Mooreen - Sheffield Social Centre
burntout | 16.11.2006 11:40 | Free Spaces | Sheffield
Mooreen will be a temporary, autonomous, not for profit social centre located in the heart of Sheffield in reclaimed space which owing to city centre regeneration had been left empty, unused and unloved . . . until now.
For two weeks we aim to fill the space with life, love and creativity.
This grassroots project will be self-organised space, run by collective decision making, mutual aid and co-operation, and free from discrimination against any individual on the grounds of gender, race, age, sexuality, or disability. Mooreen will be a place where we can socialize, express our creativity, learn from each other and share ideas and experiences.
So this is your chance to put on that gig, show that film, run that workshop, stop that war, prevent that ecological disaster, undermine that oppressive economic system or just to create the world you'd like to see.
If you would like to join in or propose an event, come to a meeting:
next one: Rutland Arms, Wed Nov 22 (upstairs)
info line: 07989874965

No Sweat Day At Mooreen
26.11.2006 22:49
During the day there will hopefully be a film showing of 'China Blue' to look at the increasing problems of the growing low payed work force in China, particularly that of the garment industry, and their problems in unionising. This will include a lunch and informal discussion about the issues raised. We will also have informations available about the Clean Clothes Campaign's work against Asda/WalMart.
In the evening there will be a social to include several live bands, dj'ing and a generally good time.
More details soon on the mooreen website or by emailing us.