TAG submit revised application to double weekend flights at Farnborough
Keith Parkins | 13.03.2006 17:52 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Technology
'Aviation is the most highly polluting transport mode on earth. This includes noise pollution (with associated health costs in lost sleep, damage to children's education etc) and air pollution (including CO2, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide). Claims made by TAG that aviation is of benefit to the economy are extremely questionable.' -- Caroline Lucas MEP
TAG Aviation, made an application October 2005 to double the number of weekend and bank holiday movements at Farnborough Airport, desiring an increase from 2,500 movements per annum to 5,000 movements per annum.
February 2006, TAG Aviation put in a revised application. The revised application seeks err, a doubling of weekend and bank holiday movements.
Nothing has materially changed. The original objections stand.
To accompany their revised application, TAG have attached a number of proposals. These do not in anyway mitigate the doubling of movements, and cannot even be regarded as cosmetic.
If we had decent councillors, they would have been pushing for these changes long ago.
It is easy to see the scenario. The head of planning or other senior officials from the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor have gone to TAG and said we cannot push this through the committee, not with more than 1500 objections. Give us something to placate the committee. Our councillors are a dumb bunch, something to convince them we have got concessions and to enable them to approve your application.
additional movements will be phased in
This would have happened anyway as the projected growth in business at Farnborough Airport.
No mention of what happens when the new limit is reached in 2008.
TAG breached the limit on weight in the Local Plan (up from 50 tonnes to 80 tonnes), because it was in their commercial interest. Are wishing to breach the limit on weekend and bank holiday movements (proposed increase from 2,500 movements per annum to 5,000 movements per annum),because it is in their commercial interest.
It is only a question of of time which limit they will wish to breach next next – the overall annual limit of 28,000 movements, the limits on noise and other pollutants, the limits on weight or the proposed new limit of 5,000 on weekend and bank holiday movements – because it is in their commercial interest.
electrical power to replace noisy diesel power plants
I suggested this to TAG at least two years ago. Yes it would help to improve the operation of Farnborough Airport. It is something TAG should have implemented a long time ago as 'good neighbours', it has nothing to do with this application.
monitoring of movements
TAG are required to do this already under the Section 106 agreement between TAG and Rushmoor.
adherence to flight paths
TAG are already required to do this. Complaints at non-compliance are dismissed as 'authorised non-compliance'.
TAG are putting corporate greed before the wishes of the local community.
The dysfunctional Rushmoor planning department has always put corporate greed before the local community, as we saw with the granting of the original planning consent for an airport at Farnborough, as we have seen with the trashing of Farnborough town centre.
At the November 2005 meeting of the Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee, TAG were given the opportunity to say why they should be granted a doubling of weekend and bank holiday movements. All they could respond with was that they were losing money, that their customers are global corporations who operate 7 days a weeks, and almost as an afterthought, that their Middle East customers work on a Sunday.
TAG say they are losing money. Welcome to the real world. If they are a failing business, that is their problem, not ours. It is not the role of the planning system to bail out failing businesses, to prop up globalisation.
In case TAG have not noticed, Farnborough is not in the Middle East, we like to relax, to enjoy peace and quiet on a Sunday.
That TAG's customers are global corporations, that Farnborough Airport is a key component of globalisation, is in itself sufficient grounds to shut down their operation.
Deadline for objections to this revised application is 17 March 2006.
Objections should be sent to (quoting ref 05/00640/FUL):
Keith Holland
Head of Planning
Farnborough Road
Hants GU14 7JU
Demand that your objections be copied in full to all members of the planning committee, drawing attention to the fact that you consider failure to do so to be a serious breach of the Human Rights Act, the right to a fair hearing.
Also demand that the planning meeting be held in a suitable venue to accommodate all those who will wish to attend.
Those living in neighbouring local authorities, should supply them with a copy of your objections, and ask what are they going to do.
A meeting of the Farnborough Airport Consultive Committee will take place 2pm Thursday 16 March 2006 at BAE Systems HQ alongside the airport. It is important this meeting is well attended.
Keith Parkins, Weekend flights to double at Farnborough Airport?, Indymedia UK, 31 October 2005
Keith Parkins, Weekend flights to double at Farnborough?, Indymedia UK, 8 November 2005
Keith Parkins, communication with Rushmoor Head of Planning Keith Holland, October 2005 - January 2006
Keith Parkins, A laughable claim, Surrey-Hants Star, 10 November 2005
Keith Parkins, FACC - November 2005, Indymedia UK, 18 November 2005
Keith Parkins, TAG's problem - not ours, Farnham Herald, 18 November 2005
Keith Parkins, TAG revised application to double weekend flights, March 2006
Reach for the Sky, Undercurrents, 2005 {available as both book and DVD}
Stop Airport Expansion Edition: The Pod Report 06, The Pod Report, Sunday 4 December 2005
Keith Parkins