Pictures from August 5th demo (part 1)
Camera Boy | 08.08.2006 01:59 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge | London
More to follow Soon...
I won't do any of that, instead, I'll just say that all you need to know is that people turned up.
Many, many people turned up.
And the reason why they turned up is really quite simple.
Because despite what the media and politicians might lead you to believe, the majority of human beings on this planet do not like war.
The majority of human beings, even though at times they may find themselves getting angry with their fellow humans for whatever reason, still do not resort to war, resort to killing their fellow human beings to make their point.
And even when pushed to do this, they still do not like doing it, because they find themselves somehow LESS human by being involved in the the act of taking the life of another human being.
This is why most human beings do not like war.
This is all you need to know.
The pictures I've taken can tell the rest of the story of that day, of how many, many people came together on the streets of London from many different backgrounds to simply say they do not like war, whoever happens to be doing it.
There is an old saying:
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
Our Zionist friends would do well to remember this.
Camera Boy
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