Gay-Glos Comes Out
Fyne Times | 07.10.2006 17:22 | Gender | Social Struggles
Guests at the Guildhall heard from staff and volunteers with the organisation and from some of the partner agencies with whom they work. Patron, Sir Ian McKellan, was unable to be presetn but sent the group his warmest wishes for the future: "I just wanted to send my congratulations and birthday greetings to all of you who are involved with GAY-GLOS. Over the last 16 years of supporting people in Gloucestershire who needed your specialised help, much has changed in the United Kingdom. Old cruel laws have dropped like over-ripe fruit and new better ones have replaced them. But old attitudes die harder and prejudice has to be deal with in the playground, at work, at church, in the street and media, everwhere where people are trapped in suspicion and ignorance of gay people. So keep up the good and necessary work".
GAY-GLOS Helpline: 01452 306 800 Mon day to Friday 7:30pm to 10:00pm.
Fyne Times