Resistance (Anarchist bulletin) - two issues for September 2006
Resistance editors | 17.09.2006 19:07 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
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CONTENTS of Resistance 87:

* GET 'EM WHILE THEY'RE YOUNG - Fingerprinting children is on the rise.
* LABOUR'S NANNY STATE - Government plans to screen for bad behaviour before birth!
* ON THE FRONTLINE - our regular workplace column looks at current industrial action in NHS, Fire service, Post Office & Driving schools.
* CORPORATE CARVE-UP - Western companies make millions out of Iraqi misery.
* SONIC WARFARE AGAINST YOUTH - The 'mosquito' device, designed to drive you out of shopping centres if you have young ears.
* ANARCHISM MEANS CHAOS, RIGHT? - Actually it's the opposite.
* SHOT AT DAWN - ARMY DESERTION ON THE RISE - soldiers refuse to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.
* DON'T DRINK AT STARBUCKS - why not try your local anarchist social centre instead.
* INSIDE INFORMATION - Resistance highlights a prisoner who needs support in Poznan, Poland.
* SUBVERT - UK diary dates for this month.
Contents of Special issue:

* THE MIDDLE EAST – an anarchist response to war
* DRAX, LIES AND VIDEOTAPE – report from the climate camp
* ASYLUM-SEEKER VOICES MUST BE HEARD – organising against increased harassment
* STEALING OUR FREEDOM AND IDENTITY – Conservative & Labour both support ID schemes
* NORTHERN RESISTANCE: ROUND-UP – Democracy? (what Democracy)
Resistance editors