but they have no right to tell you and me what to think.
Blair is to Blaim with his wooly Multiculturalism, we should use this opportunity to debate religious beliefs, the example was set at the Fourth UN womens conference at Beijing where the unholy alliance of the Vatican and Muslim fundamentalists were defeated in their attemps to subjucate woment. There are core religious beliefs and "harmful cultural practices" which are used to keep women down.We can all agree on most of these practices, female genital mutilation, age of marriage for woment 9years,polygamy,temporary marriages, the buying and selling of women and so on and on.

jilly jones

Timing is Everything

03.02.2006 11:46

At a time when Muslim/European relations are at an all time low, with the outrages at Abu Ghraib, the French riots and ban on headscarfs, the exoneration of BNP hate speech, the open sore of Palestine, the genocide in Chechnya, the illegal Afghanistan and Iraq attacks and a pending nuclear strike on Iran, why did Arnold Levy, the editor of Jyllands-Posten, choose this particular moment to exercise 'freedom to blaspheme' and provoke Islam by publishing demeaning drawings of the Prophet? To say the least, it was insensitive and an angry backlash was predictable, fuelling reprisals. Hence, the imminent terror attacks which MI5 have promised will certainly be more pausible and justify an all-out assault on the Middle East, just as PNAC planned it.



03.02.2006 12:59

"We are free to imprison Abu Hamza ( for what again ? )"

IS this some sort of joke, does it actually need explaining?

The problem you have is that although so many of us everywhere in the world are against the needless wars agaisnt Iraq which may kill innocent people for no good reason, for the domination of the world by coercive force, socially engineering and designing people from birth you always go back to your religion..we can never support the rubbish you talk..

religion was the first form of coercion, all relgions are naturally racist and prejudice, they each claim thier own superiority, everybody else is an unbeliever, 'gentile' etc etc...religion is the big problem, any of you who are offended by a picture are just plain ridiculous...why do you submit yourself, your potential, your future to be enslaved by yet another coercion not to mention the state: namely a God. Why?

We should all put pictures of these cartoons everywhere, and stop cowardly being forced to change our expression so as not to offend you 'religious believers'..yes this is total inequality in the press in europe, everywhere but you will always distance yourself from our support as you consider youself a member of your religion before anything else..cant you see before anything you are just a human being like any one of us..but religion teaches you to divide yourself from every other human being..religion is a load of crap, i dont have time to coherently form a substantial argument..again i repeat religion is divise and the cause of such problems....


FAO TH re Twilight

03.02.2006 13:31

If it rains heavily - Twilight blames Jewish control of the weather.

If an earthquake happens - Twilight will blame Zionist underground nuclear facilities powered by slave labour.

He is an absolute loon who really believes he is some sort of higher thinker - even by the standards on Indymedia, he is a vicious little Jew hater.


Yo! Twilight

03.02.2006 14:25

An Egyptian passenger ferry has just sunk in the Red Sea - you know it had to be the Jews that sunk it!!!!!!

Pre-emptive strike

Elders of Zion

03.02.2006 15:10

J&P - "even by the standards on Indymedia, he is a vicious little Jew hater."

Slagging off everyone who posts on a website simply for Twi'ts posts is silly. You post here - is that simply to address what you perceive as anti-jewish bias or do you actually care about other issues too ? If so, presumably you think IM has some merit, and hopefully you could reflect that in your future comments.


I never said Abu Hamza shouldn't be on trial for preaching hate, I merely pointed out that the Danish cartoonist was morally equivalent to Hamza. Unai somehow equates anyone lacking in vitriol against Muslims as a fanatical Muslim. I see such black and white thinking by Unai - and yourself- as fanatical guff.

Okay, so we either support the prosecution of those who preach hate - including Abu Hamza, Arnold Levy, Nick Griffin and David Irving or we do not. To support the prosecution of only the Islamic hate-mongers is racist.

Now, if you and other posters who support Israel also support the publication of these cartoons, that's fine. It means we should also be liberal and freedom-loving enough to publish the discredited 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion', 'Mein kampf' and shite like that just to be balanced. Or are we brave enough to offend Islam but too cowardly to insult Judaism ?


Freedom of Press vs. moral responsibilities/values

04.02.2006 19:29

What is more important our rights to say whatever we want, write whatever the hell we want or respect believes of other people. As a Muslim if i print something that makes Jesus looks like an ordinary redneck living right here in mid-Georgia, u.s who doesn't know crap about anything and only has 2 teeth left and lives on welfare, and who pepole believe to be son of God. Trust me I would get so much hate mails/threats, that it is unimaginable, but I would not do that for any reason. Because I as Quran says "Believers make no distinctions between one or another of His messengers", also I have utmost respect for every religion and and ever prophet who ever lived. So my point is that, we don't need to assure ourself that we are free, but believe that we are, because we are. Also we don't need to be like those extremist in MIddle East, who get angry on every single thing that comes out of an Americans mouth, we are better than them or atleast we can try to be. Those who support publication of those unethical cartoons, are nothing but reflection of those extremist who we call terrorist. Safe journies peace fans, wherever you are.

Danish Amin
mail e-mail:

To Danny

04.02.2006 19:43


I couldn't possibly agree with you more.

Danish Amin
mail e-mail:

Which is more offensive.....

04.02.2006 22:56

...a cartoon making a point about Islam, or Muslims (or anyone, for that matter) all over the world rioting, burning, and making death-threats against innocent civilians? If Islam is above criticism, why are some demonstrators carrying placards saying 'Another 7 July'?

