Video - london news roundup sat 11th feb
r2r | 12.02.2006 05:56 | Anti-racism | Workers' Movements | London
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Back in the square the overwhelming impression was the apparent uniformity of the rally thanks to a proscription on 'unofficial' placards. I did manage to find a couple, but it was a tiny tiny fraction. Respect and the SWP were also there of course.
Also there was the comedy terrorist who tried out some of his latest gags of the assembled crowds and was quickly removed by police. I thought his performance was pretty funny but I imagine it might have been taken the wrong way and led to a comedy demise for the comedy terrorist.
I then went to Piccadilly to witness an unholy alliance of hippies and tourists holding hands, hugging and dancing around the statue of Eros. The extreme cold seemed to have had a detrimental effect on my camera battery so I didn't film the hippies (it only encourages them and there were plenty of cameras there anyway). I did however catch an encore by the comedy terrorist as he passed by to catch his train.
Later in the evening I blew a load of cash for a good cause (does any good cause justify charging two pounds eighty pence for a bottle of shit beer?). The Red Lion 'pub' in Camberwell was hosting a Bolivian Solidarity gig. Among the acts was Atila The Stockbroker and various bands, however I was only interested in the Bolivian band and the traditional dancing and I managed to eke out a few more minutes of recording by heating up the camcorder battery as best I could by sticking it in my underwear.
My minidisk recorder battery was also playing up but sticking it in my mouth like a thermometer, resurrected it long enough to get an interview with a member of the solidarity campaign. He explained about the delegations going to Bolivia in the next few weeks, The interview will be uploaded tommorow, and hopefully go out on Resonance FM next wednesday with some of the music from the Bolivian band.
So, that's it, another saturday in London.
Addiontion - 3gp version for mobile phones
12.02.2006 11:57
share it with bluetooth
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Ah yes
12.02.2006 11:59
Not a Zionist or an appoligist for Western imperialism, just someone who thinks an Israeli life is equal to a Palestinian life is equal to an American life is equal to an Iraqi life is equal to a human life.
the middle finger
Ah no.
12.02.2006 14:44
Nicely done, we need more of this sort of video reporting
12.02.2006 18:20
Addition: New links to videos
31.12.2009 22:31
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