Freedom fight for justice, truth, and human rights:
Freedomguy | 03.02.2007 11:25 | Oaxaca Uprising | Repression | World
who are the targets of state sponsored human rights abuse:
Please write to the Mexican embassy in London:
Please write your own words but here is a draft taken from a postcard related to the freedom fight for the
oppressed peoples of that nation:
As it states on said postcard;
Dear Ambassador of Mexico,
How can you justify ignoring the urgent calls from
international human rights organisations while the violence perpetrated by the state over the people of Oaxaca, Chiapas and the rest of Mexico continues?
How can you justify the concerted violations of human rights through torture, abitrary arrests, rape, and kidnapping?
I hereby demand from you, in your position as Ambassador of Mexico, to take all necessary steps so that all international human rights violations stop immediately and are not repeated in future.
the address to write to is:
Juan Jose (accent over the e but this is for your info only!) Brmer de Martino
16 St. George Street
Hanover Sq.
Please show him that you support the Mexican human rights, that is how we can protect everyones rights.
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