Do you find Indymedia Cambridge easy to use?
Cambridge IMC'ista | 20.04.2006 22:46 | Indymedia | Cambridge
We want your feedback so we can improve Indymedia Cambridge. So let us know what tasks you've had trouble with, what features you've found useful but hard to find, what parts of the site you just don't understand. In particular
- Have you tried to publish your news?
- Have you been successful when you tried?
- What have you found confusing in the process?
- Did you know clicking on the title of a feature leads you to the full feature?
Don't think you sound silly admitting you're confused - if you're confused we need to improve our site. We're very used to our site, so what's obvious to us might not be obvious to others - so tell us.
You can let us know by adding a comment to this article, or emailing us at imc-cambridge AT
Cambridge IMC'ista
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photos and rescaling
22.04.2006 19:59
NH Savage
23.04.2006 03:27
I know you know this and are looking at it - cool - it does need to be a priority.
Not *just* the scaling side of things though... also how would someone upload a poster or leaflet and not have it become enormous? a way of doing that would be very useful.
jim jay
ooo i just had a thought
30.04.2006 16:27
ji jay
for irish interests cambridge
21.07.2006 14:37
many thanks
Chris McCabe