Statement by the activists of Workers Left Unity Iran
Etehadchap Kargari | 23.02.2006 13:56 | Workers' Movements | London
International anti imperialist, anti war forces
You might be aware that ICFTU &TUAC -OECD has issued a joint call for demonstrations in solidarity with striking Tehran bus drivers on February 15th. However the fact that this call has coincided with recent efforts by the USA and European countries to refer Iran to the Security Council of the United Nations and lingering accusations about the origins of some trade union organizations has created doubts and suspicions amongst anti war, anti capitalist activists regarding intentions behind this call.
Although we anti imperialist, anti war activists who defend the Iranian working class understand such sentiments, as forces totally opposed to sanctions, limited military strikes or war against Iran we feel the need to assert a number of points regarding our country:
The economic policies of Iran's Islamic rulers, in over two and half decades in power have constantly been in pursuit of the interests of world capital. During the rule of successive presidents each with 8 years of government and under deceptive slogans such as 'period of reconstruction’, 'reform' ... the political economy of the Iranian state has been marked by a faithful obedience to neo liberal economic strategy in accordance with the policies of the IMF, the World Bank and in pursuit of a place in the World Trade Organisation, all this within the framework of a plundering corrupt system.
Following the presidency of Khatami, which lasted 8 years, and the abysmal defeat of claims of reform, the country is facing an all-encompassing crisis. Not only promises of improving the living conditions of the majority have failed to materialize, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, unemployment is rising daily, ministries and public sector offices are riddled with corruption, factory closures happen daily, any protest is brutally suppressed, poverty, hunger, prostitution, child labour, homelessness are on the increase. In short social problems have reached a disastrous phase.
In the last three months of 2005 alone, the Iranian press has reported over 2000 workers protests. In most cases the workers were protesting at lack of job security, temporary contracts, factory closures, non payment of wages...To all this one should add the fact that Iranian workers are deprived of the right to strike, the right to set up their independent workers organisations, the right to gather in meetings.
According to the Iranian press the World Bank is predicting that over the next 5 years the rate of unemployment in Iran will increase even further. And given the fact that the current average age in Iran is 12 years old, the rate of unemployment will reach 23 percent by the year 2010. Of course the real unemployment figure is much higher and with the coming to power of a new president, many even in low ranking government posts, university jobs. have been sacked to be replaced by elements loyal to the new administration. All this has created a level of instability.
It is within such an economic political framework that on the 22nd of January 2006, 1200 workers from Vahed Bus Company Tehran were arrested and taken to the notorious Evin prison for going on strike, many workers remain in prison and those who have been released have been told they cannot return to work. 17,000workers in this company have been involved in a long struggle to establish a syndicate independent of the state imposed labour organisations and as a result of these struggles the president of the syndicate and many members of the elected executive board of the workers organisations have been attacked in the past by security forces, by members of the Islamic council and many are currently held in prison .
That is why a united struggle in defense of these arrested workers showing International solidarity with them and calling for their immediate and unconditional release is so important. Of course ICFTU has issued a statement calling for worldwide solidarity with these workers on the 15th of Feb and it is unclear how many trade union activists will support this call and try and raise awareness of such struggles amongst rank and file. workers. However there is no doubt in our mind that today the demands of Iranian workers and those of Vahed Bus workers are gaining some attention and there are expressions of genuine support for Iranian workers. At a time when war mongers are creating a highly tense period any protest gathering outside the Embassies of the Islamic Republic ( places we Iranians consider as dens of spies of the regime ) must take an unequivocal position against the military aggression proposed by the US and the European countries but also in support of workers struggles in Iran .
