Sid Williamson follows Ebanks by getting booted out of the BNP
Lancaster UAF | 08.12.2006 00:38 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles
This snippet comes from the BNP Organiser's Bulletin for December 2006, which is also circulated to Fundholders (treasurers to you and me), contacts and party councillors plus the bizarrely named Circle Heads, which might mean saints but I doubt it.
'Probationary member Sid Williamson (Brighton) has had his membership terminated on account of his having posted a rabidly anti-Irish rant on an internet forum. Such divisive bigotry has no place in the BNP, which both includes many officials, activists and members of Irish descent, and draws very considerable electoral support from Irish communities up and down the country. Again, we hope that others take note of the fact that actions which damage the party will not be tolerated.'
His anti-Irish rant over at VNN was this little gem: 'Especialy those pig thick fuckin Oirish bastards, talk about stupid, they starved coz there was no spuds! Closest thing in the white world to a nigger is a spud munching thick fucking Paddy.'
Curiously, the BNP were quite happy to ignore all the other offensive rubbish Williamson posted (and has been posting for years) over at the VNN forum, and the sprinkling of swastikas and white-power symbols that litter it, but they draw the line at insulting the Irish. Perhaps it's because, as they say in the bulletin, the BNP 'draws very considerable electoral support from Irish communities', though we doubt the truth of that. Rather, we believe that the BNP has realised what a complete liability Sid Williamson is to any political grouping, fascist or not.
That the BNP would have nazi scum like Williamson in the party under any circumstances is damning enough in itself, but the fact that they've dumped him for posting something not very much different from any other filth he's posted on VNN gives the lie to their stated reason. The statement 'Such divisive bigotry has no place in the BNP...' is just laughable - the BNP is all about divisive bigotry. This nazi buffoon fits right in.
Lancaster UAF
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