Report to UN Disability Convention on use of ASBO's/Injunctions against Disabled
Colin Revell | 13.10.2006 15:18 | Education | Repression | Social Struggles | World
In my voluntary work within the UN Disability Convention I have brought this to the attention (again) of the UN Convention and you can read my emailed report that I have sent today to some of my colleagues and peers within the UN Disability Convention and Disabled People's Movement and also Anne McGuire, Minister for Disabled People
To Dr Richard Light, Dr Linda Misek-Falkoff, Adrian Whyatt, UN Disability
Convention and HHJ Grenfell et al...
***Report to UN Disability Convention on use of ASBO's/Injunctions against
*** Can Adrian Whyatt, and/or Jo Todd, DRC's Autism and Neurodiversity
Action Group please forward a copy of this emailed report onto Bert Massie
and Bob Niven on my behalf.
*** Can Rachel Hurst, DAA forward a copy of this email report to Dr Richard
***Anyone else has also got my full permission to share this emailed report
with others within your networks
As a pro-active 'user-led' Autistic/Neurodiversity member and voluntary advisor,(peer) advoacte, educator, activist (campaigner) and researcher and modertaor within the UN Disability Convention where I have brought this issue up on 'unlawfu'l use of using ASBO's and Injunctions against all disabled people to some of my peers and colleagues within the local, national and international disabled peoples', mental health survivors, independent and inclusive living movements.
I brought this matter up to Dr Richard Light, UK Delegation to the UN Ad Hoc
Committee on a Draft Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on
the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with
Disabilities ( See link to Presentation at the House of Commons, by Dr
Richard Light on 'Asbo's on Disabled people' - 30/6/05:-

Awareness in Action, Dr Linda Misek-Falkoff and Adrian Whyatt and others
within the UN Disability Convention.
I myself have brough this issue up with Anne Mcguire, MP, Minister for
Disabled People and other MP's and Officers within the DRC and I was duly
informed that the UK Government would be taken urgent action on this matter.
This is not happening has my own personal experiences and research and that
of others is clearly highlighting.
I need again to inform Dr Richard Light, Dr Linda Misek-Flakoff and others
that the 'unlawful' use and 'victimisation' and 'criminalisation' of disabled children and adults, in using (and threats) of ASBO's and Injunctions, especially those experiencing living with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Neurodiversity and Mental illl Health/Distress is 'disportionately' of basic human rights and civil liberities in still happening on a daily basis as continually reported by Asbo Concern,Disability Rights Commission, Liberty, National Autistic Society, British
Council of Disabled People, MIND and many others Charities and Organisations, including user-led 'run-and-controlled' disabled people's organisations and within the 'media' too.
As many of you are well informed of my own experiences and embattlement here
in the East Riding Of Yorkshire that within my own personal life around my
lack of health, housing and social care and support as an Autistci/Neurodiverse adult and within my local, national and international basic human rights and civil liberities voluntary work which I continually am being 'victimised' and 'threatened' and continually experiencing 'incitement-of-hatred' and 'disabilist' attitudes, behaviour and comments as a Autistic/Neurodiverse disabled professional person, as many of you are well informed of my case.
Mr Adrian Whyatt and others have witnessed this contined 'Abuse' towards me
that has been going on for years now, especially by East Riding of Yorkshire
Council with Humberside Police and Independent Police Complaints Commission
and Adrian was actually threatened himself when he supported me as a
'peer-advocate' when he came to Beverley to offer support on these matters
last year.
I am now again reporting all this back to Dr Richard Light, Dr Linda Misek-Falkoff and others with the UN Disabilty Convention.
I will ask for these matters to be addressed urgently with the UK Government
as a matter of urgency, especially under the ECHR, HRA 1998, DDA 1995, DEA
2006, Amsterdam Treaty, Paris Principles, EU Charter for the Rights of People with Autism (Neurodiversity) and UN Disability Treaty.
I have reported this matter ( and also my own personal case) also to Anne McGuire, Minister for Disabled People and also Bob Niven, CEO and Bert Massie, Disability Rights Commission.
Yours Sincerely
Colin Revell, BA Social Sciences, Dip Community and Youth Work, NEBSM
Colin Revell