Reclaime Love...Piccadilly Circus...London...11.2.06
Luke B. | 11.02.2006 19:23 | Culture | London
The Fifth event took place today at the Statue of Eros.
Was a great turnout. Samba band kept the mood lively.
Venus told the croud " They say oil is the rarest thing on earth" " Rubbish it's LOVE thats the rarest thing"
She then instructed the croud to form a circle and join hands to send love out to all beings everywhere.
Many joined the circle including about 100 tourists.
Great Vibe.
After the Circle...There was a Bicycle powered Disco.
LOve to All
Luke B.
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LOVE is the most valuable resource we`ve got
20.02.2006 12:15
itw as a brilliant dauy thanks to the willingness of everyone to share what I feel to be the most valuable resource in the world. I just want to add a wee correction to the article, I said that love was the most valuable resource, more valuable than oil or gas, and not "the rarest". I believe love is everywhere we look if we look hard enough, its just that sometimes people hold back on expressing it or using it. I believe if we did put it into use in every moment with everyone and everything , we could clear up war, hunger and environmental problems as well as finding such a sense of joy, peace, and harmony in each moment. Im working towrads making Reclaim Love a Global event by 2015. Let me know what you can do to help me please.
thanks and much love