Melbourne Australia G20 Photos
glenn | 18.11.2006 08:13 | G20 London Summit | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Free Spaces | World
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence
The G20 is Coming to Town!

What exactly is the G20? Why should we stop it?

Christian pacifists demand tickets to G20

Calling all audio kids: G20 Open Source Soundclash

Decent Employment Without Exploitation Will Help Make Poverty History: G20

Resistance is Fertile

Sedition Charter stands defiant outside Hyatt (G20 plunder party ghq)

John Howard misleads Australians about base-load solar power
UNITE slams G20

Become the Media at G20

Call all for G20 band practice

updates to

G20 - "I Can't Believe it"

One hundred thousand protestors to riot in Melbourne!

Barriers to G20 ...

Breakdown posters #2

G20 Actions, Friday Morning

Online Protest - Disrupt the G20 from your PC

Radical Cheerleaders G20 Melbourne

from g20 today

Photos: Christian G20 Vigil and G20 arrivals

Office Occupation at Oricas Head Office in Melbourne

G20 Meditation/Prayer Vigil

Police evict aspaceoutside and the wake

g20 vigil busted and moved

Christian protestors moved by police

G20 Photos

bring out your banners

running battle in Collins St
