Leeds No Borders announces its plans for Refugee Week
Leeds No Borders | 03.06.2006 23:33 | Refugee Week 2006 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | Sheffield
3 June 2006
//Lets Put Asylum Shame at Heart of Refugee Week//
Once a year, for one week, we are officially allowed to celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and promote understanding about the reasons why people seek sanctuary here. This year, Refugee Week falls on 19-25 June. But during these special 7 days of educational and cultural events how much will we truly learn about Britain's inhumane system of asylum and immigration and its shocking treatment of those seeking refuge from persecution?
Leeds No Borders is calling on all asylum seekers, refugees and their supporters in the UK to make this year's Refugee Week a truly educational one for the general public and a very memorable one for the state bodies and global companies that run Britain's asylum shame. We want to put the horrors and injustices of this country's asylum system on show for everyone to see.
//Asylum seekers are welcome here//
We support the call of* Tyneside Community Action for Refugees for a national day of action against Reporting Centres on Thursday 22 June, and are *organising 3 days of actions and events, 22-24 June, to mark this national action and Refugee Week:
Thurs 22nd June - 10am-4pm
'Asylum seekers welcome here': Protest against Reporting Centre; Welcome Ceremony for Asylum Seekers
@ Waterside Reporting Centre, Waterside Court, Kirkstall Road, LS4 2QB
We are holding an all day demonstration of our opposition to the miserable Reporting Centre System and our unconditional welcome to and solidarity with asylum seekers in Britain. There will be music (sound system and samba invited), free food, a free shop, a bit of street theatre, an info point with leaflets, petitions, pamphlets etc, big banners, lots of people and the odd surprise. Let's make this a regional event - Yorkshire, we want to see you here.
Transport: Regular buses make the 5 minute journey from town centre including. no. 36 and 757; Waterside is just past Netto and before the `Hand car Wash' centre.
Friday 23rd June – 6pm - till late
No Borders Benefit Night @ the Commonplace social centre, 23-25 Wharf Street
World music, world film, world food - features world premiere of 'Fears and Tears', a new film by a Zimbabwean asylum seeker about his fellow Zimbabweans' experiences in the UK.
Monies raised will go to asylum campaigns and appeals in Leeds. SPECIAL FOOD APPEAL: Bring tins of food to be distributed to destitute asylum seekers.
Map of Commonplace (

Saturday 24th- 12pm-3pm
'Reclaim the City from Asylum Hate': Mass leafleting of Leeds City Centre about the truth of asylum in the UK
Meet outside Bodyshop, Briggate.
We will descend into Leeds's busiest shopping street and hand out factual leaflets about asylum in this country. We hope to have a sound system.
Leeds No Borders
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Leeds No Borders