SPEAK Dec 19th court case Postponed
X | 18.12.2006 13:24 | Animal Liberation | Repression | Oxford
Oxford University solicitors had desperately tried to block an adjournment, as they had hoped to put SPEAK at a disadvantage. SPEAK had argued that we have a right to be legally represented in the High Court, especially as Robert Cogswell and Mel Broughton were facing imprisonment.
Oxford University must now be reeling from the news that their attempt at running rough shod over the democratic process has failed so miserably. The hearing will now be re-scheduled probably for sometime early on in the New Year, and SPEAK will keep our supporters updated as to any new dates for the hearing.
SPEAK would like to apologise for the short notice of this announcement, but it was something that was out of our control. However, we must look on this adjournment as a positive development. For too long now Oxford University have been allowed to stamp on our democratic rights. It is hoped that today’s adjournment will mark a turning point in SPEAK's attempts at being allowed to fight on a level playing field when it comes to our civil liberties and our freedoms to speak out.
One thing is for sure: Oxford University have a fight on their hands if they believe they can imprison people just because they might not like what we have to say. The only thing that Oxford University have been able to achieve by their disgraceful behaviour is to illustrate to the world the true nature of the university.
Oxford University can rest assured that in 2007 SPEAK will be even more determined to expose the true nature of animal abuse inside the university's laboratories and SPEAK will be around until we finally consign the barbaric practice of vivisection to the history books were it truly belongs.
Thank you for all the hundreds of messages of support that the campaign has received recently. At SPEAK we very much hope that you will continue to support us. The battle is far from over. Oxford University will no doubt try more dirty tricks, but we are ready and we are waiting.
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