This is the challenge we face. and that is why we declare: Imposition of sanctions by the United Nations Security Council or any military action however limited will return Iran to the dark period of the reactionary war between Iran Iraq when the state and private sector use the excused of sanctions for unprecedented plunder of workers, accumulating astronomic fortunes while the security forces gained an opportunity to suppress any dissent with the charge of 'treason at a time of war' . (During that war the Iranian regime used the excuse of war for arresting and executing tens of thousands of socialists and communists)
We activists of the anti war, anti capitalist movement , supporters of the working class movement in Iran condemn any military action or economic sanction imposed by the UN and whilst condemning war monger imperialists reaffirm that the destiny of the Iranian working class is inseparable from the interests of their fellow workers in Afghanistan, Iraq or any other country in the periphery. Any support or solidarity with Iranian workers is meaningless unless it is accompanied by condemnation of imperialist policies, attempts by world capitalism to dominate and occupy various countries. Of course, as Iranians we also condemn recent foreign policy gestures of the Iranian regime, which has put our country in such a perilous position.
While welcoming and cooperating with solidarity actions called by International workers organisations and trade unionists we once more reiterate our opposition to sanctions, military strikes... and the 15th of Feb 2006 we will say:
We support the struggles of Tehran Bus Workers, their right to set up independent workers organisations and we call for the immediate and unconditional release of Mansour Ossanlou and all other arrested workers.
We are defenders of class struggle in Iran, we are against war , against the pillage imposed by world capitalism , and we are part of the International movement seeking another world.
Long live the Independent struggles of the Iranian working class
Victory to the struggles of imprisoned workers in Iran
Long Live International solidarity
Workers Left Unity - Iran

Etehadchap Kargari
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the ever changing face of BLACK PROPAGANDA
23.02.2006 16:59
Yes, this article is ANOTHER very nasty attempt to beat the drums for the genocide of Iran. Just like that insistent young man who appreciates that you don't want to change your gas supplier, but still requires your signature "just so that he can prove he visited your address and get paid", a gratuitous anti-Iran article YET AGAIN APPEARS ON INDYMEDIA, and yet swears that it has nothing to do with Blair's coming war against Iran.
Mind you, having seen the wonders that Blair has bought to the ordinary people of Iraq (especially in the last day or so), I can well understand why normal Iranians would be begging for the same treatment.
There are vast numbers of nations on this Earth. There are vast numbers of nations massively worse off than Iran. However, Iran is targetted for destruction, and by one of those incredible co-incidences, the internal situation in Iran turns up again and again and AGAIN on Indymedia. You'd win the national lottery twice in a row on less odds than that.
-"this is not a chain letter..."
-"this is not a pyramid scheme..."
-"this is not the form for changing your gas supplier..."
-"this is not a piece of wicked propaganda working towards the genocide of Iran..."
Some people are fooled by each of these lines, some by none. However, in life, not all mistakes are equal. Before the invasion of Iraq, Blair and Straw SWORE that they were against regime change, but invited the left to listen to the 'honest' complaints of Iraqi opposition forces. Now we know that those opposition groups, to the last man and women, were operations controlled and financed by UK/US/Israeli secret services.
You can all make a very simple choice. Support the people behind this article (or ANY of a similar nature) and you support the immediate and total destruction of Iran, when nuclear weapons will be used to murder millions. The oil fields of Iran will be taken by Blair's forces, acting in the name of the UN, and operated for the 'benefit' of the people of Iran (just as currently happens in Iraq). The official face of this sick corrupt situation (again, as in Iraq) will be that some of those 'Iranians' that worked towards the destruction of their own nation, will form the SOLE group of Iranians that receive the oil-money pay-off.
It may horrify you that people exist that would sell out a whole nation of fellow humans for their own profit. However, if you look at ANY time in history, you will find that such people ALWAYS exist. Anyone who protests outside an Iranian embassy while Blair and Bush remain in power directly acts for Blair and Bush, and thus for the murder of millions of Iranians. Anyone tempted to do so (at this time) should spend a few moments on google, discover the millions of other situations in the world that are far worse, and go protest that cause instead. Just say NO to Blair's genocide of Iran. Just say NO to EVERY form of propaganda designed to facilitate the war.
24.02.2006 00:05