Lancaster UAF move house
JohnC | 03.02.2007 22:43 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles | Liverpool
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All at Lancaster UAF
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UAF and Labour party money
04.02.2007 13:34
Does any of that money end up in the UAF's leaderships back pocket?
Pets to be patted
04.02.2007 23:47
Jimmy Jones
haha,shut up
05.02.2007 01:37
Or maybe Prince Charles "earth loving environmental advisor"& BNP member has been geting him some more sponsorship, nod, nod, wink, wink, brown envelopes in offshore accounts, old chap.
God save the Queen & sectarian divide & rule in N.Ireland & Iraq
Antifascism in this country has been supported by the working classes & fascists have always been sustained by elites, recently support outright fascism is less tolerated openly.
Labour money to UAF is a pittance to keep grassroots acvtivists happy, in truth the corporate government waste billions monitoring & locking up anti fascist, anti corporate activists whilst whipping up racism for oil wars & slapping fascist nobs like Griffin with minor convictions
Adolf Hitler gave hope to most of the upper classes who want to hold onto corrupt power, now go back to Mordor & be good little servants
troll basher
07.02.2007 01:58
From ANL to UAF, and still not popular.
Can't even get muslims to support you.