Hurray for Hurt Westergaard (the cartoonist that drew the Mohammed picture)!

The violent, rioting, death-threat-making muslims we've seen on the news have proved the point of view expressed by the cartoon to be correct.

Shame on those spineless politicians who denounce the cartoon as 'offensive' while keeping silent about Islam's secret agenda.

Stuff that "Religion of peace"!


Freedom of what ?

04.02.2006 23:19

Thought ? Have you thought about this ? To be honest, I've only known a handful of Muslims, and only a few Jews, but I've many more semitic friends than that. Morrocans and Algerians and Iranians and Israelis. And non-arabic friends like my persian-parisian ex - who dropped me as 'too political'. I've even English and Danish friends, I'm very broadminded. I hate when one of my friends aggressively limits the topic of conversation, it puts me off that person though I can forgive that and work around it. What I hate even more is a third party picking on my friends sensitivities in the hope of starting a fight for selfish reasons. That is nastier.

My freedom of speech is not limited to freeing my own tongue, nor do I withdraw my right to mock Islam or any of those middle-eatern experiments in spirituality, any particular way I see fit at the right time, but I don't kick my enemies when they are down, and I don't mock them while my state massacres their kin. That is a bit tasteless and graceless.

I only mock people I care for or who I have the moral high ground over, and Denmark does not have any moral or intellectual right to lord it over Islam with cowardly, misinformed Danish troops sent as subjectants to UK forces in Basra. NATO troops ? And they don't even know where the North Atlantic ends and the Persian Gulf begins. As misdirected as Islamisists are, they are not motivated by money, and that is all that motivates Denmark, mammon.

I propose a compromise solution - the EU publicly guillotines Tony Blair, stops slaughtering muslims and stops issuing sanctimonious advice, as a partial apology for the cartoons. That way nobody loses.


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Experience the joys of sharia law

05.02.2006 01:43

I don't know why a lot of you are so eager to defend people who'd end up beheading you if they had the opportunity.

Humpty Dumpty

Relax, have a beer

05.02.2006 05:04

I only mock people I care for or who I have the moral high ground over, and Denmark does not have any moral or intellectual right to lord it over Islam with cowardly"

Oh please, "Denmark" didn't do anything. A cartoonist and an edistor did. So what? Is that cause to threaten people's lives and destroy embassies? What idiots. In Gaza they're literally biting the hands that have been feeding them. There is nothing to dain by the "outrage" which by the way comes 5 months after the cartoons were published.
In the West, we poke fun at everything. Why tippy toe around moslems?
Have you ever read the Arab press? It's full of cartoons almost daily poking fun at the USA, the UK, Jews and everything else non-islamic. If you don't like something on TV, don't watch it. If a newpaper cartoon or editorial offends you, write a letter about it. In the West, threatening lives and burning down buildings will get you arrested. Moslems need to relax a little bit, laugh at something if its funny. Call it stupid if its stupid.

Chill Pill Required

Nazi Propaganda

05.02.2006 05:24

Seeing these pictures, I was remonded of the cartoons that used to run in Germany during the 30's, which depicted bloodthirsty, big-nosed "Jews", in order to stir up antisemitism. This is absoutely no different.

Hate Is NOT A Right

Anti-War ?

05.02.2006 14:15

"Oh please, "Denmark" didn't do anything."
It contributed forces to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.

"In the West, we poke fun at everything."
No, we don't, not in the press at least. For example, we don't poke poke fun at the victims of rapists or paedophiles or torturers (perhaps you do but WE don't).
There are two types of people in the UK. Those who want to avoid the american sponsored 'Clash of Civilisations' and to live in peace. And those who who defend Nazi propaganda under the sanctimonious banner of 'freedom of speech', like the BNP and like you.

I suggest you stop taking the pills, they seem to be damaging your thinking.


What about Far-Right Arabs?

05.02.2006 23:10

Danny, you talk abour an "American sponsored clash of cultures".

But by the look of things it's the Koran-Bashers who are spoiling for a clash of cultures. Yes America has it's fair share of religious nutjobs, but when "The Life of Brian" came out they didn't burn down the British embassy!!

You don't have to be a BNP sympathizer to be worried about the extreme fringes of Islam, in fact the far right's views have more in common with the fundamentalist muslims than my own liberal views do (particulaly regarding gays and Jews, which both groups detest)

One thing I can never understand is why so many supposidly Left-Wing people support Far-Right Arabs? In fact why are they not considered Right-Wing at all?

Is it cos they aren't white? Seriously I'm curious about this.



05.02.2006 23:48

Islamophobia was invented to fill the Soviet Union shaped hole in US defence spending around about 1990. It was obvious and well discussed both in mainstream and independent media at the time. I'm assuming you lot are too young to remember.

American Christian militia do indeed do worse than these protests, they actually murder arbortionists under the slogan 'right to life'. And Monty Python recieved death threats for the excellent 'Life of Brian'.

I'm not left wing, those 'left-right wing' terms refer to the seating arrangements in some French parliament that had no anarchists present.

However, left wing people do not support right-wing arabs. Arab dictators such as Mubarak or Saddam or the various royal inbreds are kept in power by the extreme rightwing of Blair and Bush.

Those are not right wing arabs that you denigrate for their demonstrations. They are ordinary ( often non-arab ) Muslims who see the deliberate blasphemy as a insult too far while their people are being massacred by our troops.

1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.
2. The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting.


demonize jews and christians = free speech, demonize muslims = 'hate speech'

12.02.2006 13:24

Right, We are free to wear a 'Fuck Bush' t-shirt although no longer to piss on koran


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