Urban poor give Irish cops a kicking!
Irish anarcho | 27.02.2006 13:54 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
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riot 1
Very Thinly Stretched and Outnumbered by Rioters
The disinfranchised of Dublin used the excuse of a loyalist (Northern Irish Prodestants) march to attack police.
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An anarchist analysis of the Dublin anti-loyalist riot


Irish anarcho
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27.02.2006 15:47
Kinda of a shame
27.02.2006 15:48
but kind of a shame that it was a nationalist riot and not an anti-capitalist antiauthoritarian riot.
The property damage was all kind of mindless, should have just been violence targeted at the marchers and the cops considering the rioting was about stopping the marching (which it did) and not just trashing random cars and stuff.
voice piece
27.02.2006 16:32
fair enough
27.02.2006 20:53
voice piece
Good work?
28.02.2006 11:00
Mindless bankers
28.02.2006 14:24
Obviously Africa hasn't had enough foreign investment yet (there are still resources to be had) so lets send in the bankers for some real mindless violence.
Wheey!!! banks run riot in Africa - wot a change that will be...
It's all very well applauding - there is more to it than a scrap
28.02.2006 23:52
(It's the article entitle Love Ulster).
There is ample information to show that there was more than a little scuffle.
To put it in perspective, O'Connell Street is amongst the Longest Shopping Streets
in Europe. The Rioting took place from the top of O'Connell Street all the way down
to Nassau Street and up to Saint Stephen's Green. So It was hardly a scrap in a
quaint little side road.
(Lovers of Geographies might like to look here)
The Orange Order from Both Dublin and Wicklow had disowned the Organisers of
the march. Why? Apparently because of the organisers being linked to Combat 18, The Ulster Volunteer Force and other "Mainland" Fascist Groups. The Riots, some would suggest, were created and manipulated by a number of not uninterested parties.
Police incompetence might allow such a Person as Frazer to Travel South with the little group of FAIR. Garda Incompetence would be needed to allow a march that had been "cancelled", "disowned" and so on to actually become such a mess. Stupid things such as allowing the march to begin outside the Sinn Fein Offices. Next to a building site.
Not really provocation. And the Riot Lads of the Guards were on hand sharpish.
The truth is not that the Inner City Poor of Dublin gave anybody a great kicking. They were manipulated into demonstrating the raw fury that allows the "GREAT MAN" of history to emerge. The whole charade was made to happen in the same cynical manner as the Riots in Oldham. The cancerous British Fascism is finding roots in the North and spreading filth south. Using Fascist Myths and spectacular deeds to terrify the Irish Government into repression. All the better for a "Free Fair Fascist World" or whatever lie is the latest slogan.
Yes. Multinational Companies were attacked. Probably not because they were Multinationals. Because they were British. Which could be due to Republicanism or cynically encouraged by the visitors from the North. Create a riot. Create a big riot. People will believe it. As Goebbels might have said of Dublin or Oldham.
There are deeply distressing social problems in Dublin. In the Celtic Tiger Economy, the gap between rich and poor is widening. The historical causes of Republicanism and Nationalism are foundering and being hijacked by those with unsavoury agendas. This rioting was not a response but an exploitation of those problems. I am sure black bloc may have seen where their duty lay.
It would help if English Antifascists were to publicise the who's who - and doing what - of British Fascism to the Irish Indymedia community. It seems the idea of internationalism has died amongst socialists, anarchists and the generally civilised and taken root among Fascists. I for one would prefer to avoid repeating history - as I'd be close to the front of the queue for any gas ovens.
Which is all very much an overreaction. But it is realistic to say: this was not a simple riot of the urban poor kicking capitalism. (if ever that were simple).
An Interested Party